12/21/13 08:04PM
the hook-up websites being advertised here
do those actually work???
12/21/13 08:32PM
Part of me thinks that this thread might be a joke but I'll respond with seriousness just in case.

I use Ad Block Plus so I don't fully understand what you're referring to. I, personally, wouldn't trust anything advertised on this site. The admins aren't the ones that put them there. They basically don't have a choice in the matter. Hook-up sites are kind of lame, imo but to ask if they work really depends on you and random chance in the end, does it not? We all are living life our own way and then we try to merge our life-styles blindly with another persons. On paper anything can seem great but people are more complex than they will ever be able to say and more so than most will ever fully realize.

I would think that there are better ways to meet someone than an online dating site (it doesn't seem incredibly romantic to me) but whether or not it all "works" depends on you and whoever you happen to be paired with.
12/21/13 08:51PM
first of all, i wasn't joking. there are adds and tehy are targeted at my area, saying 'old women wanting to have sex.' i'm just asking if these are real women and is this viable at all, if anybody knows. i could care less what the admins do with the ads, i'm sure it's semi automated like you say although i hope someone's gettin paid for it :D

but anyways i don't see anything wrong with just hooking up like that if it is legit, if two people know what they want then yeah it could work. the consequences afterwards will depend on the people. i agree there are much better ways to meet someone but i wouldn't rule out the possibility of romance through such an approach.
12/21/13 09:53PM
Well, you're free to try anything you like, but let me just get this out of the way:


HypnoHub.net and its host and administration are not responsible or liable for any damages incurred as a result of participating in the services advertised on this site. Any and all legal action should be taken with the owners of said services, barring any wavers agreed to therein. Any other complaints should be directed at <<i.imgur.com/3sVvrrF.jpg|this wall.>>
12/21/13 10:46PM
deep_sea_dive said:
first of all, i wasn't joking. there are adds and tehy are targeted at my area, saying 'old women wanting to have sex.' i'm just asking if these are real women and is this viable at all, if anybody knows. i could care less what the admins do with the ads, i'm sure it's semi automated like you say although i hope someone's gettin paid for it :D

but anyways i don't see anything wrong with just hooking up like that if it is legit, if two people know what they want then yeah it could work. the consequences afterwards will depend on the people. i agree there are much better ways to meet someone but i wouldn't rule out the possibility of romance through such an approach.

My apologies. The format and brevity of the thread made it seem a bit like a spam thread. That and I've seldom known anyone to even consider getting involved with an ad on an adult site. Again, I'm really sorry.

Moving on; if an ad says "old women wanting to have sex", it just seems awfully suspicious to me but then again I'm not in that targeted audience so I don't know how credible these words are in general. The fact that the admins and the site itself have nothing to so with it makes me think that you probably won't get a clear answer (at least when it comes to flimsy sounding ads like that). This seems like the kind of thing you're better off investigating for yourself.

I agree that the possibility for romance can exist anywhere, even in the most unlikely of places and there is nothing wrong with two people hooking up to have something more cursory but do be careful. When I said "better" I also meant 'safer'. You can't always trust what you see online; no matter how many people recommend it.
12/21/13 11:51PM
i mean yeah i agree. i'm probably not gonna investigate lol but i had at least enough curiosity to make a thread.
12/22/13 07:31AM
deep_sea_dive said:
first of all, i wasn't joking. there are adds and tehy are targeted at my area, saying 'old women wanting to have sex.'

Please excuse the fact that I did grin from the fact that some people may fall for that :) Full disclosure.

The dirty little trick some advertisers use to make these personalized ads is that when you browse a page, some information about you is available to them (like the browser you use).

For example, <<fiddle.jshell.net/X24V9/show/|I made this to show you>>.
12/22/13 07:36AM
Stem_Cell said:
Please excuse the fact that I did grin from the fact that some people may fall for that :) Full disclosure.

The dirty little trick some advertisers use to make these personalized ads is that when you browse a page, some information about you is available to them (like the browser you use).

For example, <<fiddle.jshell.net/X24V9/show/|I made this to show you>>.

Stem_Cell... you're a good person... right? O_O...
12/22/13 07:38AM
oh i know that believe me heheh, i was merely wondering if those are total bologna or if they really do have women on those sites...somewhere, anywhere.

if they do, then i could really see how someone would want to try it out. it would be like craigslist only a half step up. just wondering.
12/22/13 03:38PM
Stem_Cell said:
For example, <<fiddle.jshell.net/X24V9/show/|I made this to show you>>.

Welp, time to start using a proxy or w/e it takes to mask my location... The stats on the USA are cute, but most of the people in the city I live in don't even know the name of the district I'm from. The magic of technology~
12/22/13 10:03PM
that's not even so creepy. yeah i live in marietta, ga, what of it? anybody can come to the front door whether or not we met on the internet. anonymity is almost always an illusion...
12/22/13 10:46PM
My town is so insignificant that no automated system ever gets my location right (it's close, though).
12/23/13 01:47AM
LillyTank said:
Stem_Cell... you're a good person... right? O_O...

I try to be :)

petal said:
Welp, time to start using a proxy or w/e it takes to mask my location...

What you are looking for is <<torrentfreak.com/vpn-serv...usly-2013-edition-130302/|a VPN>>.

Also, location is just one half of it. How many sites you use that have, somewhere, a Facebook button? Facebook probably has a very detailed profile on you, even if you don't have an account (moreso if you do). And other sites exist besides Facebook - visiting dictionary.com will get you tracked by no less than a couple hundered different third parties (probably because these have paid for that), using various techniques that are often not very transparent to the end-user and work behind the scenes.

All of this can be circumvented depending on how paranoid you are - I know I have a lot of homework to do in this regard, for which I just think "yeah, I should take care of this at some point..." and procrastinate until hell freezes over. Maybe you'll face it with the same level of care.

deep_sea_dive said:
i was merely wondering if those are total bologna or if they really do have women on those sites...somewhere, anywhere.

You should look at it the other way around. Are these sites targeted at men, or at women? Maybe a site that advertises having lots of female meat will not be the place girls will go to.

Actually, scratch that, even. Look for the sort of girl you like, and try to conquer her heart directly (i.e., not through a website), through your actions and outlooks. Build a strong relationship with small but constant efforts. Sticking to porn also works, though.

Mindwipe said:
My town is so insignificant that no automated system ever gets my location right (it's close, though).

Haha, I know! Mine's too.
12/23/13 01:58AM
Your example says 10.7% of Americans speak Spanish. Is that as a primary language?

Also, it couldn't decide on my location. :-P Which is strange given its population.
12/23/13 02:49AM
okay first of all, those sites are clearly targeted at men...

secondly like i said this was pure curiosity and wonderment, you don't gotta tell me to 'win a girl's heart' like yeah i already know that *rolls eyes*
1 2>>>

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