08/03/17 10:33PM
Sleepymaid's full Squid Ops archive
Hello people

Recently I've been reading Squid Ops until I was left with a cliffhanger. After a lot of digging in the Interweb, I just could not find it, even though I found the chapter 6 cover on HypnoHub. Saw a few guys on Reddit said the same. Can someone give me an idea?
08/03/17 10:58PM
Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, Sleepymaid has never actually finished Squid Ops. If you look on his site, there are several tries, but after a few chapters, it just trails off. It's a shame, too, because some of them (especially the first!) were really cool, but unfortunately, that's how it is. (It's probably also why his latest attempt is Totally Not Squid Ops You Guys, because he doesn't want to jinx it :P)
08/03/17 11:28PM
I see. What about other series such as Grumpy Mui?
08/03/17 11:51PM
Grumpy Mui is one of those tries that I mentioned -- an attempt at Squid Ops.
08/04/17 12:11AM
Yeah much to the dismay of many of us, Sleepy just runs out of steam on each attempt.
08/04/17 05:40AM
Blitz_Habanera said:
Yeah much to the dismay of many of us, Sleepy just runs out of steam on each attempt.

I'm sure it's that, and not a lack of confidence in the product because she gets shat on by the community everytime the story doesn't quite go the specific way they want it to.

Couldn't be that, I'm sure.
08/04/17 06:55AM
TheDaiLi said:
I'm sure it's that, and not a lack of confidence in the product because she gets shat on by the community everytime the story doesn't quite go the specific way they want it to.

Couldn't be that, I'm sure.

whaaat, are you kidding me, that's never happened before, no one would ever do something like that, calling someone's work bad just because it doesn't adhere specifically to their tastes, especially not here

it was just starting to appeal to my tastes too and then it just fucking stopped man i'm still angry
08/04/17 08:21AM
TheDaiLi said:
I'm sure it's that, and not a lack of confidence in the product because she gets shat on by the community everytime the story doesn't quite go the specific way they want it to.

Couldn't be that, I'm sure.

Oh, you mean that ONE time after all the OTHER attempts that went by without literally any controversy at all in the slightest, in which a few people were momentarily disappointed by a twist that didn't work for them and other people massively overreacted and jumped on them for having a personal opinion, and told them they weren't allowed to have one on the matter, even though Sleepymaid literally said nothing about it herself afterwards?

haha yeahno, don't worry, it absolutely WAS not that at all.

I mean you're actually attempting to use something that only came up in example #4 to explain examples #1, #2, and #3. What the hell are you even talking about?

If there's anything that possibly was NOT and never WOULD be the issue, especially not since the beginning OR with the other previous attempts in which no criticism was even MADE on those, it would be ONE bit of late criticism that surely wouldn't even come CLOSE to stopping an artist as talented as Sleepymaid if she wanted to continue it regardless of what anyone else thought, as most anyone else would as well.

...........Ooooor baseless assumptions could just totally be made out of nothing, for no real reason at all and be somehow passed off as a fact with no backing to actually cite it, I guess.

Apparently around here, that works, too.
08/04/17 10:50AM
Guys we had this talk.
She is an amazing artist and if someday she ever goes on dnp list here because some asshats kept on whining about their hurt feelings from a work of fetish fiction I swear I will come and murder the said fuckface in their sleep and sacrifice their beating hear in the name of the dark gods to bring her back.

Anyway yeah, squid ops never saw an ending sadly, much like every one of her other serial work that I know of and despite her best efforts. The reason for these are not known to me and i have hope that sleepymaid will someday finish her magnum opus and brings peace to the hypnoworld.
08/04/17 10:58AM
I'm just going to chime in as a writer rather than an artist.

Sometimes even if you like a story and it's popular...you just lose motive to work on it. And considering how many attempts she's made on the series that seems likely. Sad but understandable, it can be tough keeping a story going.
08/04/17 06:57PM
KarmaX said:
Oh, you mean that ONE time after all the OTHER attempts that went by without literally any controversy at all in the slightest, in which a few people were momentarily disappointed by a twist that didn't work for them and other people massively overreacted and jumped on them for having a personal opinion, and told them they weren't allowed to have one on the matter, even though Sleepymaid literally said nothing about it herself afterwards?

haha yeahno, don't worry, it absolutely WAS not that at all.

I mean you're actually attempting to use something that only came up in example #4 to explain examples #1, #2, and #3. What the hell are you even talking about?

If there's anything that possibly was NOT and never WOULD be the issue, especially not since the beginning OR with the other previous attempts in which no criticism was even MADE on those, it would be ONE bit of late criticism that surely wouldn't even come CLOSE to stopping an artist as talented as Sleepymaid if she wanted to continue it regardless of what anyone else thought, as most anyone else would as well.

...........Ooooor baseless assumptions could just totally be made out of nothing, for no real reason at all and be somehow passed off as a fact with no backing to actually cite it, I guess.

Apparently around here, that works, too.

I find it unlikely that those other attempts got off scott-free; doesn't matter what it is or where you are on the 'net, there's always be at least some criticism of a piece of work. I recall sending a message during the original run that had encouragement in it but also some more neutral comments, and now I kinda figure that wasn't my business to do. Sometimes the pressure of 'audience' is enough, and wanting to live up to them can cause frustrations with a work that if kept private and in a bubble you could have had kept up with- it just so happened this time it was also featured on a board where people just love to jump down other people's throats.

Like you just did to me, for example.

Why make a grand work for people who are as likely to use it to cause conflict as they are to enjoy it? Not even excepting myself from this, considering I'm now talking to you directly. I don't blame anyone who leaves this kind of environ.
08/04/17 08:57PM
I just want to make a reminder and ask that we try not to lash out at people and say this.

So the next page is not out yet it could be that she is taking a break from it for awhile or like Imasuky said it could be a case of writers block I don't know and i don't think anybody but her knows so lets try not to stir up anymore drama then what has already happened ok?.
08/04/17 10:03PM
I totally get it. There's a Squid Ops that totally works for me, and I don't even know why. The tenth page gives me premium, floorboard-quality Appalachian hardwood, and then the story ends right there. It's heartbreaking.

Most series from Sleepymaid are amazing, but as an artist I also totally get that producing content, especially serially, is tough. Even with discipline and motivation, you might be able to force yourself to work creatively, but that doesn't mean you'll be working on the thing you want to be working on.

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