08/09/17 01:01AM
Livestreaming on Picarto
Hey everyone, I will be streaming live on Picarto.TV, to show you all any form of improvement I've made with my drawing, since I'm trying my best to take all of your advice to heart.

If this does work, and you all are impressed to say the least with my "art" , I will post it on HypnoHub.

Here's the link to my channel: picarto.tv/waverun

Hope to see you all there.
08/09/17 01:28AM
Okay so nobody joined.

So I just stopped the stream.

That and I wasn't figuring out how to make my art look better. I was erasing every unneeded line, trying to make my art look as on-point to the reference as possible, and yet, it still looked like garbage.

Maybe I should just stick to my manips.

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