07/27/17 05:32PM
Phone number required for Discord chat?
Am I mistaking or is it actually true that Discord requires a phone number so I can participate in the hypnohub text chat? Isn't that a bit too nosy for a fetish community?
07/27/17 06:08PM
The server it's self does not see your phone number, only discord as a whole separate thing. As for why it is required, it's a good way to stop raids or abusers. I actually had a raid in my server not too long ago. Didn't last very long because I was online at the time and banned them all but it was 6 people rapidly copy/pasting spam into the main chatroom with @everybody tags. Requiring phone number verification means that trolls can't just infinitely make new accounts to keep going, or abusive tists can't just change their name and come right back if they are banned.
07/27/17 11:56PM
I wanted to join but i didn't want to give out my number.
07/28/17 12:14AM
You're not giving it to the hub staff, its only a verification to discord so i fail to see the issue. Having a phone in these times is nearly mandatory for all the authentication you need everywhere.
07/28/17 12:19AM
disgustinggirl said:
Am I mistaking or is it actually true that Discord requires a phone number so I can participate in the hypnohub text chat? Isn't that a bit too nosy for a fetish community?

slayerduck said:
You're not giving it to the hub staff, its only a verification to discord so i fail to see the issue. Having a phone in these times is nearly mandatory for all the authentication you need everywhere.

I do see it as a bit nosy in general TBH, and some people don't even have phones. :/

That said, what slayerduck said about it not going to the server is true.
07/28/17 12:21AM
slayerduck said:You're not giving it to the hub staff, its only a verification to discord so i fail to see the issue. Having a phone in these times is nearly mandatory for all the authentication you need everywhere.

ehh giving your number for verification is not mandatory for everything i've only ever had to use my number for important things.
07/28/17 12:38AM
The phone verification is presently required due to the safety of users. Individuals have been known to create alts and harass people, whilst pretending to be an entirely new person. As someone who suggested it initially, I think it's needed to ensure the safety and comfort of people who have been harassed and befriended by strangers, only for it to turn out that they're abusive individuals trying to mess with them more.

The hub itself does not obtain your phone number, it is stored within discord's servers, which are far more secure than the public servers upon which your phone number is listed by your service provider.

Please understand that this may look sketchy, but it's really worrying that without it, we'd have atleast one individual trying to reach previous submissives that they have openly abused and even encouraged to self-harm.

07/28/17 12:48AM
Actually, Lan said everything I was going to say.

We are only using this system to avoid at best alt accounts, and harassers, and as said, we have none of these informations, as it's stored directly into Discord's supersecure database. I know it may sound annoying, but it's the best protection we have -for now-.

Just as a last reason of why we added this: hypnosis is by itself dangerous if misused. Sadly, we are aware there are some people that have done this already in the past. We do not want this to happen at all. Safeties and great moments for everyone. Not problems.
07/28/17 01:18AM
slayerduck said:
You're not giving it to the hub staff, its only a verification to discord so i fail to see the issue. Having a phone in these times is nearly mandatory for all the authentication you need everywhere.

I don't have a phone. Mainly because I see no use for a device that for the most part only serves to help push the surveillance state and convince stupid people to post all their personal information for the entire world to see.
07/28/17 02:56AM
WhatIsLove said:
I don't have a phone. Mainly because I see no use for a device that for the most part only serves to help push the surveillance state and convince stupid people to post all their personal information for the entire world to see.

What this guy says
Don't worry guys, the NSA, Google and Microsoft already knows everything, even your tastes on pizza's ingredients
07/28/17 06:27AM
I'm not getting into a debate, because those claims are unfounded and outright silly.

The phone verification is done on discord's end only. It associates the number with your account on *their* server only, and gives it the permission to access servers that require a phone verification. Their servers are more secure than your phone company's, or even internet companies. Very few things are more secure than that, aside from a full closed-circuit server.

Phone verification isn't bad.
Discord isn't evil.
Nothing shady is going to come of your phone number being known by discord.
If you can't trust anything, you shouldn't be online and should live in a lead-lined bunker underground.

Please do not buy into fearmongering and paranoia inducing comments.

Read above for the reasons why we are using phone verification, it is the only measure we can take short of personally interviewing every new member, which would be extremely taxing, and easily circumvented. Even if there are ways to circumvent the phone verification, we have seen zero activity from users who could have evaded it. It's purpose is to keep users safe and comfortable in a place where they come to get hypnotized, sometimes by individuals who are largely strangers. The least we can do is make sure that the people who would be vindictive and outright harmful to the community, are gone. User safety is our prime concern, and we would not use phone verification if it was insecure for you.
07/28/17 08:44AM
Gojulas said:
What this guy says
Don't worry guys, the NSA, Google and Microsoft already knows everything, even your tastes on pizza's ingredients

But do they prefer to play their dominoes on pizza or pasta?
07/28/17 10:04AM
WhatIsLove said:
But do they prefer to play their dominoes on pizza or pasta?

I'm sure if we pay a little to those corporations they will be more than happy to tell us.
Do you like pineapple on your pizza?
I sure don't
07/28/17 12:03PM
Yes, I guess NSA already knows my fetishes and pizza preferences, but does that mean I should call the pizza place and tell them what I like in the bedroom? Or vice versa? I don't think so. Maybe it's an age issue, but I have strong reservations against trusting a website I'd use for fetish chat with my mobile number. However much I'd love to partake. :-/
07/28/17 01:30PM
disgustinggirl said:
Yes, I guess NSA already knows my fetishes and pizza preferences, but does that mean I should call the pizza place and tell them what I like in the bedroom? Or vice versa? I don't think so. Maybe it's an age issue, but I have strong reservations against trusting a website I'd use for fetish chat with my mobile number. However much I'd love to partake. :-/

Please read above. Discord does not give us your number. It is stored on discord's account server. Not the chats individually. I help manage multiple discord servers, and have done research into the methods behind phone verification. It is *not* accessible by anyone but discord and their staff.

Edit: Even then, they do nothing with the information. It is solely for the purposes of checking a variable for your account that allows it to access double tableflip (phone) verification servers.
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