08/12/17 12:07AM
Information needed. Running out of resources. + Answers given
Hello everyone, waverun here.

I need some information of image websites that have plenty of digitally-made dominatrix fetish porn.

I'm slightly running out of resources for manipping, and I don't want to stoop to the low of getting something off of google images, and then manipping it without a proper source.

I have all the MLP, Undertale, Sonic Series, Pokemon, Mario Series, and even Disney images I need.
But so far, I haven't found a single picture that suits my tastes when it comes to original non-copyrighted HUMAN Dominatrix porn.
And there's so little of it on E621, Xbooru, and Rule34.
I even tried looking on Pornhub, but sadly, if you type in two things for the photo search, it doesn't give you a list of the two things combined.
And I know there's real life porn on there so searching "hentai dominatrix" didn't work.

And I'm not going to start with 2 certain other ways of getting digital porn, so manipping is all I've got.

Now, before you go, if there's some answers you need, I'm here to provide. But don't worry, If any of you do not want to read what I have to say, do NOT click the spoilers below, and you'll be okay.

Now I know that in the past I've been nothing better than a major nuisance, begging for guidance, refusing help, insulting artists, all because of my screwed up sense of logic, reason, and overall intention. And I'm genuinely sorry for all of it.
Looking back on it now, I wish I had a normal mindset back then, like all of you; so those mistakes could've all been avoided. But I don't. And it sucks.

Why did I insult the users' artwork. Because I didn't want to seem like a dumb feminazi (extreme radical feminist) without a supporting reference for an argument. Now I just feel extremely guilty that I did it.

Why do I do the things that I do, like refuse help, when I constantly beg for guidance? The reason for that is because I failed to see the point of certain methods given to me as help, like repeatedly drawing an image shown upside down to fix anatomy issues.

Why is my sense of logic, reason, and intention so screwed up? I believe it might have to do with either my lack of common sense, or my 3 mental disorders. Aspergers (mild) , ADHD (extreme) , and OCD (Discovered through an intrusive thought attack on a Friday night in High School.) .

Have you gone to a therapist to fix your problems? Yes, I have. In fact, I'm going to see her again this month. Maybe I can try to convince her to hypnotize me long-term so I can ACTUALLY RECOVER from my problems!

Will you EVER take our help to heart, or accept our help to become better at drawing, so you can advance to DIGITAL drawing. I intend full-well to. The problem is, it all depends on what mood I'm in, if I find the help useful, and how often I take my sketchpad(s) out to draw in it. If I ever find the time and/or motivation to, I will look for your help, my references, and draw in my sketchpad(s).

There's all the answers and explanations I could give so you all could finally understand the truth behind waverun.

Thank you for reading.
08/12/17 12:16AM

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