07/25/17 09:51PM
Anyone Ever Consider Doing Grimm stuff?
By which I mean, the Zenescope comics, not the TV show (but that could be cool too.)

Anyway, after looking for tags as well as topics in the forum, there wasn't anything. I just recently discovered this title and am really into it. With stuff like their Swimsuit and Cosplay runs it feels like a lot of the characters would be ripe for mc'ing from talented artists here. If I was in any way talented I'd try it myself. I don't know. This isn't really a request since I probably couldn't afford it, just sort of wondering if any artists also read the comic and have considered it.

Sigh. I just really want to see Liesel Van Helsing work up a cool steampunk device to dominate some of the other ladies. Or one of the witches do the same, through witchy stuff.

I hope throwing this out there isn't out of line or something.

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