09/06/17 11:36AM
Demon Dealings (Name subject to change) A hetero CYOA by Imasuky
That’s right, I’m doing a het based CYOA. Now my usual editor won’t touch this with a 9000 mile pole so I’m getting help from Robofonzy on the editing. So this will lack special flair my usual editor would give but I’m good on my own, and if not blame Robo for it.

Now the full set up will be explained in a future update so for now enjoy the beginning of this sordid tale.

PS. The pokemon Scarlet reboot is still happening down the road and this will not interfere with it or Labyrinth.

You are sitting on a throne surrounded by a half dozen beautiful girls, all of them naked, cum dripping from between their legs or splattered across their faces. Though at the moment their features are blurred and hazy.

A new one is crawling toward you, mouth open, hungry for your cock. The hunger for your dick the only thought in her head, just as you want it to be. She like all the others, is nothing more than your obedient and horny slave, a plaything for your every carnal desire.

For as long as you can recall, this has been your greatest desire. To control the thoughts and bodies of others, in particular, pretty girls. And that is just what you've done, a harem made up of all the best women and girls in school.

The one approaching you right now, eager to suck you off is none other than your own older sister, Momoko. She might be uptight and bossy, as well as a blood relative, but that hardly matters with as sexy as she is.

Slightly shorter than you, she has neck length brown hair and a trim figure, other than her hips which are a bit on the large side with her ass being particularly plump. And that plump rear is jiggling enticingly as she crawls toward you.

“Takuya…” She says sweetly as she gets close enough to breathe on your dick.

“Takuya….” She says it again, her voice dripping with desire.

There’s loud jarring slam followed by the shout of “Takuya!” still in Momoko’s voice though now she just sounds angry. You sit up in bed annoyed to have been so rudely woken up. Your dick tents the blanket pretty noticeably.

“If you don’t get out of bed now, you’ll be late for school!” She snaps “I’ve already had to deal with Sakurako so don’t test my patience anymore!” she shouts slamming the door with her fist again.

“Alright, I’m up.” You tell her smirking a little as you look down at you erection.

“Good, get ready, If you are even one second late you’ll regret it!” She says firmly. With that, you hear her walk away.

Well it might be annoying but you don’t really have time to jerk off, so just going to have to hope it goes down soon. Changing into your uniform you head to the bathroom and take care of the morning routine.

By the time you finish brushing your teeth your dick seems to have calmed down.

Heading down stairs and to the kitchen to get some breakfast you are greeted by the sight of your younger sister sitting at the table texting, how she manages to do that with those overly long fake nails she wears is still a mystery.

She looks up at you for a second and rolls her eyes.

You take a moment to look at her just like Momoko she’s a bit shorter than you, she, however, looks quite a bit different for a start she has waist length hair dyed blonde, she has a deep tan
and wears lots of heavy makeup, she’s got C-cup breasts and a toned figure, A typical Gal.

“Hey, when I took a bath last night you didn’t try to steal my panties did you?” She asks in a sharp accusing tone looking up at you for a second before going back to texting.

“No.” You answer with a sigh, she’s always accusing you of something like that as of late. She used to be a sweet and loving little sister who looked up to you but sometime around last year she started treating you like crap and dressing like this. The funny thing is that’s around the same time she went up a few cup sizes. But you don’t dare point that out for fear of being accused of sexual harassment...though she does that no matter what.

Though to be fair you have fantasized about her a few times, how could you not. She’s got the kind of looks that make everyone want to fuck her.

“Like I believe you, pervert.” she mutters gathering the last few bites of her breakfast and leaving.

With both your sisters out of the house you set about getting a quick meal. Not much just enough to make it through until lunch.

Once you finish you head to school with no real events of interest happening along the way.

Though as you approach the gate you see an all too familiar sight, a group of guys surrounding a much smaller figure.

“Hey, are you sure you’re really a boy?’ One asks mockingly.

“Yeah it’s pretty hard to believe, I mean really what guy is that dainty?” Another says with a laugh.

The slim figure winces at the words.

“Hey how about we cut class and find out?” A third one asks.

