09/03/17 06:50PM
Post Your Random Story Ideas
It's suddenly occurred to me that I've come up with a lot of random ideas for MC stories, so many that my wallet wouldn't be able to survive commissioning them all, but I still feel like sharing them. I wonder if other people are like that here, so I thought I'd make a thread for it for people to share their random story ideas for posterity.

I'll go first:

* Zelda gets jealous of all the attention Epona gets from Link while she's stuck in the castle busy with princess stuff, so she casts a spell to make Link think she's Epona. But this quickly spirals out of control when this results in him thinking some asshole kids put princess clothes on her as a prank, stripping her naked, and giving her a very affectionate and hands-on grooming. Worse still, the spell was stronger than she thought, and EVERYONE thinks she's Epona (though they still recognize her as being sexy), and eventually even SHE starts to think she's Epona. It ends with her harnessed naked to a cart and happily pulling it through Hyrule Castle town.

* An interdimensional deity hypnotizes various superhuman heroines from fiction and recruits them to be strippers, using their powers to put on one-of-a-kind performances (examples: Pyrrha uses her polarity to tear away her armor with her mind; Power Girl rubs acid all over herself like it's oil and shows herself off as her clothes melt away from her glistening body; someone with fire powers lights her outfit on fire and dances as her clothes burn to ash; and shadowcat uses her phasing both to strip and to move and flow across the stage).

09/03/17 06:54PM
One that I have thought of but never got the drive to actually start.

A girl who's lived a perfectly normal life up until her 18th birthday. On that day she discovers that her mother is actually a succubus, and she inherited those powers as well as a need to have sex.

So she starts using it to feed on all her friends.
09/03/17 09:07PM
Same here.
Currently working on something.
09/03/17 09:23PM
* A guy/girl hypnotises his/her girlfriend against her will to be a French Maid. The only problem is that she starts talking in french, which results in a complete boner-killer for him, since he can't understand her anymore.

* Two hypnotists (that have known each other for a very long time) meet each other and start to compare their slaves, each saying that their own is better than their rival's. While they argue, the slaves start to make out which each other. Bonus points if the hypnotists realize they love each other and join their slave in a fun orgy.

I had others, but I can't remember them for now. Anyway, I don't think I'll have the time or the money to manip/commission something out of those ideas.

09/05/17 05:32AM
I'll probably have more than a few to contribute later...
09/05/17 05:52AM
I also had a random idea a while ago that's way more sad and dark than what I'm usually into, an idea for a manip if I ever got into doing those. I'm honestly not sure anyone would like it, but I thought I'd share in case anyone actually likes the idea.

Basically it's the diary entries of a woman who's a genius chemist and who tries to use her concoctions to turn herself beautiful, and succeeds... at the cost of her body being lethal to the touch of any human. There's a few entries of her growing increasingly miserable and frustrated at how isolating it is and the fact that she has to basically walk around in a Burqa at all times just to leave her house. It culminates in accidentally making physical contact with a man who turns out to be immune, causing her to desperately pursue a romantic relationship with him only for it to turn out that they have major personality clash, resulting in her snapping and concocting a drug that will put her into a completely malleable suggestive state and basically going "If I'm not what you want, then MAKE me what you want. PLEASE." because she just can't bear being alone anymore. The final entry is of her in a much more bubbly, docile and borderline-bimboish state gushing about how happy she is now that Master plays with her every day and says she doesn't have to wear that stuffy Burqa (or anything else) anymore, and off-handedly mentioning that Master put all of the "thinky parts" of her brain into a little compartmentalized box for when he needs her to make more stuff for him.
09/05/17 06:15AM
I've been getting ready for the new It movie and thought of an idea that's basically an MC parody of the movie, with a demon woman seducing the children of a small town, then implanting an urge in their subconscious that they all return 20 years later as 30-something adults.
09/05/17 07:08AM
I had a story I tried writing but failed to do really go ahead with it. It was about three lady friends who work at a corporation and their boss (who's also a woman) offers them a promotion in exchange for participating in an experiment for a tech patent the boss is interested in funding. Of course, given what kind of story this is and the cast being mostly women, you can probably guess where this goes.

Ogodei-Khan said:
I've been getting ready for the new It movie and thought of an idea that's basically an MC parody of the movie, with a demon woman seducing the children of a small town, then implanting an urge in their subconscious that they all return 20 years later as 30-something adults.

