08/02/17 06:04AM
Ads rant, stop making new topics and read this.
I'm going to be clearing this up once and for all.

Our current ads are non intrusive (with the exception of the pop when not logged in i guess) banners are are placed on the footer and left right, they are not in the content or above it. If they weren't animated they would actually fall within the acceptable ads program from eyeo (adblock plus)

There is a 'redirect' = popunder once per 24 hours if not logged in, this type of advertising is the most profitable, making more then all the banners together. They are set not to show software promotions or junk like that, but shitty advertisers sometimes miss tag their zones so they get pushed on anyway. This is where i report them to the ad network for removal.

Now for alternatives to ads, it comes down to these:
1) Begging for money on patreon
2) Paywall
3) Blocking adblockers

1) We have a patreon at and i'm using the current funds to keep ad free. If you are part of it then PM me on patreon with your name and I'll also add you to the supporter group that won't see ads.

2) and 3) is something big news sites do atm but we don't.

At this point in time the ads make enough to keep the site online and a good budget for further site upgrades (moved to a new server last month).

Now if you're one of those people who are like "I don't want to see ads ever and i will never contribute to the site" you most likely already stopped reading but if not your perfect world is about to be broken. If you're not paying for something, then you're the product. Nothing is for free. While the browser plugins for adblock plus is free the corrupt company behind it is actually making millions of you without you knowing. Eyeo is the name, they maintain a whitelist for people who have 'nice ads' basically. This is enabled by default. Now you're like thinking oh, maybe i should get better ads and sign up for that program? This way everybody wins! Wrong. The program does not allow any hentai site to take part in it, they judge you based on the content of your site. I tried signing up with konachan while it had harmless static jlist ads and this is their response:

In addition if your site is 'big' they demand 30% of your revenue to allow you into the whitelisted program. The company behind adblock plus is literately blackmailing bigger sites, even google. At this moment in time google is planning to release a adblocker by default into chrome at 2018. They do this in the hopes that people won't be installing adblock since google itself relies on ads to. They joined up with and that will be their standard. With their monopoly they'll try to force everybody to get decent ads. But wait, betterads is actually OWNED by google itself. This eventually will most likely lead into google starting to block out every ad network that isn't their own. Funny enough their youtube intermissions before a video plays actually isn't allowed but since they literately own the program i'm sure the'll make a exception for themselves.

2018 is going to be an interesting year regarding ads, if you watched any youtuber in the past month you'd most likely seen them make video's on how their revenue dropped by 80% after all the big advertisers pulled out. In the end I'm not going to judge you if you block the ads or not. You can bitch and cry about how shit they are because they show shitty dick enlargement ads and i feel you, i truly do. But more importantly the site will live on by those who do not block them or donate to our patreon, next time when you laugh at your friend when hes looking at a site with ads and you recommend him to install adblock think about that.

If you find a bad ad please pm me this info:

1) Browser
2) Device
3) Country
4) Your current ip ( )
5) URL of page you were on
6) URL of the page you were redirected to (landing page)
7) Browser history that regards this issue, usually redirection pass trough different URLs before ending up on landing page.
8) Screenshot of the landing page.
9) Were you logged in? (logged in users have no pops)

It doesn't have to be complete but the most important one is device/browser/country and page you were redirected to.
08/02/17 06:29AM
I just wanted to say that I've never had any of the issues that so many others seem to.

I can't help but wonder why just a handful of users seem to be the only ones with these issues when the vast majority like me are fine?
08/02/17 06:36AM
Imasuky said:
I just wanted to say that I've never had any of the issues that so many others seem to.

I can't help but wonder why just a handful of users seem to be the only ones with these issues when the vast majority like me are fine?

We actually have over 20k unique people visiting each day, but i assume the majority doesn't use an account and is only here for quick faps.
08/02/17 06:50AM
Imasuky said:
I just wanted to say that I've never had any of the issues that so many others seem to.

I can't help but wonder why just a handful of users seem to be the only ones with these issues when the vast majority like me are fine?

I would agree, I've never had any issues with the ads besides finding them mildly offensive -- a couple bordering on anti-boner, but that's just gonna happen on a fetish site because ads can't cater to everyone.

