08/04/17 01:53AM
Ask Roxa anything !
So, here we are, August 2017 ! I've been commissioning hypno pics for 3 years now !

Damn, 3 years, time sure flies. @_@

It has been a great pleasure to be able to contribute to this community and share my likings with some wonderful people.
And even though I will surely need to slow down at some point in my life, I hope I can keep putting drops of hypno fetish in the Internet ocean.~

So yeah, as some kind of celebration for the 3 years of commissions, I'd like to do an "ask me anything". I've thought about it since some time, even though right now it sounds like I stole the idea from Pokemongirl. x')

I'm not quite sure how I should respond yet, voice recording would be nice. Maybe a video if my gear allows it !

Well then, ask away ! ^^
08/04/17 01:55AM
08/04/17 01:58AM
JksAccount said:

We are a fetish porn community...
That already means we can go inti some deep stuff I wager.
08/04/17 02:01AM
Whats your favorite snack?
08/04/17 02:07AM
>What gotcha into commissioning hypno pics?
>Any specific pics that are your faves? Can be either one you commissioned, or just any pic on the site.
>Will we ever see Bayo have a "comeback"? ;D
08/04/17 02:12AM
Fuu: A Top Tier Waifu. Yes or No?
08/04/17 02:46AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
>Will we ever see Bayo have a "comeback"? ;D

Most important question right here.
08/04/17 03:28AM
Rank your top 10 fav characters to see lewded up.
08/04/17 03:34AM
Zko said:
Rank your top 10 fav characters to see lewded up.

08/04/17 03:38AM
Zko said:
Rank your top 10 fav characters to see hypno'd up.

08/06/17 11:40PM
Already asked PG this sorta question, I'll throw it your way:

Top 5-10 fave art styles/artists*. Could be artists you've commissioned, artists you haven't commissioned that we have featured on the Hub, artists who have no work here at all, etc. And are there any particular artists/art styles you'd like to commission someday?

*Keep in mind that favorite does not mean all-time best artists or anything. Just subjectively, which artists, styles, pieces and such you really love in particular, for whatever reasons.
08/07/17 12:09AM
What is the purpose of meaning?
08/07/17 01:14AM
Any group project or pool you would like the hub to work on?

08/07/17 02:23AM
Whatcha think of Kya, my OC? ^^'

Isnt Roxa female name? ^^' Nurse Roxa always confuses me
08/07/17 04:41AM
Umm... you prefer pork or beef?
1 2>>>

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