08/31/17 03:42AM
If you have a bank account and a mobile device, here's how you can donate $10 to hurricane Harvey relief at no cost to yourself:
1. Go to
2. Install and launch the app.
3. Tap the small person icon in the upper left of the app screen.
4. Scroll down and tap "Rewards".
5. Type "CROOKED" into the text field. (It's the coupon code from a podcast.)
6. As soon as you confirm, $5 will immediately and automatically be donated to hurricane relief, from the app company's coffers. $5 will also go to your account, conditional upon you using the app to send $5.
7. Send $5 to yourself using an alternate e-mail, or to someone you trust to pay it back to you. (If your other e-mail uses the same bank account, you'll be notified that the transaction failed. However, you'll still get the $5 from the coupon offer, so this is a totally valid way to do it.)
8. Get the $5 from using the coupon code, and donate that to hurricane relief too! =)

I know it's a bit of a hassle, but if we all do this, we could easily generate hundreds of dollars to hurricane relief right here from our humble little Hypnohub. If anyone has questions or issues with these steps, let me know and I'll try to figure it out. Thanks, everyone!
08/31/17 04:01AM
For now, I've removed the links and such, as we'd like to review them for legitimacy first and foremost. Otherwise, we indeed should help donate and do what we can for those affected.
08/31/17 08:54AM
Very much agreed, and I'll be making a donation to the Red Cross relief efforts as soon as my Patreon money comes in Friday.
08/31/17 10:15AM
Chaytel said:
Very much agreed, and I'll be making a donation to the Red Cross relief efforts as soon as my Patreon money comes in Friday.

The Red Cross has kind of a history of mismanaging disaster relief funds and funneling them into its PR machine.

Direct Relief is probably the best disaster relief charity currently operating.
08/31/17 10:19AM
Astral said:
The Red Cross has kind of a history of mismanaging disaster relief funds and funneling them into its PR machine.

Direct Relief is probably the best disaster relief charity currently operating.

Yeah I've heard that Red Cross is pretty much a scam at this point. Just from a glance Direct Relief does look better.
08/31/17 07:40PM
Okay, need to clarify, the Red Cross is a perfectly valid and helpful charity. Do not perpetuate myths and spread rumors, especially ones that can prevent people from donating and potentially get people killed.
08/31/17 07:53PM
Unfortunately, it does seem that there's a bit of a case against the Red Cross.

Here's a source that may help with choosing a charity:
08/31/17 08:14PM
Black--Wave said:
Unfortunately, it does seem that there's a bit of a case against the Red Cross.

Here's a source that may help with choosing a charity:

Sure. you can look at pretty much any disaster charity and find that they don't always end up to snuff. Disasters are, by nature, pretty hard to work though. The important thing is that a lot of money goes to a lot of different charities, not just one. Some only provide medical aid, some only provide food, others may only provide physical goods like blankets and toilet paper. This is going to be one of the longest disaster relief efforts ever, and we're going to need as many charities doing their thing as possible. And not just now, either, but for years to come. Organizations like the Red Cross will step out after the first few months as they're primarily relief and first response. Others will be there for years, rebuilding. It's going to take a lot of help over a lot of years, so please remember, everyone, to have a mind for donations in the future too.
08/31/17 09:22PM
Title says "[...] at no cost to yourself", but that's incorrect, as it would cost at least $10.

(Yes, I know it's for charity, which is a good cause for those $10 to go to, but I'm currently in one of those moods where I want to nitpick at something very minute and essentially inconsequential to the actual message that was being put across.)
08/31/17 09:43PM
You need to *have* $10, but if you send it to yourself, you can just kind of infinite loop.
09/01/17 11:11AM
Anon_3.141 said:
Title says "[...] at no cost to yourself", but that's incorrect, as it would cost at least $10.

(Yes, I know it's for charity, which is a good cause for those $10 to go to, but I'm currently in one of those moods where I want to nitpick at something very minute and essentially inconsequential to the actual message that was being put across.)

The company provides the $5 that goes directly to charity, as well as providing money to the user. It's a promotional offer. It doesn't require any expense but a little bit of time, if you follow the steps~. I've updated the initial post to hopefully be more clear. Let me know if there's a part that's tripping you up, though.
09/01/17 06:35PM
Black--Wave said:
The company provides the $5 that goes directly to charity, as well as providing money to the user. It's a promotional offer. It doesn't require any expense but a little bit of time, if you follow the steps~. I've updated the initial post to hopefully be more clear. Let me know if there's a part that's tripping you up, though.

First question: Does it require a smart phone, or is there a way to do this in a browser on PC?
Second question: If you need to send the $5 to yourself (due to not having a friend to send it to you), doesn't that technically mean it cost you $5, even though you sent it to yourself?
09/02/17 02:29AM
Anon_3.141 said:
First question: Does it require a smart phone, or is there a way to do this in a browser on PC?
Second question: If you need to send the $5 to yourself (due to not having a friend to send it to you), doesn't that technically mean it cost you $5, even though you sent it to yourself?

As far as I can tell, it's a smartphone app only. I THINK there are ways of getting apps running on a PC, but someone with more know-how than me would have to field that one.

You do need to HAVE $5 (as UselessFish pointed out), but you still have that money when you're done. It may be unavailable to you for a few days while the bank processes, but you won't lose it.

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