Having had enough you approach and clear your throat.

All four turn to face you.

In a split second, the short and dainty victim of bullying is latched to your arm.

“Maki-Senpai!” The voice is soft and sweet, just like the boy it belongs to, Tsukuda Yuki, an underclassman and member of the same club as you. He’s a little shorter than you and has a very slender frame, his face is soft and round with plump lips and long eyelashes all framed by straight black hair that hangs down to his shoulders.

It’s pretty easy to mistake him for a girl, in fact, the first time you met him you were positive he was one.

Because of that and his meek personality he tends to get bullied pretty often. And that’s not something you can just stand by and watch. So for the past year or so you’ve been protecting him.

And because of that, he’s become pretty fond of you. Not that you mind, boy or not he’s cute and very friendly.

“Hey, why don’t you jackasses leave him alone.” You say with more annoyance than anger. This has become such a routine that you can’t really get too worked up over it anymore.

“How about I go for that slut you call a sister?” One of them asks with a smug grin.

That, however, does get a reaction out of you, there have been some nasty rumors about Sakurako floating around. And even if she has been dressing and acting like a gal she’s still your sister and you won’t let someone get away with that.

As you clench your fist you hear a sharp snap.

Momoko is standing at the gate with her arms folded.

“All of you need to get to class, now!” She says “And...I will not tolerate any fighting from students of this school!” She adds firmly looking at you.

The three jerks quickly head into the school doing their best to avoid Momoko's gaze. While they might be willing to talk about those rumors about your younger sister your older sister is another story altogether.

She is a teacher in training and quite intimidating.

Yuki flinches a little under her glare.

“Don’t worry Nee-chan I won’t doing anything stupid.” You say waving dismissively only to be met with a sting of pain on the top of your head, the shock of it nearly causing you to drop to your knees.

Momoko’s knuckles can be devastating when she catches you off guard like that.

“You know you aren’t supposed to call me that at school. Now get to class.” She says walking off the clicking of her heels fading.

“Are you OK Maki-senpai?” Yuki asks looking at you with his large soft eyes. He really is too cute to be a boy.

“Yeah I’m fine Tsukuda-kun.” you say pushing aside some thoughts about how good he’d look in a girl’s uniform.

Class is pretty much typical.

Your homeroom teacher Akiyama Miho is her usual soft spoken self, she’s one of the most popular teachers in the school for two reasons. The first is her looks, she has a very mature and plump figure; she has shoulder length light brown hair not to mention, the beauty mark under her left eye. She’s a total MILF, though she doesn't actually have any kids, not through lack of trying on her part though.

The other reason she’s popular is because she’s extremely sweet and kind, she’s always willing to give every student a second, third...basically infinite chances.

As class ends you make your way to the school store to buy a small armload of sandwiches and some juice. With those in hand you head to your clubroom, it’s just part of the daily routine.

As you enter you find just what you expected to find, Ueda Satomi laying face down on the table in the middle of the room looking like she’s dead.

Satomi is an upperclassman of yours and the president of the Occult Research Club. Her, Yuki, and yourself are the only members.

Satomi like so many of the girls you know is a bit shorter than you, but unlike most of them, she has very large breasts, easily F cups, though it’s not like you’ve ever really had a chance to measure them. As for the rest of her, She has shoulder length black hair and wears thick rimmed glasses on a slightly plump face.

Setting the sandwiches down Satomi perks up right away.

“Maki-kun you are a lifesaver!” She says as she grabs a sandwich shoves most of it in her mouth. She devours it and several more in rapid succession.

“You really need to remember to eat breakfast on your own Ueda-senpai.” You tell her as you start eating your own sandwich at a much more reasonable pace. “You are graduating at the end of the year, once you do I’m not going to be here to ensure you don’t starve.” You tell her.

Satomi is a pretty odd on one hand she’s got some of the highest scores in the school, but at the same time, she’s a complete ditz who seems incapable of remembering even the most basic of things, like feeding herself.

In your first year, you met her and took pity on her like a dumb busty kitten. And joined her club, which you have to admit has actually been pretty fun.

