09/03/17 02:21AM
MC related dreams?
Just a thread to share all your kinky-ass hypno dreams to strangers on the internet. (And possibly get inspiration for your lewd art or manips)
Okay, so here are some of mine
I had a dream once where I was gonna get a surgery of some sort, but the doctor putting me under used this weird mind control gas and then he used some sort of a device to remote control fly me around the room while I was in a horny bliss filled daze. I remember floating with my whole body limp, no control over where I was flying and not caring at all. Later he gave me some other gas that made me more aware of my surroundings and I was all mad at him for it and tried to make him give me more of the intense gas that completely controlled me. Also the containers that had the gas in them had pictures of sonic the hedgehog on them, and him flying me around like a RC helicopter with a vagina had something to do with sonic. Also my mother was there, My dreams are weird (but kinky. Very kinky).

Another one there was some hot dude who made me his waitress slave for his restaurant and made me recruit other girls to be slaves too. The main part I remember was when he gave me and another girl I recruited a day off and erased our memories, and the moment we walked back into the restaurant he snapped his fingers and we both fell to the floor, limp and drooling, completely blank, as he started giving us new instructions. Then my alarm clock went off. I was not happy. Curse you reality for ruining my kinky slave waitressing job.
09/03/17 04:50AM
I've only ever had nightmares of the MC sort ^^; but I'll share it anyway, maybe someone gets a kick out of it or something ;)

I haven't had this dream in forever (though I might again tonight after writing this down) but it's been a recurring one with a kind of progression to it that I'm never quite convinced it is a dream. Still, I've been free of it for years now so I do have some distance from it now :)

[spoiler=Long text is long.]
At first I remember being a kind of ghost, summoned or called by some alien's prayers. Though I suppose he looked grotesque, I was never scared. He wanted help to escape from a kind of underground maze, so I helped him. And others after that, until one night I didn't feel like a ghost anymore and I woke up in this kind of... El Dorado-esque temple with beautiful pink and white veils and a bunch of them in a circle around me. Everything was a lot clearer, but I felt a lot weaker. They told me they'd sacrificed one of them to serve as a vessel for their Goddess on Earth, so to say.

The next few nights I spent trying to convince them that I am no freaking Goddess, I don't need that kind of fucking pressure, and leave me the hell alone (they didn't take no for an answer). When that didn't work, I'd start mind-controlling them to go home, abandon the temple, help me tear it down and kill my vessel as that seemed to be the only way I could escape it. I started losing sleep in real life, hadn't dreamt anything that hadn't had to do with this in weeks now.

Then, when I went back again, I couldn't move my limbs though I was there, I felt a lot weaker. There were only a few priests with kind of masks on. It was dark, and they were chanting and this heavy incense in the air I remember. And I remember thinking "This is alright, this is nice, I could do this. This is nice. Relaxing." and just slipping into it, only vaguely aware of the fact that I was wearing the skimpiest gown (basically veils and a golden filigree belt) and smiling and waving at the masses, blessing people left and right even with my divine powers... and I'd wake up, remember everything and just feel nauseous and abused.

Forcing myself to start dreaming something else only ever got me dragged back there later on so that wasn't an option either. Eventually I learned to resist it by basically screaming the entire time in the back of my mind. I think I ended up blowing up their planet after my second or third time breaking free of their control? Because seriously. Rude. Make a religion around me AND make me serve for all eternity? Please, you need to leave. I don't need that kind of pressure.[/spoiler]

I'm curious as to what other dreams might get told here ^^ I hope they're as nice or strange as MissMistress's!
09/03/17 06:28AM
I had one once.

Me and some girl were trying to stop this other evil girl from doing something bad (both girls were super hot and the evil girl was were some lewd latex outfit too so yeah). I held her down and thought I had her but then she used a staff she had to hypno me and I turned on the girl that I was working with.

Unfortunately the dream ended there.
09/03/17 06:53AM
Ive had dream where Corrin from fire emblem was a vampire that had red glowing eyes that hypnotized me. She made me go limp so I couldnt run away and then she started sucking my blood. Before I never liked vampires or blood sucking but that dream made me kinda like it.
09/03/17 02:15PM
I definitely had dreams like that, but unfortunately I can't remember them ;-;
09/04/17 09:20AM
Hm, I dreamt about being a patient in a normal hypnotheraphy clinic once and getting hypnotized there to get rid of my fears etc.

