08/01/17 02:36PM
Little precisions
I know I'm going to be a bit anoying here for people, but....It's better to get ride of it before it become a problem =).

First of all, I hope my english will not be painful to read, as it is not my main language.

Second, my problem is about these two pictures here :

That I found posted without my permission beforehand, because after all, I am the person who paid to have this created by the skills of the artist, even if it's easy to drop me a note and Deviantart and politely ask me about.

But as I've say to the one who posted them, it's okay, for this time, next I will be less patient and simply ask them to be removed purely and simply...

Not for amuse me, but rather more due of me having to deal with thiefs, art and character stealing over differents websites already, not to mention wrong tags who lead me in a flood of messages from...strange persons.

Which push me to my last point about my rant.
The character showed in these pictures, the blonde one, is simply an elf, not an incubus or demon. He is 'just' a pretty elf in tight shiny clothes, doing all kinds of tricks involving rubber and latex, with a bit of magic, on people, nothing more, nothing less.
So if you enjoy the art about, don't forget to pay the artists page a visit, leave a fave and comment, I'm sure it will please the ones who work extra hard for me =) !

Cordially your, Rossem Klyn.

Ps: One might ask himself why I didn't post them in first place. The answer is easy, I do not know how to properly tag pictures, and don't want to annoy someone half an hour to change all of that =(
08/01/17 06:53PM
Rossem said:
I know I'm going to be a bit anoying here for people, but....It's better to get ride of it before it become a problem =).

First of all, I hope my english will not be painful to read, as it is not my main language.

Second, my problem is about these two pictures here :

That I found posted without my permission beforehand, because after all, I am the person who paid to have this created by the skills of the artist, even if it's easy to drop me a note and Deviantart and politely ask me about.

But as I've say to the one who posted them, it's okay, for this time, next I will be less patient and simply ask them to be removed purely and simply...

Not for amuse me, but rather more due of me having to deal with thiefs, art and character stealing over differents websites already, not to mention wrong tags who lead me in a flood of messages from...strange persons.

Which push me to my last point about my rant.
The character showed in these pictures, the blonde one, is simply an elf, not an incubus or demon. He is 'just' a pretty elf in tight shiny clothes, doing all kinds of tricks involving rubber and latex, with a bit of magic, on people, nothing more, nothing less.
So if you enjoy the art about, don't forget to pay the artists page a visit, leave a fave and comment, I'm sure it will please the ones who work extra hard for me =) !

Cordially your, Rossem Klyn.

Ps: One might ask himself why I didn't post them in first place. The answer is easy, I do not know how to properly tag pictures, and don't want to annoy someone half an hour to change all of that =(

1. Apologies on behalf of the site for your pics turning up here without permission. We (usually) try our best to credit the original artists, as well as link the original source of the image. If for whatever reason you wish to have the pic removed, you may ask any of the mods to do so.
2. Please don't let tagging discourage you from posting art. It may be a bit tricky at first, but we do have some users that don't mind helping out beginners like yourself at all.
3. We tend to tag based on what we see, so the incubus tagging was at least a reasonable misunderstanding. We can have it be changed (if it has not been changed already).
08/03/17 05:50AM
No worries about removing them, as I've say, it's the first time, so I can pass on this =).

Even if technically I'm not the artist, I am indeed the one who paid for it, which it's what annoy me in this story, as my name and account was easy to reach for politely ask me if I was okay to see pictures here.

Again, no problem about the incubus part, I just wanted to precise it for the person who seemed to enjoy it quite a lot, as my character (the one with blonde hairs) as stories about itself.

Anyway, I hope it does fix some err...troubles and misunderstanding, preventing them to happen again.

I might have two pictures who can fit the website I think, and few others where it's possible to do a manip on them I think.


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