07/30/17 08:54PM
Tales of people who were actually put under sex slave mind control by the cia.
project name "MK ultra monarch"

it's creepy as fuck, but it might inspire some people's artwork, how grim it might be.

i'm guessing "hooked up to iv and shocked" was them being drugged into being happy, and shocked to associate pain and misery with pleasure..

the book from her. "Thanks for the memories"


"Brice Taylor" and "Cathy O'Brien"
07/30/17 09:19PM
Yep, the CIA is super fucked up. Anybody who trusts anything the US government and mainstream media say is pretty fucking crazy.
07/31/17 12:00AM
agreed. usa is pretty fucked up. always has been.

try and read page 261 to 262 in the pdf. that part... holy shit, wtf

the chapter name doesn't even do it justice "Dolphin Programming and Pornography". believe it or not, it is way more fucked up than the name of the chapter implies.
07/31/17 12:48AM
holy shit. 277 and 278. apparently bill was bi(but mostly gay) and hillary was bi(but mostly lesbian) and they had mind-broken sex slaves who's master (henry kissinger) used to find phrases to stop hillary/bill in their tracks in certain debates to destabilize the government from within. jeeeeeesus.
07/31/17 01:03AM
Wouldn't put too much stock on this, it kind of relies on the powers that be not being laughably incompetent. Just saying, if the Democratic party, MSM and all the groups backing them were so ignorant of how humans work that they managed to lose an election against Trump, it takes some mighty powerful suspenders to keep that disbelief from hitting the floor when you try selling them as any kind of master manipulators...
07/31/17 01:04AM
MK Ultra can eat this nut
07/31/17 01:12AM
- Do not vent about extremely sensitive topics such as politics, religion, abortion, etc. which have a high chance of causing drama.

Taking this from the vent room, and applying it here.

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