08/05/17 07:18AM
to those who i owe a commission too!

I just want to notify those i owe a commission that i will be working hard tomorrow to finish.

I was sick this week, even hospitalized, but im all better now so no need to worry.

I apologize again for being late and i will try to get to everyone this weekend.

Thanks for you patience!

( although i will be taking a few breaks, the pills i got from the hospital tend to knock me out lol!)
08/05/17 07:49AM
You were hospitalized ?! oh my goodness well its good to hear you're ok.
08/05/17 07:59AM
Glad to hear that you are doing better. Hope you stay healthy.
08/05/17 08:03AM
Get well soon! Looking forward to getting back to working with you, but don't rush things!
08/06/17 07:06AM
Thanks everyone!

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