Aside from that ... I dreamt a character of a series I really liked and kinda fell in love with (also the actor of that role) would hypnotize me with a pendulum like he almost did in that series.

Other than that, none I still remember, sadly.
09/04/17 07:21PM
I dreamt that I kinda went on a rampage and hypnotized/controlled my mother, my sister, Trixy from mlp, and others, then I made them into my slaves. Then at the end of the 'sequel' dream. I got letters saying that they miss me, their master.
09/04/17 08:31PM
One night I had a dream about a crime syndicate who was kidnapping girls and brainwashing them to be members and/or playthings for other members. Through a series of events, I ended up finding the location in an attempt to save them, when the admin of the syndicate offered to let them go if I was to win at some sort of game. The game was rigged, naturally, and I ended up becoming another kidnapped girl.

That's the short version, anyway. I have the whole dream written in a journal, but I don't really want to write all of that down again.
09/05/17 02:00AM
<<hypnohub.net/forum/show/3269|There was a thread for this eons ago>>, if you're interested.

But anyway, weirdly enough, I just had one while taking a nap today. It was brief, not fully formed and I wasn't even there (more like being an invisible camera to what I was watching) but here we go: I'm watching a boyfriend and girlfriend (the dude looks like someone in their early 20's while the chick looks almost close to her 30's) interact with each other and being all lovely dovey. When she needs to use the bathroom, he allows her. When she comes out, she's seen wearing a military jacket that looks like something out of a Sci-Fi tv series with a blank expression on her face. The boyfriend is pleased by this and wants to view her in full out fit. She complies but just before she does, the boyfriend wants to see her dress in the bathroom.

Then it ends.
09/05/17 03:53AM
I vaguely recall this thing about Toph Beifong getting infected by something like the Borg.
09/05/17 06:30AM
I only remember one from when i was a teenager. It was Raven from Teen Titans of all people (and this was back when Starfire was considered the sexy one, before the fandom started figuring out that Raven was actually hotter). I was in a room with her and she'd do some weird pulsing-eye thing, and every time she did, i ended up closer to her, until i was staring right into the pulsing eyes.

I don't have many sexy dreams period, let alone MC dreams. Most of my dreams are completely random, or me getting into arguments with people.
09/06/17 09:44PM
So, that’s kind of a strange one, because I remember it quite well. It's more "Corruption" than pure MC, but I think it fits the topic. Well, you’ll see :

So, I was working with a friend, in a library. Studying, more exactly. I can’t remember what but I remember it was linked with what I’m studying IRL. Everything is fine, we eat, we talk… I give him a copy of our last lesson, and he cries for an instant. A small paper cut. Nothing too worrying to me, but he starts freaking out. The thing is that it bleeds profusely, and I can’t stop it with my first aid knowledge. Bandage, clothing, garrot : nothing works. The most shocking thing is that I know he isn’t hemophiliac. But he has the symptoms. Everyone freaks out around me, shouting at me about “Being a fool” and “Not being careful after the Calamity”. He starts to weaken, and I lick the wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding. Doesn’t work either, and now my face is as bloody as a zombie that just had breakfast. What’s troubling, though, is that the blood doesn’t taste like how I remember it to (I used to get nosebleed all the time when I was younger, hence why I know how blood taste.). It tastes better . I don’t exactly remember, but that surprised me. Seeing what I’ve done and my face, everybody around me screams (instead of, you know, helping the poor guy).

Some time of confusion passes by, and then : silence. Shadow falls over the library, I can’t feel having something in my arms. I ask where everything is : nothing. I feel like I got lost in the Void, but I hear footsteps. Heels, to be accurate. I look around, nothing. And then, a hand on my shoulder. I’m scared, really scared. But, somehow, I can’t move anymore. Can’t scream either. I hear a feminine voice, that tells me to calm down, to be gentle. For some reason, I listen and calm down. Weird thing is : I feel like the voice is in my head. The hand moves around my back, almost like a caress. I’m shivering. (It was so creepy ! Who wouldn’t have been scared in that situation ! I’m almost surprised, now writing about it, that I didn’t complete lose my shit when hearing her). I look behind me, nothing. I look in front of me, and there she is.

