07/24/17 02:20AM
granblue fantasy tips/discussion
I've been wanting to make this thread for a while but waited until I finally hit a wall to do so. as the title says, this is a place for any players for gbf to ask any tips/discuss any topics relating to said game.

I've been playing granblue fantasy for a few months now and I've finally reached the point in the story where you actually need to start paying attention to what you equip in your weapon/summon grids (chapter 52 to be specific). Right now, I have enough in terms of characters to make a team for each element but my summon and weapon grids are pretty abysmal.

The weapon grid in particular is what's confusing me the most. While the wiki has given me some idea as to what to shoot for, I want to ask two questions.
1) does element matter more than rarity? Until now, I've been laboring under the assumption that SSR's have better stat growths over all than weapons of lower rarity and have just been sticking what SSR weapons I could gather on my grid and only paid attention to elements for characters and summons. I'm beginning to think that was not a good idea.

2) Aside from your main weapons, do the weapons in the other 9 slots affect anything at all besides damage?

any help at all would be appreciated. Thanks!
07/24/17 02:30AM
Mobile "games" are trash.
07/24/17 04:05AM
I have no idea. It looks like it could be fun, might give this game a whirl - when it's not 2am :p
07/24/17 05:50AM
1- The skills and elements attached to the weapons are technically more important than the rarity. So a SR with a damage boosting skill is better than a SSR with a HP boosting skill until you can replace it. It's also best for your weapons to mostly favor the passive of your main summon. So if you have the tiamat omega summon as your main, you'll want the tiamat SSR weapons that boost damage (gun/fist) to make up around 7 or 8/10 of your wind grid. The other 2 or 3 slots would be for damage boosting modifiers (non-tiamat wind weapons/bahamut weapon/etc).

2- the other 9 weapons skills (except for unique skills denote with a star icon) and stats are counted for your damage. The main weapon only effects what classes you can use with it, unique skills, and the charge attack associated with it.
07/24/17 06:19AM
Muddle said:
1- The skills and elements attached to the weapons are technically more important than the rarity. So a SR with a damage boosting skill is better than a SSR with a HP boosting skill until you can replace it. It's also best for your weapons to mostly favor the passive of your main summon. So if you have the tiamat omega summon as your main, you'll want the tiamat SSR weapons that boost damage (gun/fist) to make up around 7 or 8/10 of your wind grid. The other 2 or 3 slots would be for damage boosting modifiers (non-tiamat wind weapons/bahamut weapon/etc).

2- the other 9 weapons skills (except for unique skills denote with a star icon) and stats are counted for your damage. The main weapon only effects what classes you can use with it, unique skills, and the charge attack associated with it.

I see, so I just need to start paying more attention to the skills. I'm not looking forward to the grind but at least I'll have a clearer picture going forward. thank you!
07/24/17 06:49AM
Sol420 said:
I'm not looking forward to the grind but at least I'll have a clearer picture going forward. thank you!

Then you might want to get out while you still can. These kind of games are nothing but grinding as far as gameplay is concerned.
11/01/17 05:30AM
so, I tried to purchase moba/granblue coins a few minutes ago, but my wifi decided it was a perfect time to disconnect and cut off my internet access. I reset my connection and manage to log back in but I didn't get the coins i purchased. everything else registered the purchase but the game didn't add anything to my account. Additionally, I also tried to see if I could reclaim it through the pay screen but when I clicked on the package I purchased (the $25 one), it said I already owned the item and couldn't go any further.

DId anyone else have this problem? if so, is there a way to get the coins or get a refund? or did the game just eat $25 off of me?
11/01/17 05:40AM
I would recommend you contact there online support at that point and see if they can help.
11/01/17 05:43AM
Argonis said:
I would recommend you contact there online support at that point and see if they can help.

I did consider that, but granblue was never officially released stateside, they just had an english option so I don't even know if they have anyone who can speak english
11/01/17 07:52AM
Sol420 said:
I did consider that, but granblue was never officially released stateside, they just had an english option so I don't even know if they have anyone who can speak english

Well if it had an english speaking option then they must have been expecting english speaking folks to play it.
never hurts to try.
11/01/17 09:11AM
Argonis said:
Well if it had an english speaking option then they must have been expecting english speaking folks to play it.
never hurts to try.

From what I can tell from just a quick google-research session is that... it's complicated. Now most of the stuff I found is from around 9 months to a year old so take it with a grain of salt. (I tried to find more recent stuff but couldn't, sorry). The game does not have an english support. There is no english support ticket or anything. It also depends on what the problem is. They won't deal with coins with tickets. You'll have to send an ingame message to them. There is a contact button in the technical issues tab. Problem is, it's in Japanese at this point....

From some of the posts I've read, it seems that sometimes it worked for -people using google translate, while others paid for someone else to translate the message for them.

I'll see if anything else pops up, as I said previously, this could be old info.

Also, people have reported problems while using programs like bluestacks or Qooapp to download the game so that could be it as well.

Hope it works out for you.

*Personally, I tried this game out a while ago, and never really got the hang of it. F/GO was my first of these gacha games, and it was hard for me to like Granblue after playing F/GO.
07/21/18 10:10PM
This is something that's been nagging at me but why exactly do all the archangels in gbf refer to you as "singularity?"

I thought it would be discussed in the main story at some point but I'm already well into the second arc at chapter 89 and so far, nothing about them has come up. Am I just not far enough in the story or is there an event I missed aside from the "What make the sky Blue" series?
07/22/18 04:04AM
Sol420 said:
This is something that's been nagging at me but why exactly do all the archangels in gbf refer to you as "singularity?"

I thought it would be discussed in the main story at some point but I'm already well into the second arc at chapter 89 and so far, nothing about them has come up. Am I just not far enough in the story or is there an event I missed aside from the "What make the sky Blue" series?

I don't think you're missing anything. I think the writers are leaving that as a mystery to be explored at a later time (likely during the Anniversary events/"What makes the sky blue" series). Currently the main story arcs are more focused on the skydoms each explores. The 3rd story arc will be added later this year, so maybe we'll get more info then.

Edit: The start of the 3rd story arc was just added. "Singularity" is mentioned, so it looks like this story arc will provide more information.

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