08/30/17 11:26AM
What Your Villainous Team in Pokemon Would Be Like
So I got recommended a video by a pokemon youtuber Mr. Buddy about what his pokemon evil organization would look like. It was a very interesting and well thought out video, and the plot is something I think this community would definitely get a kick out of (especially Crimson). So I thought I'd share it so you guys can check it out. Here's the link:

But this thread isn't just for that, it's also for discussing what your personal evil organizations would be like. I might try and brainstorm something later, but I'm curious as to what you guys can come up with, have fun!
08/30/17 11:31AM
Flyman said:
So I got recommended a video by a pokemon youtuber Mr. Buddy about what his pokemon evil organization would look like. It was a very interesting and well thought out video, and the plot is something I think this community would definitely get a kick out of (especially Crimson). So I thought I'd share it so you guys can check it out. Here's the link:

But this thread isn't just for that, it's also for discussing what your personal evil organizations would be like. I might try and brainstorm something later, but I'm curious as to what you guys can come up with, have fun!

I gave the idea of one to a friend for a game of PTU,a pokemon tabletop game. Though I assume he ran them a bit differently than I really had in mind

Team Harmony, a cult that is all about the loss of self for the greater good. They use mostly psychic types and have the end goal of basically making all the humans and pokemon in the world part of one big hive mind.

No fighting or hate, just peace and love.

Perfect Harmony.
08/30/17 11:48AM
Flyman said:
So I got recommended a video by a pokemon youtuber Mr. Buddy about what his pokemon evil organization would look like. It was a very interesting and well thought out video, and the plot is something I think this community would definitely get a kick out of (especially Crimson). So I thought I'd share it so you guys can check it out. Here's the link:

But this thread isn't just for that, it's also for discussing what your personal evil organizations would be like. I might try and brainstorm something later, but I'm curious as to what you guys can come up with, have fun!

Ooohh I remember seeing that vid when it was released. Didn't think about posting it here though. Good call !

I like @Imasuky 's idea too (I don't know much about hive minds though. Is that the thing for bees ? Or Zergs ?)

If I were to have a villainous pokémon team ... Well, I can think of a few options right now :

Team "Chaos"' (what a fitting name !), whose goal would be wreck havoc and create anarchy, just for the lolz of it. No goal in mind : just destruction in its purest form. But that might be a little bit non-constructive.

A team solely based on making profit thanks to pokémon, but legal profit. Of course, the pokémons could be mistreated, but hey, it would be kinda like our world. Maybe it could be dangerous because of the pollution it creates, too. And since every pokémon protagonist ever is an ecologist who strongly believes in friendship and cupcakes, it could be a fun thing to explore.

On a more "mind-control" note : a team of vigilantes who stop crime, and then use massive hypnosis/brainwashing to ensure that the villains never commit any crime again, or even turn them into other vigilantes. And since they've got their own vision of justice or of what's good and bad, it could lead to mistakes, or even extreme punishing for minor problems. Not to mention their clearly un-ethical methods. It could also be fun to just them winning, so that the protagonist could start some sort of resistance. Could be interesting if handled well.
08/30/17 11:57AM
AnnoyinGoblin said:

On a more "mind-control" note : a team of vigilantes who stop crime, and then use massive hypnosis/brainwashing to ensure that the villains never commit any crime again, or even turn them into other vigilantes. And since they've got their own vision of justice or of what's good and bad, it could lead to mistakes, or even extreme punishing for minor problems. Not to mention their clearly un-ethical methods. It could also be fun to just them winning, so that the protagonist could start some sort of resistance. Could be interesting if handled well.

Ooh, I like this idea! Maybe their name could be something like "Team Justice". I like Imasuky's idea too, you know I'm finding that I like a lot of these teams based around the theme of "mind control for the greater good."
08/30/17 12:10PM
Flyman said:
Ooh, I like this idea! Maybe their name could be something like "Team Justice". I like Imasuky's idea too, you know I'm finding that I like a lot of these teams based around the theme of "mind control for the greater good."

Reminds me of part of what caused a game i ran to fall apart. There had been drama brewing for a while.

And after a former Team Rocket officer turned up as Mewtwo's 'assistant' the drama boiled over. The guy had been pretty evil, shooting one of his own teammates to shut him up.

Mewtwo who was free of Team Rocket and wanted to fight back had taken this guy, erased his old memories and personality and put him under his control. The player in question got super mad about it and threw all the other drama out in a huge fit.

