07/25/17 06:11AM
Interest Check for Samus commission
Hey, so, a while ago I was reading some comments on some Samus hypno art talking about how when you brainwash Samus into your sex slave, you absolutely MUST include an at least partial off switch so that she can save the galaxy when it gets into trouble for the eighty-ninth time, even if she does it under her master's orders. The idea of this "off" switch actually gave me an interesting idea for a mind control story for Samus, and I was wondering if anybody here would be interested in me commissioning it. The basic premise is that Samus, having consented to becoming a sleeper agent to assassinate a dangerous ally to the space pirates, is about to be willingly brainwashed by federation forces into being a sex slave. This will mostly be about the actual brainwashing process, but might have a single picture of her being auctioned off if it's popular enough of an idea. Let me know if you want to see this! I've enclosed a sample of the dialogue below:


Samus: Samus Aran, bounty hunter log, entry #1957. This will be my final entry for the foreseeable future, and it shall double as my documentation of consent. I, Samus Aran, being of sound mind and body, have volunteered to participate in Operation: Undercollar. And to demonstrate that I have not been misled about what this mission entails, I shall briefly summarize: Federation intelligence has recently uncovered the location of Hannibal Sycorax, an extremely dangerous hacker regularly contracted by space pirates, and responsible for undermining the security and defense systems of countless ships and space colonies to facilitate brutal invasions and raids. He is currently hiding out on Korbus-9, a pleasure planet beyond Federation territory where gambling, bloodsport, innumerable dangerous narcotic substances and sexual slavery are all legal. The aim of Operation: Undercollar is to have him assassinated to ensure he cannot facilitate the destruction of another colony. As all intelligence indicates his security is near-impenetrable and he only ever allows himself to be alone when he is with his pleasure slaves, I will infiltrate his home by posing as one. To ensure my cover is not blown, I will be undergoing cybernetic mental reconditioning to be turned into a sleeper agent, my real personality to lie dormant until he lets down his guard around me. I hereby consent to this procedure, in full knowledge of the fact that my false identity will require extensive further training to ensure that I meet Hannibal Sycorax’s very strict standards.

Galatea: …

Samus: …Anything else?

Galatea: No, that was more than enough. Ms. Aran, before we begin, I’d just like to thank you. Words cannot express how grateful I am that you volunteered, and I only wish we had a more dignified part for you to play.

Samus: Don’t worry. I know exactly how dangerous this man is. If this is what it takes to take him out before he strikes again, then so be it. …I take it the men who just entered are going to be my trainers?

Galatea: …Yes. While I obviously cannot promise that you’ll be treated with total dignity, I will promise that we will do our best to not go overboard with-

Samus: I’m not going to remember any of this, correct?

Galatea: …Not one thing from the moment we start to the moment your brain is re-engaged for the assassination.

Samus: And they’ve been sworn to secrecy, correct?

Galatea: Total secrecy. What happens on this ship will stay on this ship.

Samus: Then I don’t need any other promises. These men have my consent to do whatever they feel will make me more marketable. I don’t need promises of restraint, I need Hannibal Sycorax to buy me. So by all means, go crazy.

Galatea: …Very well. And at the risk of sounding incredibly creepy given what’s about to happen, I’d just like to say it’s an honor to be working with you.

Samus: Likewise.
07/25/17 07:27AM
Well as one of the likely inspiration sources for the idea, you can put me down as in support and willing to write on the subject.
07/26/17 02:11AM
This feels a bit like the plot to Armored Knight Iris (the LilithSoft game and hentai OVA), except that Samus is doing it willingly to go undercover instead of being captured.

Should have the crime boss be Jabba-esque, tentacle monster of some kind.
07/26/17 02:56AM
Yes, can I please have some more?
07/26/17 09:58PM
Alright, looks like there's decent interest. Just to clarify, this is going to be 5, 6 images at most, limited to just showing Samus against a fixed background to save money, with a possible later image of her being auctioned off in full sex slave mode in whatever outfit (or lack thereof) I decide works best. If she wears anything at all as a slave though, it's gotta be something that's going to show off the barcode tattoo she's going to have just above her pussy.

I've got three main ideas for how to proceed with the process. In all three cases what happens is a nanite injection builds a fake brain directly interfacing with her real one, causing the real Samus's mind and memories to temporarily fuse with the fake sex slave personality until they can get her thinking about nothing but sex so the fake brain can lock her train of thought inside of it. But I have three ideas for what this manifests as:

1: It obliterates her sex taboo and causes her to think it would be fun to put on a strip show for her soon-to-be trainers before getting so horny she masturbates herself into unconsciousness.