The whole Occult thing does kind of strike a chord with that fetish for controlling girls. But from what you’ve seen so far you doubt it would actually be possible.

As she shovels the sixth sandwich in her mouth Satomi starts to talk.

“So...Maki-kun, I will need your help later today. I found a book and want to test something out.” She says before gulping down most of her juice.

You lift an eyebrow.

“This isn’t going to turn out like last time is it?” You ask.

“Not at all, I promise there won’t be any live frogs involved...or dead ones either. In fact no animals at all.” She says quickly.

The last time she wanted to do an ‘experiment’ it ended in nearly a hundred frogs getting unleashed in the school. It was a huge mess. The only thing that saved you from a suspension was the kindness of Akiyama-sensei.

“All I’ll need is you to show up after classes are over...and make sure no one else comes along!” she says jumping up and slamming her hands on the table making her large breasts shake quite impressively. “That’s very important.” She adds.

You just nod, it’s easier to just go along with her ideas.

Finishing your lunch you head back to class which is as uneventful as the first part of the school day.

As things wrap up you head to the clubroom as requested.

Opening the door you see...nothing really.

The room is pitch black.

“Come in and lock the door.” Satomi says from within the darkness,

Well, no point in not going along, for now, you figure as you step into the room closing and locking the door as instructed.

Once that’s done you hear the sound of a match being struck and see the flicker of a flame.

Satomi is standing in the center of the room holding a candle.

“So what is it you have planned this time?” You ask watching with some worry as Satomi uses the candle to light several more slowly illuminating the room. You can now see a large pentagram drawn on the floor in chalk.

“We’re going to summon a demon!” Satomi says throwing her arms into the air, thankfully she sat the lit candle down a few moments earlier.

“Really?” You ask trying not to sound too sarcastic, you might be in the occult club but you don’t actually believe most of this stuff.

“Yes.” She answers seemingly oblivious of the tone you had. “I have almost everything ready, I’m just missing one single key component.”

“And what would that be?” you ask “Because if it’s my blood there’s no way I’m trusting you with something sharp anywhere near me.” You inform her.

“Oh don’t worry it’s not blood….but it is a...bodily fluid…” She blushes bright enough that even in the dim light of the candles you can see it on her face. “I..I need...I need your semen.” She says looking down at the ground and grabbing the hem of her skirt.

It takes several seconds for it to really set into you mind just what she said.

“You” You ask wanting to confirm her words.

“Yes.” She answers gulping nervously “I’ve looked through more than a hundred books and this ritual showed up a dozen times over so I’m sure it will work. The final thing I need is freshly spilled semen and...I…” She’s starting to look like she might pass out.

“And you figure I might be willing?’ You ask finishing the sentence for her.

She just nods.

“I’m willing to…” The rest of her words drift off into a whispered mumble.

“Willing to what?” you ask not quite sure what she said.

“Imwillingtohelpyoucum!” She says in a sudden rush of words, nearly shouting.

Wincing at the volume of her voice you wait a few moments to be sure no one heard her.

When there’s no one busting down the door you look at her again.

Even with the blush on her face that’s bright enough to almost light up the room, she has a look in her eyes that makes it clear that she’s completely serious.

“Or...I can just leave the room and leave you to it yourself.” She says sounding a bit less nervous. “All that matters is that it’s in the middle of the pentagram.” She adds pointing to the center of the room.

Well, you’ve got three choices here.

Turn this down cause it’s a waste of time

Let her ‘help’ you

Or go solo.

If you would like to support it a little and show me a bit of gratitude I now have a tip jar, it's fine if you don't pay me anything but I would be very grateful.
09/06/17 09:25PM
So the choice here is obvious, right?

09/13/17 10:18PM
New Update

“Alright...let’s do this.” You say with only a trace of reluctance, you can’t deny the idea of Satomi making you cum has been a regular fantasy.

She smiles “You are so great, Maki-kun!” She quickly blushes though “So...I’m going to do this now.” She says taking a deep breath as she squats down in front of you. She gulps loudly and reaches toward your crotch, her hands are trembling and she has her eyes closed. It’s pretty hot seeing her like this.