However, I would point out this -- disregarding the "fuck ads" viewpoint, you've still gotten quite a few people speaking up about the way the ads currently work. To me, that suggests that there's a problem somewhere that shouldn't be disregarded just because someone speaks up with a "fuck ads" viewpoint, or because they haven't yet provided all the diagnostics you can. Seriously, even disregarding the people that are purely anti-ad and don't have specific complaints, if your ads are pissing people off, wouldn't you want them fixed before they drive away people? It sounds to me like your ads are moving towards driving people away and losing revenue just as surely as ad-blockers lose revenue.
08/02/17 06:57AM
There is a 'redirect' = popunder once per 24 hours if not logged in, this type of advertising is the most profitable, making more then all the banners together.

I'm done with this site, then. No shit it's profitable; you're getting paid to make your site look trashy as fuck to any new users. Was wondering why fewer people into the kink knew/cared about the place these days.
08/02/17 07:17AM
FallenMeteor said:
if your ads are pissing people off, wouldn't you want them fixed before they drive away people? It sounds to me like your ads are moving towards driving people away and losing revenue just as surely as ad-blockers lose revenue.

The people that are complaining are most likely already blocking the ads but the footers go around the blocker and that's why they are complaining. Even if they left it wouldn't hurt the revenue. Then again, they just say they leave but still visit the site. Here is a graph from the beginning of the hub until now. Left out the numbers for reasons:

Its pretty clear that its still a growing community, its also one of the reasons i moved to a faster server. To keep up with the growth of the hub.
08/02/17 07:34AM
Unrelated to the actual topic of the thread.

slayerduck said:

Hurrah for a quick growing site. But what the shit happened in 2015? Wasn't around back then.
08/02/17 07:38AM
Blitz_Habanera said:
Unrelated to the actual topic of the thread.

Hurrah for a quick growing site. But what the shit happened in 2015? Wasn't around back then.

Someone updated the code but forgot my analytics code was there. So nothing happened I just don't have stats for it.
08/02/17 07:52AM
slayerduck said:
1) We have a patreon at and i'm using the current funds to keep ad free. If you are part of it then PM me on patreon with your name and I'll also add you to the supporter group that won't see ads.

Would it be possible to make this feel a bit more official by making it a Patreon reward? Not that it needs automation or anything, just have it say "input money, send PM, receev no ads" since that's the deal you're offering.
08/02/17 08:01AM
You do realize there's still tab-hijacking cancer(ous) ads that do the virus thing on your site, right? Right?

Try browsing logged out. See what happens. :/
08/02/17 02:55PM
Zermelane said:
Would it be possible to make this feel a bit more official by making it a Patreon reward? Not that it needs automation or anything, just have it say "input money, send PM, receev no ads" since that's the deal you're offering.

^ Sounds like a really good idea.

But either way, I think its okay to have ads at the footer. It makes sense, and I think all you really have to do is create a note to new users, that explain to them that they should create a user. That is only my opinion though.
08/02/17 04:15PM
Zermelane said:
Would it be possible to make this feel a bit more official by making it a Patreon reward? Not that it needs automation or anything, just have it say "input money, send PM, receev no ads" since that's the deal you're offering.

Sure, if you go on the patreon now i added a new group. Keep in mind i can only add people to the group after the first pledge has been processed because otherwise people are gonna hop in it then leave most likely. So send me a PM with username on patreon after the first pledge has been processed.
08/03/17 02:16AM
Triple: I have adblock but i have it set to be disabled whenever im on hypnohub and i visit servral times a day sometimes it was really bad and offen i was getting popups but since the server change i havent gotten any
08/03/17 03:36AM
Your model gets you more revenue when visitors actually click on an ad, right?

If so, that's another way people who usually adblock can help, unblock from time to time and click an ad.
08/03/17 03:50AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
Your model gets you more revenue when visitors actually click on an ad, right?

If so, that's another way people who usually adblock can help, unblock from time to time and click an ad.

No its not just clicks, even viewing it is fine. Also clicking on ads just to give the hub revenue is against the ad networks terms of service.
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