07/31/17 12:21PM
Who would win in The Willpower Game?
So because i suck at titles, i wasn't clear that i will be writing a fanfic-ish story based off some OCs on the Hub. This is of course based off of Mirai Nikki (AKA The Future Diary). if you feel like submitting your OC (can be sub, dom, or both) then leave it in the comments and I'll choose 12 OCs to take a place as a person in Future Diary, storyline will be different, and will be called The Willpower game.

[spoiler=Storyline]Storyline: Hypno-tan (the Deus of this Universe), Mistress of anything Hypnosis related, created this world and just stuffed with lots of hypnosis cause why not? Anyway, Tan is growing weak in her old age and will have to choose a successor to the Hypno Throne, she and Awake-san (Murmur, ironic, right?) so they choose 12 people and give them Future Diary's and they will have to hypnotize each other or destroy their diary's, destroying their diary's will make them explode with hypnotic bliss (into a cloud of smoke, not just explode into blood and guts) though, if hypnotized, they will die from the shock in their diary (they were programmed to fry the person's brain if they were hypnotized and their diary's were still intact, even if not held, the diary will still do this) the successor chosen will be God/Goddess of this world. Who will win The Willpower Game? [/spoiler]

[spoiler=Rules]Rules: 1.There is not just one main character, all 12 will have their own POV and have the same chance of winning (obviously being 1/12) (though 7th technically has a 1/6 chance of winning)

2. 7th will still be two people (i will most likely choose a dom and sub for them)

3. Any OC can be chosen, even if they are a sub (though they CAN still win, its not likely)

4. To Enter, leave the character name, a reference sheet, and a list of their powers and hypnosis ability's (unless it's already stated in the reference sheet) in the comments below

5. Even if your OC is not chosen, i may still use it as a secondary character.

6. I will choose the numbers based on their personality (also leave that in the reference sheet) and hypnotic ability's (even if they're a sub)

7. If a power is not listed in the reference sheet (but other powers are) then still leave them in the comments (pretty obvious but just in case)

8. The diary's may or may not be slightly different from the original diary (Ex. Murder Diary will be called the Hypno Diary)

9. if you have any questions, check the Q&A before asking and if its not there, i will add it if its important enough (Ex. don't expect "Can my OC be (number)?" cause I'll be picking them so if you want a specific number, make sure the OC you want to enter lines up closer than the other OCs to that number (and by that i mean don't ask for a number cause chances are you may not get it))

10. I am likely to add rules i forgot, but not when the game starts.

11. You can submit multiple OCs, but I'll only choose 1 per Artist.

12. Even if your OC starts out with no hypnotic powers, everyone is given a Future Diary and a pendulum.

13.I might make your character Bisexual/Gay/Lesbian to fit it in with the story, so if you don't want that, then I suggest either hoping for a different character or not joining, if you have no problem, then join if you want. [/spoiler]

[spoiler=Q&A]Q&A: Q. Can my OC be 5th? A. We just went over this!

Q. Why is Awake-san Murmur? A. Cause its ironic and funny and I felt like it.

Q. What is Future Diary? A. Its on Hulu, you can go check it out, but I'm not good at explanations so...here, its a game where people murder each other to become God.

Q.Do you really think you'll get 12+ people to join up for this? A. Nope.

Q. Can we back out if we change our mind? A. You can but I'll be writing this, so you have until the first chapter starts to back out, but if you really want it, i can make your character die soon.

Q. So will this be drawn or- A. Its a fanfic pretty much, I can't draw, so I will be writing the entire thing and its story so no, it will not be drawn.

Q. What if my OC doesn't win? A. It...doesn't win, simple.

Q. What if you don't like/hate my OC? A. I will be judging this off of their ability's, I'm (gonna try to be) not biased in this.

Q. What if you don't get enough people to join? A. Then this Thread will sink into nothingness

Q. When will you reveal who is who? A. when i get all the 12 main characters done and sorted.

Q. Will this be hypnosis-related? A. Answer's pretty obvious but yes, it will be. [/spoiler]

So fans of Future Diary, get (hopefully) ready for this.

EDIT: I forgot to say, if you get chosen, I'll PM you. (I don't want to get anyone's hopes up so I'm gonna say this right now, its gonna be a while before I choose players, cause I'm waiting for at least 12-14 players to try to join (cause in the Anime, there's 12 players))
07/31/17 12:29PM
I'm half tempted to off the character of my CYOA. Hilda but...she's a dragon/naga/ succubus demi goddess who breathes hyper addictive smoke, has addictive chocolate flavored kisses, can inject condensed venom with same proprieties as her smoke, has dozens of needle sharp spines that can inject a weaker version of said venom. And she carries a wooden sign to smack anyone in the head with that can resist all of that.