The others had no issues because the guy had been super evil and even if it wasn't by choice he was now helpful.
08/30/17 12:52PM
I've had a concept for a story I've wanted to write for a while that would involve a Pokemon team known as Team Genesis. They're basically a team of mad scientists based around the concept of reviving the dead with Pokemon's already present fossil reviving technology, applied to the more recently passed. They use the fossil and other 'ancient' Pokemon (like Relicanth, Golurk, etc.) pretty much exclusively and thus end up being a primarily Rock type team. <<|Their Leader's signature is a Marowak, however.>> The grunts are supposed to seem pretty idealistic, while the higher ups are bit more serious and nostalgic about their desire to bring people and Pokemon back.

Issues arise when Ghost types start going nuts around the world and then an unbelievably angry Giratina shows up and starts asking questions by means of Shadow Force. But then, that's a story for another time.
08/30/17 10:30PM
Mine would pretty much be the OmegaRuby Team Magma, except Tabitha would still be a femboi or whatever you want to call his Gen 3 design instead of just obese and not very funny. Or maybe just the Adventures manga Team Magma with the ORAS Maxie leading it, that works too. I like both versions of Courtney equally.

08/31/17 03:02AM
I got a few ideas:

Team Primal - Out to restore extinct pokemon and old traditions and a more natural world. Specialize in Grass and Fossil Pokemon

Team Plague - Trying to make the world more toxic and thus more suitable for Poison Pokemon. Specialize both in Poison and Bug types

Team Shade - Guys who want to try to contact the dead and have ghosts roam the earth, regardless on what they have to do or who they have to hurt to try to accomplish it. Specialize in Ghost and Dark pokemon

Team Solar & Team Lunar - Basically like Team Aqua and Magma only instead of expanding the sea or land, these guys are trying to bring eternal daytime or nighttime, respectively. Both specialize in Rock pokemon but Solar use Fire types and Lunar use Dark types.
08/31/17 03:05AM
StepfordCrimson said:
I got a few ideas:

Team Primal - Out to restore extinct pokemon and old traditions and a more natural world. Specialize in Grass and Fossil Pokemon

Team Plague - Trying to make the world more toxic and thus more suitable for Poison Pokemon. Specialize both in Poison and Bug types

Team Shade - Guys who want to try to contact the dead and have ghosts roam the earth, regardless on what they have to do or who they have to hurt to try to accomplish it. Specialize in Ghost and Dark pokemon

Team Solar & Team Lunar - Basically like Team Aqua and Magma only instead of expanding the sea or land, these guys are trying to bring eternal daytime or nighttime, respectively. Both specialize in Rock pokemon but Solar use Fire types and Lunar use Dark types.

Can I sign up for Lunar?

I don't like sunlight.
08/31/17 07:42AM
The dreaded... TEAM PANTS! Their leader would utter much HAMFISTED PHILOSOPHY!!1!

On a more serious note...

Team Cyber: A futuristic, high tech team with the end goal of dragging the entire universe into a virtual world under their complete control. They generally use high tech looking pokemon, and have an intense fascination with the Porygon series. The main type you'd see a lot of though would be electric types, since those often have a connection with machines. They'd have super cool neon glowing outfits and such because they want to look 'futuristic' and all that. Eventually you'd battle their leader between reality and virtual reality all at once, with hopefully an awesome background of shifting scenery and computer-y stuff.
09/01/17 01:28AM
StepfordCrimson said:
I got a few ideas:

Team Primal - Out to restore extinct pokemon and old traditions and a more natural world. Specialize in Grass and Fossil Pokemon

Team Plague - Trying to make the world more toxic and thus more suitable for Poison Pokemon. Specialize both in Poison and Bug types

Team Shade - Guys who want to try to contact the dead and have ghosts roam the earth, regardless on what they have to do or who they have to hurt to try to accomplish it. Specialize in Ghost and Dark pokemon

Team Solar & Team Lunar - Basically like Team Aqua and Magma only instead of expanding the sea or land, these guys are trying to bring eternal daytime or nighttime, respectively. Both specialize in Rock pokemon but Solar use Fire types and Lunar use Dark types.

Not a Team specialising in psychic types who want to stepfordize the whole world?

... that's my idea, then. :P
09/01/17 03:39AM
JoanieSappho said:
Not a Team specialising in psychic types who want to stepfordize the whole world?

... that's my idea, then. :P

Joanie... I think Mr. Buddy would like a word with you. Something about ripping off his shtick, or something...
09/01/17 03:44AM
ghost13 said:
Joanie... I think Mr. Buddy would like a word with you. Something about ripping off his shtick, or something...

He has a good shtick!
And its not like I'd mind if I was turned into a happy, obedient wife for my wife ...

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