07/23/17 10:43AM
hypnosis orgasm videos
I am all about the hypno orgasm videos. anyone have any recommendations?

here are a few freebies that I love

"Vampire Mind Control on 4 hypnotized girls leaves them writhing in hypno ecstasy. " youtube video, staged, but very sexy. girls in their underwear, writhing on the ground while sexy vampire lesbian puts the mind meld on them on by one. lots of squirming and writhing on the ground. be warned, a little blood and some lesbian kissing in this one...

Hypnogirls - old site, now defunct but the clips are all over the internet now, you can probably do a pornhub search on hypnogirls and find much of the stuff from the site. It was a hypnotist doing his magic on porn stars in a hotel room. Lots of orgasms, 10,000 tongues, orgasm ray gun stuff.

College Hypnotist BLAZE "BAMS!" FSU Frat Show! - Blaze was this amazing hypnotist who used to do college shows. his specialty was the 'BAM' routine, where he would hypnotize girls into having crippling orgasms whenever he said BAM. he would do all the girls at once, and the videos would typically end with a dozen or so girls squirming on the ground for two minutes straight. he did a few strip club ones on his website but i think thats shut down too. he hasnt posted anything up in 9 years, though, but hes got some gems on his youtube site,... here is one.

tantric orgasm compilation... i'm sure the people doing this would insist this isnt hypnosis, but i'm not so sure. anyway, guys working their tantric invisible energy rays on girls squirming on tables. this stuff is all over youtube, but here's a compilation someone put together.

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