2: It causes her to become more meek and submissive, and Galatea starts bossing her around and ordering her to get naked, finishing up with ordering her to get on her knees and masturbate in front of all of them.

3: Similar to 2, but with a greater focus on the fact that she gets turned on like crazy when she's bossed around, and Galatea gaslights and teases her by insisting this was always a part of her personality, and that the only reason she followed all of Adam's ridiculous orders in Other M was because she got off on them, and she orders Samus to get naked and masturbate in front of them because Galatea insists that Samus has always fantasized about being ordered to do that.

3 is my personal favorite, but I have a lingering suspicion that it would rub Samus fans the wrong way. Lemme know what you think, or if you have a different suggestion than any of those three.
07/27/17 12:53AM
This sounds really good... Like super really good. As for the three options, it's a very tough choice, but I'd say 3 is the best, followed by 2, and then 1.
07/27/17 01:58AM
Can confirm that 3 would indeed rub the wrong way since Other M really doesn't need to be brought up. Seems an unnecessarily mean spirited thing for Galatea to do given the concept of the story (unless she's planning to betray Samus). Plotwise, 2 would be best given that the intention is to pose as a slave and submissiveness would be ideal for that.
07/27/17 02:28AM
Obscenario said:
Can confirm that 3 would indeed rub the wrong way since Other M really doesn't need to be brought up. Seems an unnecessarily mean spirited thing for Galatea to do given the concept of the story (unless she's planning to betray Samus). Plotwise, 2 would be best given that the intention is to pose as a slave and submissiveness would be ideal for that.

Yeah that struck me as an issue too, but the idea is more that she's taking Samus off guard and out of her comfort zone to better facilitate the false-personality consciousness lockout. Also as terrible as that game was, taking what happened there to some kind of sexual submission angle has fascinated me for a while now.

Also, keep in mind, no matter what happens here, Samus is not going to be treated with dignity. That's kind of impossible in this situation and any attempt to try would probably make it less fun, hence Samus's "Go nuts if it won't come back to haunt me" attitude. There's going to be dirty talk from Galatea no matter what, but once Samus is unconsious I think she's going to give a kind of cautionary speech to her coworkers making sure they understand that she's a goddamned hero and whatever happens here, she doesn't remotely deserve to have it impact her reputation.

EDIT: OR... OR, and here's an idea, I could do the whole "Samus gets off on being told what to do" thing but phrase Galatea's dirty talk to, rather than mentioning Adam by name, encourage her to picture something similar to the setting of Other M as if it's something she's never done before, implying that the entirety of Other M might in fact have been nothing more than a masochistic mind trip brought on by the sleeper agent process and never actually happened. Just a thought. I could do this if 3 proves to be too much of an issue, but frankly I think the dirty talk I have planned for 3 is better than what I could do for this.
07/27/17 06:24AM
Hawkeye said:

Oh don't worry about me; it's your commission, and I care too much about things 98% of people won't. I was going to offer to write a companion fic to go with the images, and am simply not a fan of Other M's portrayals. Seems you've got that under control, though. If you want 3, do 3.
07/27/17 06:37AM
One hits my sensibilities the most, if I maybe honest. But it's your work, so don't let me be too much of an influence on what you want.
07/27/17 11:11PM
Would love to draw this!
07/27/17 11:29PM
Neo-Izayoi said:
Would love to draw this!

Nice! I actually just checked your art style and it seems like it might be a good candidate. But just wondering, do you do backgrounds? I didn't see that listed on the price sheet or scanning through the stuff you've got on the hub. I don't need a majorly complicated one, but I don't think it would feel right against a solid white background.
07/27/17 11:38PM
Hawkeye said:
Nice! I actually just checked your art style and it seems like it might be a good candidate. But just wondering, do you do backgrounds? I didn't see that listed on the price sheet or scanning through the stuff you've got on the hub. I don't need a majorly complicated one, but I don't think it would feel right against a solid white background.

I do, but it takes me a while since i use alot of reference for backgrounds. (Still learning as i go!)
07/28/17 08:29PM
I think option 2 sounds cool. Submissive Samus sounds pretty hot.
07/30/17 07:27PM
Alright, I wound up going with none of the above. I tried to do #3 with some elements of #4 but it wound up not being as good as I had hoped. I liked some of the bits of it, but I didn't like how it was difficult to re-incorporate the ending after Galatea's monologue and how it was counterproductive to getting Samus's mind off of who she was.

So I wound up just kinda winging it and going SORT OF with #2 but with a bigger influence on how she's becoming a horny, submissive masochist who's going to aggressively enjoy what happens to her.

Anyway, first draft is done enough that I'm ready to commission the pictures while making minor edits, so hopefully you'll see this on the hub sometime soon!
1 2>>>

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