So she might be a little overpowerd...it's not my fault though it's the players of that game.
07/31/17 12:34PM
Imasuky said:
I'm half tempted to off the character of my CYOA. Hilda but...she's a dragon/naga/ succubus demi goddess who breathes hyper addictive smoke, has addictive chocolate flavored kisses, can inject condensed venom with same proprieties as her smoke, has dozens of needle sharp spines that can inject a weaker version of said venom. And she carries a wooden sign to smack anyone in the head with that can resist all of that.

So she might be a little overpowerd...it's not my fault though it's the players of that game.

That's OK, thought if you want to get technical doms are more OP than subs (or at least CAN be), but i can respect your decision.
07/31/17 12:37PM
Hypnosis-guy said:
That's OK, thought if you want to get technical doms are more OP than subs (or at least CAN be), but i can respect your decision.

The best way to get some idea for her is to read the CYOA itself. She is strictly lesbian though.
07/31/17 02:03PM
i know it's most likely cheating, but me. due to literally being designed with a hypno-proof daft punk-esque helmet, granted, i lack any way of hypnosis myself, so while i can take it, i cannot dish it out.
07/31/17 04:25PM
oh sounds fun. i love mirai nikki and coincidentally i just finished rewatching it with a close friend recently~ so i may as well throw myself in here. !

Character: Myself (Erika)

Reference: hypnohub.net//data/sample...478a7e7fa8e0fe4c6aa54.jpg

Hypnosis Abilities: No real super natural abilities but hey despite being usually portrayed as a sub I have studied hypnosis both through school and my own spare time and have successfully hypnotized people on different occasions.
07/31/17 05:50PM
Erika said:
oh sounds fun. i love mirai nikki and coincidentally i just finished rewatching it with a close friend recently~ so i may as well throw myself in here. !

Character: Myself (Erika)

Reference: hypnohub.net//data/sample...478a7e7fa8e0fe4c6aa54.jpg

Hypnosis Abilities: No real super natural abilities but hey despite being usually portrayed as a sub I have studied hypnosis both through school and my own spare time and have successfully hypnotized people on different occasions.

Yeah I finished it recently again and now we are here. I regret nothing.
07/31/17 08:25PM
skullman2033 said:
i know it's most likely cheating, but me. due to literally being designed with a hypno-proof daft punk-esque helmet, granted, i lack any way of hypnosis myself, so while i can take it, i cannot dish it out.

From what I understand, you can still lose if your Diary thing is destroyed. Plus, from rule 12 it looks like everyone that gets a Diary also gets a free pendulum with it. It's not as though just a helmet can prevent every possible form of control either, so it should be fine.

Anyway, from my brief research on Mirai Nikki it looks like we could use a certain type of character. Thus I might submit Mary-Annette:
Those links being her main sheets for stuff, but the tl;dr version is below.

-Fairly childish, also insane
-Acts happy but has a cynical worldview
-Obsessed with love and friendship
-Thinks mind control is the only real love

-Standard mind control spells
-Other spells including transformation (turning people into dolls and almost nothing else) and some minor necromancy
07/31/17 10:08PM
Obscenario said:
From what I understand, you can still lose if your Diary thing is destroyed. Plus, from rule 12 it looks like everyone that gets a Diary also gets a free pendulum with it. It's not as though just a helmet can prevent every possible form of control either, so it should be fine.

Yeah, I was gonna say that but I needed sleep so I didn't, but yeah your pretty fucked if your diary is destroyed.

Obscenario said:
-Thinks mind control is the only real love

Wait its not?
08/01/17 01:06AM
Obscenario said:
From what I understand, you can still lose if your Diary thing is destroyed.

Hypnosis-guy said:
you're pretty fucked if your diary is destroyed.

so by that logic, i dont need mind control, i can just as easily take the path of least resistance, which coincidentally enough, looks alot like a steel bat to [insert magical macguffin/plot device here]
08/01/17 02:04AM
skullmate2033 said:
so by that logic, i dont need mind control, i can just as easily take the path of least resistance, which coincidentally enough, looks alot like a steel bat to [insert magical macguffin/plot device here]

Yeah but that wouldn't be fun.
08/01/17 04:03AM
Hypnosis-guy said:
Yeah but that wouldn't be fun.

'D be fun to me, so many people use hypnosis and mind control to solve their problems, maybe it would be good to introduce a more...practical solution
08/01/17 04:07AM
skullman2033 said:
'D be fun to me, so many people use hypnosis and mind control to solve their problems, maybe it would be good to introduce a more...practical solution

You did read about Hilda right?

She has all that venom and a big wooden sign and super strength.
08/01/17 04:43AM
Imasuky said:
You did read about Hilda right?

She has all that venom and a big wooden sign and super strength.

i'm not going for the people, i'm going to the macguffins, i'm also probably going to play the long game, hide in waiting for the last one to remain, take them out when they're weakend
08/01/17 08:08PM
skullmate2033 said:
i'm not going for the people, i'm going to the macguffins, i'm also probably going to play the long game, hide in waiting for the last one to remain, take them out when they're weakend

But what if they find you?
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