07/29/17 01:04PM
Chaos CYOA prep thread
Aaah, I awake from my long slumber to see...
Oh, all the Cyoa's I followed faded into obscurity.

Well, might as well try and get my writing abilities running.

I plan to use as basis.

However, I have the suspicion that leaving the worldbuilding up to the readers choice would turn it into something similar as we had several times before. Therefore I shall spice it up and roll an online dice for every topic.
Except for the Mode that will be either Harem Builder or Mind war.

The character will be built with proposals for one ability at a time, voting and then rolling based on the votes
(For example: A wants Technology Nanomachines as ability, B wants Wants Hacking and C wants Pheromones.
I would then post a strawpoll with each of the abilities.
Say that A would get 3, B would get 2 and C get's also 3.
I would then use one of the weirdly formed online dice to roll: 1, 2, 3 = A, 4, 5 = B, 6, 7, 8 = C)

Due to my disdain to furries, I shall elegantly replace them with Monstergirls.

Finally, to make Macchiavellian Keikakus fun again, I will use a simple dice system based on a pen&paper.

Mode: Either Mind War or Harem Builder
Character Mode:
Tech Level:
Magic Level:
Psionic Level:
Superpower Level:
f̶̶u̶̶r̶̶r̶̶y̶ Mamono Level:
Character Type:

Very well then, without further ado, let's start with a strawpoll for the game mode!
07/29/17 01:12PM
Another CYOA? Count me in, I live for these things. Incidentally, the objectively superior choice is Mind War.
07/29/17 01:13PM
Admittedly, Monstergirls is more inclusive than furry...

... Also *Bows in apology*
07/29/17 01:15PM
This should be neat. And i still have one CYOA going and rebooting another.
07/29/17 01:21PM
Okay, the first votes are in.
I let it run until approximately 3 hours from now on and then start the next.
Altough you can already make your proposals for the character mode.
07/29/17 02:22PM
Big Damn you or Mary Sue.
07/29/17 03:22PM
In my opinion, I feel like we may be better off with Joe Average, because having too many trait points leads to you basically just having all the traits, which makes a less fun character and removes a lot of the hardship frim the game.
07/29/17 03:25PM
Now that I think about it, I could just roll an online d10 to determine how many skillpoints we have.
07/29/17 03:57PM
Ehrenmannchimäre said:
Now that I think about it, I could just roll an online d10 to determine how many skillpoints we have.

It would certainly fit the randomisation theme you're going with.
07/29/17 04:02PM
The vote has ended with the result:
Mindwar 3
Harem Builder 1
Harem Builder(Hard) 1
Mind War(Hard) 1

So now I shall do one roll of a d6, the number of eyes will be:

1, 2, 3 Mind War
4 Harem Builder
5 Harem Builder(Hard)
6 Mind War(Hard)

Now... Alea iacta est.

Gentleman Chimaera, rolled 2 using 1d6 ((2))

And that concludes it!
The Game mode shall be Mind War!
07/29/17 04:05PM
Next Poll. This time for Character type.
Don't forget to make proposals for Tech Level next!
Ed: On second thought, I give the random one a d12 instead of a d10. The chance will still be low, but it also will be possible to get something better. Sorta to even the odds that you can technically be left with 1 skill point.
07/29/17 05:17PM
This might help.
07/29/17 10:40PM
megahellreaper said:
This might help.

I already have something, but still thanks for the intent.
Big Damn You (7 Points) 5
Mary Sue (10 Points) 3
Radical Sandwich Anarchist (Just roll an d10) 3
Joe Average (4 Points) 1

Now with a roll of a d120, the number of eyes will be:
Big Damn You (7 Points) 1-50
Mary Sue (10 Points) 51-80
Radical Sandwich Anarchist (Just roll an d10) 81-110
Joe Average (4 Points) 111-120

Alea iacta est.

Gentleman Chimaera rolled 59 using 1d120 ((59)).

And that concludes it!
The Character type will be Mary Sue!

Now finally make proposals for the Tech level:
07/29/17 11:21PM
Well, I'm personally rather fond of flintlock fantasy and am therefore kind of inclined to go for Muskets of Modernity, but I don't really feel it would be that conducive to a mind control story. As such, I'm going to say Atoms and Adverts.
07/29/17 11:24PM
I'm going to say Technology of tomorrow so we can get robot girls
1 2345>>>

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