She soon places her hand against your leg, a few inches away from your dick. But even through your pants, you can feel the warmth of her hand and the way it’s shaking from nerves, she lets out a small squeak of surprise.

“Are you sure about this?” You ask feeling a small pang of guilt, even as you start to get hard.

“Y...yes I'm absolutely sure!” She says as her blush deepens.

“How about I help you out a bit?” You offer, reaching down and unzipping your pants. She flinches a little at the sound. You can feel your dick starting to grow more from her reaction. It’s tenting through your underwear.

She opens her eyes for a second and seeing your erect cock poking through like that makes her yelp a little and turn her head. That serves as just the final push you need to reach full hardness, it pops out easily, fully exposed to the air.

Taking Satomi’s wrist you guide her hand to your dick. She wraps her soft, slender fingers around it loosely. They are so warm and smooth that it makes your cock twitch a little in response.

She makes a small noise of surprise and bites her lower lip, her nerves acting up again. Just the look on her face alone is better than any porn you’ve looked at.

Eyes clenched shut, lips partly open with her teeth resting on her lower lip, the bright blush staining her cheeks. But in spite of how embarrassed she looks, you can tell she’s determined to see this through.

“You can start stroking now.” you tell her.

Satomi nods and starts moving her hand, her grip is a bit loose and she’s moving pretty slowly. But it still feels far better than any of the many, many times you’ve done this for yourself. Her hand is so soft and warm.
“ I doing alright?” She asks cracking an eye open and looking up at you.

“Very…” You answer with a small groan as her fingertips brush against a spot on the underside of your cock.

She grips a bit tighter in surprise.

“ feels good?” She asks “It’s so hard..doesn't that hurt?” She asks meekly as she keeps stroking. She opens her eyes a little more and looks at your dick again before turning her face away and blushing. Though she does peek around at it again.

“It can be a bit uncomfortable but it’s not that bad most of the time. And you are making it feel really good.” You tell her.

She smiles at the praise and starts to pump her hand a bit faster.

“You need to tell me when you are close.” She says as she starts to look at your cock more, she’s openly staring at it now. Her eyes are focused intently and you can’t help but notice that she’s clenching her legs together tightly and squirming a bit, she’s getting pretty turned on it seems.

That fact is just the little push you need.

“Senpai I’m about to cum.” You tell her as you feel the pressure well up in your shaft.

She gasps and jumps up just in time to avoid the cum shot.

As the pleasure hits your shaft throbs and a thick load of cum spurts out in an arc landing in the middle of the circle of runes.

The second it touches they begin to glow a faint red and in a matter of seconds, they grow brighter and brighter. Blinding to the point you have to shield your eyes and as the light washes over feel something odd but you can’t quite place what it is.

Power Explanations

Mental Influence-You have only just obtained the power to influence the thoughts of other but can not fully control them. Remove 5 points of Willpower when used. You must speak directly to them in order for this power to work. Limited to 1 use per day

Submissive Manipulation-You can see how submissive a person is and increase their submissiveness by touching certain pressure points on their body. Removes 5 points of Willpower when a pressure point is hit. Limited to 1 use per day

Puppet Master-Using magical strings you can control a person’s body and lower their willpower through continued manipulation. Removes 5 points of Willpower when a person is controlled this way. Limited to 1 use per day

Mind App- Your powers manifest as apps on your phone allowing you to put various effects. You must have a picture of someone in order to use this power. Removes 5 points of Willpower Limited to once per day.

Hypnotic Gaze- Your eyes have a powerful hypnotic effect causing anyone who looks into them to become entranced by your power making them lust for you. Removes 5 points of Willpower Limited to once per day.

Power Vote
09/14/17 12:21AM
Pressure points are my personal favourite here, so I'm going to say everyone should vote for Submissive Manipulation.
09/14/17 05:32AM
This is exciting! I am not active on the forum nearly enough, so news of a Scarlet reboot is music to my ears. As for this, I am definitely not complaining. It sounds interesting, to say the least. I will be paying attention!
09/14/17 06:43AM
09/14/17 09:24PM
Can you give a more detailed explanation about the app power? Is it only mental, or is it physical changes as well. "Various effects" doesn't really tell me much about it, and it would be better to know what it can and can't do.