Given that Pennywise has mind control abilities, well......
09/06/17 04:26AM
Okay, here are some of mine. Note, they are all femsub/maledom:

* Two friends, on a bet, try an online "suggestibility" test, with the winner being whoever scores better or lasts longer. Not only do they tie, but both get an extremely low score back (meaning highly suggestible) and to refute it, try the advanced test. Naturally, the advanced test is a hypnosis program that puts them both under and has them do and say various things. Once they wake up, with no memory of what exactly happened but remembering the feeling of being hypnotized and obedient, they decide to just try and forget ever doing it out of embarrassment. However, as the days go by, they each feel compelled to use the program again and again, addicted to the feeling of being entranced. Eventually, they admit come clean to each other and try to quit the program cold turkey, but soon find themselves using it to the point where they can't remember long stretches of the day. Emailing the program's creator, he sends them one that he claims will, "make everything better." You can guess how it does that...

* A woman downloads an app onto her phone that uses calming images and soothing music as a relaxation aid. Naturally, the program gradually brainwashes her into a hypnotized slave...

* A woman gets a job at a Club catered towards hypno-fetishists. Need I say more?
09/06/17 01:56PM
Okay, this one is not exactly random but I'm working on it (slowly but still working on it) and it might cost my lot of... respect but in the end is just an idea, for now.

In Hub City (soon to be renamed Hypnohub City after some events), somewhere we don't care, in the real world, is unconsciously the gate from which the creatures of the Magic WIld enter the human reality. Is not like they can't do it anywhere else, but so many have established themselves in the city under disguise, and now is practically impossible to tell whether a citizen may hide bat wings or a fox tail under their dress.
But most of the humans have no clue about this, and the life goes on.
One Day, Erika, Crystal, Myuk-ko and Crimson, four friends from high school, have an after-school meeting to summon the mighty genie of Hypnosis, Hypno-tan, and they manage to against all odds.
At the same time, in the Magic Wild, Kaa'lin finds Febe, Inma e Joyce having a little fight with Daisy, and she comes down from the trees to remind them who's boss in there.
As the three little mischievous friends insist that they have an appointment in the Human Realm, the succubi leaves them go and then follows them in the other dimension, hungry for something exciting.

Few hours later, the city gets under attack by a horde of rainbow-colored female aliens species, which takes down the supehero Nightwatch, the current protector of Hub City, with little effort and then they charge.
Meeting in the mist of the assault, the girls, both from Earth and the Magic Wild, decide that is time to fight back and they get head to head with the hypno aliens.

This story is to be considered an AU.

Main Cast

Secondary Characters
Nightwatch (My OC)

For now a lot, that several might get higher roles in sequels, I don't know.

Kill me later, Alla Prossima. Ciao.
09/07/17 12:54AM
I remember reading on MC stories awhile ago the first [and only :( ] chapter of a story which was about a reality show where all the contestants are hyper-suggestible and each chapter would involve one character getting eliminated. If the story continued, the readers would vote off a new character each chapter but it stopped after chapter 1 which is a pity because I recall it being well written.
09/07/17 01:04PM
I've got a few that are relevant to the site that I still plan to write one day, but my stories are more about concepts that interest me rather than sexytimes.

-A fortune teller is approached by an adventurer and asked about the future. The oracle gazes into the future to see a dark lord corrupting all that oppose them and enslaving those that look into a mystical orb they hold. The oracle quickly cancels the vision. It's not possible to be enslaved by something that hasn't happened yet. Isn't it? Contains one more twist you probably expect.

-A psychic is scanning the minds of criminals and/or potential criminals. They come across one subject that's been thoroughly brainwashed and attempt to read the victim's mind. They find a lot of mantras, not a lot of thoughts, and some very "convincing" arguments.

There are others, but they'll be in a different format and are less traditional.
09/08/17 03:34AM
Obscenario said:
-A fortune teller is approached by an adventurer and asked about the future. The oracle gazes into the future to see a dark lord corrupting all that oppose them and enslaving those that look into a mystical orb they hold. The oracle quickly cancels the vision. It's not possible to be enslaved by something that hasn't happened yet. Isn't it? Contains one more twist you probably expect.

Let me guess, their the oracle or the adventurer are the dark lord...
09/08/17 05:08AM
ghost13 said:
Let me guess, their the oracle or the adventurer are the dark lord...

Indeed, the oracle is slowly corrupted into becoming the dark lord after being enslaved by their future self.

Perhaps not unique, but it certainly amuses me as a concept.
09/08/17 07:04AM
Oh, one more I forgot: a sub decides to see a hypnotist for the first time to explore her growing hypno-curiosity. The tist claims to have seen her before and describes all the triggers (s)he has implanted in her mind. She of course, feels their effects they're described to her because the tist is just that good. At the end, it's revealed that the tist has never met her before and she's just really that suggestible.
1 2>>>

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