Just imagine a mix of Yennefer of Vengerberg (Witcher 3) and Persephone Brimstone (Agents of Mayhem), in a really classy black dress and opera gloves. She has a bit of “red” around her mouth, but I assume she just “missed” her lipstick. She talks a bit but I can’t really focus. She’s just surprised I didn’t freak out, or run. She seems playful at first, looks at me as if I were a fine meal, and slits my arm with her nails. Nothing too painful, but it starts bleeding, at a normal rate this time. But, for a reason unknown to me, she’s surprised. She tries again, it hurts a bit this time, but I bleed like any healthy human being would. And then, interest sparks in her eyes, she mumbles a few things. I can’t remember what it was but I can remember how it felt . Like strong waves, but… I didn’t hit like a rock. It smoothly bend around and inside me. It felt good, too.

The light comes back. She’s still here, smiling, and everyone else panicks at the door, seemingly unable to open them. I join them, but instead of trying to force the doors, my arm sweeps in front of me, leaving a bloody trail behind him. I just slit several throats with one move. But somehow, I’m not shocked, and keep doing it, tearing through dozens of innocent persons with ease. Quickly, the woman joins me in this blood orgy, and when we’re done, it turns into some less “murderous” and more… “erotic”, I guess ? activity. I’m her plaything, literally bathing in the blood of people we just massacred, but I’m happy (IN THE DREAM. THIS IS REALLY FUCKED UP WHEN I THINK ABOUT IT). She just seduces me with her presence and the taste of this dream’s blood. She convinces me that I’m of her kind, that’s I’m part of something better, and I just believe her (stupid dream me).

We leave, and then we spend the rest of the dream literally painting the city red. And with each victim, I become more and more corrupt, and she loves me even more. I don’t remember if it ended up in bloody sex. [/spoilers]

Soooooo… I didn’t expect to write something this long. And trying to remember it made me realise how fucked up that was. Sooo… I don’t know if I want to know how I can interpret that dream ? Anyone ?
09/06/17 11:00PM
I know I've had Mind control/hypnosis dreams but it's just that the ones I've had seem so.... bland, I guess? Like, the me in the dream has control over someone, but he doesn't do what "I" would do. Like, if I had control over someone, I would try to push it to the limits of experimentation in terms of hypnosis, but the me in the dreams just does boring stuff like making them turn off lights or making food or whatever... Part of me wishes I could learn how to lucid dream, so that "I" could be in control. (though to be honest, I don't really have dreams that often.)

Does that make sense?
09/06/17 11:51PM
averageguy17 said:
I know I've had Mind control/hypnosis dreams but it's just that the ones I've had seem so.... bland, I guess? Like, the me in the dream has control over someone, but he doesn't do what "I" would do. Like, if I had control over someone, I would try to push it to the limits of experimentation in terms of hypnosis, but the me in the dreams just does boring stuff like making them turn off lights or making food or whatever... Part of me wishes I could learn how to lucid dream, so that "I" could be in control. (though to be honest, I don't really have dreams that often.)

Does that make sense?

You feel that the one you see yourself through in your dreams doesn't do actions YOU would do if you had the powers he has in your dreams ? So you want to learn how to lucid dream to counterbalance that issue ?

Yeah, I understand. I often wonder the same thing, like "Why didn't I do that in my dream ? It would've been so much better !" or "How did I not realise it was a dream ? That made no sense !". Feels like our dream "us" are stupid x)
09/07/17 05:28AM
@AnnoyinGoblin's story: damn I love how fucked up and disassociated that is from your own feelings. At any point during the dream past you at the door ad the erotic turn, did you feel aware od the fucked-upness but were you unable to stop? Doesn't need to have scared you, really curious!

I'm not sure about interpreting that dream tbh but obviously death and erotica and mostly blood are themes. Not sure if the desire for someone else to take charge is a thing? If I can bullshit for a moment, I'd say you desire for a big change in your life, and someone to lead you through it - a rebirth of sorts. Probably about 99% bull, though.

@averageguy17: bland is fine! Don't be scared to share please! I'd love to hear about bland dreams!

As for lucid dreaming, double edged sword right there. Yeah it's great to get you out of nightmares and you can do whatever you want all of a sudden. Downside is it takes extra energy, and if you do it too often you have to put even more energy in to keep yourself entertained or your grip will slip and the nightmares that come from that - oh boy.

At least in my case. This repetitive dream thing I talked about earlier was a result of a semi-long term of lucid dreaming come to a halt. These days I try to keep the reins loose, sometimes wake up with a "what the fuck did I just dream" moment (or day), and only interfere if I am truly terrified or want to oush one of my multiple dreams in a direction of a story I read that day or so. It's too easy to get obsessed.
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