Also, for some reason, strawpoll won't work for me. Anyone else dealing with this problem?
09/14/17 09:27PM
averageguy17 said:
Can you give a more detailed explanation about the app power? Is it only mental, or is it physical changes as well. "Various effects" doesn't really tell me much about it, and it would be better to know what it can and can't do.

Also, for some reason, strawpoll won't work for me. Anyone else dealing with this problem?

Well the base power is just mental stuff changing how they think and such. As you level up more powers will open up for it and all the others as well.But baseline it's the typical hold up a cellphone they are under your power thing you see all the time in hentai.

If Strawpoll isn't working you can just write you vote here
09/16/17 10:41PM

As the light fades you still feel an odd tingle at your fingertips. Blinking a few times you look down and see what look like shimmering red strings coming from your fingertips. But you don’t have long to think about that.

“Ah...It didn’t work.” Satomi says looking at the center of the circle, completely empty aside from a few drops of cum.

“I thought I did it perfectly!” She whines pouting and folding her arms under her breasts lifting them and making them jiggle a little.

Even though you’ve seen it plenty of times to the point of bordering on desensitization something about seeing her this time... your cock, still hard from just cumming, twitches in excitement.

Satomi has picked up a book and is going through the pages muttering to herself about why this didn’t work. She’s so focused on it that she’s not paying any attention to you.

She’s so vulnerable right now, such easy prey.

Your body moves before you can really think, in a second, you’ve grabbed Satomi from behind. Your hands sinking into her large soft breasts as your hard dick presses into her ass, even trough the fabric of her clothing you can feel how warm she is.

She lets out a small gasp of shock but goes silent a second later, her body tenses and goes slack just as fast.

Your senses come back to you and you quickly step away realizing what you just did.

“Ueda-senpai I’m sorry I don’t know why I…. “ You let your words trail off as you notice something odd. The strings from your fingertips are still there, hanging from your hand and they reach out coiling around Satomi.

Each is attached to some part of her body almost like a puppet.

She’s standing perfectly still not responding at all.

“Ueda-senpai?’ You call out as you reach toward her.

She turns around slowly, her eyes glassy and her jaw slack.

“Yes, Master?” She asks in a stilted voice.

“Master?” You mutter as you wave your hand in front of her face, her eyes just stare blankly ahead not blinking as the string flick back and forth.

“What happened to you?” You ask her feeling oddly calm considering what’s going on.

“I think it worked.” She says in a dull monotone.

“What worked?” You ask still a bit confused by what’s happening and why you are so calm about it.

“The summoning.” Satomi says “It worked just not the way I thought.”

Before you can ask she starts to explain “The power of a demon was brought into this world and given to you, Master.”

You nod trying to process this.

“So..i got some kind of demon power...what is happening to you?” You ask., this is getting more surreal by the second.

“I think I’m under your control, I don’t fully understand it and will need time to research it in full.” She states.

“So...I’m controlling you?” You ask.

She nods.

“How come you are talking so...normally?” You ask.

“Because that’s what you want me to do Master.” she answers.

Hearing that sends a sudden twinge in your mind, it’s setting in.

You have control over her, just like in your fantasies. The strings linked to her, they are like puppet strings. Satomi is pretty much a doll that you can do anything with right now….

But even though you’ve thought about it a lot, now that the chance is here are you really going to do it?

09/22/17 04:43AM
Yay updates! I'm excited.
09/22/17 06:15AM
monstrod12345 said:
Yay updates! I'm excited.

Hey wold you look at that...

Well, you’ve always wanted to do this so why not. Besides if you do have some kind of magical powers Satomi would probably be pretty happy to be on the receiving end of it.

“Alright, you’ll do whatever I want right.” You ask.

Satomi nods “Yes Master, I am yours to do with as you please.” She says blankly. It’s odd how...blank she seems like the bubbly and ditzy senpai you’ve always known is gone. And as bad as that also find the idea of it extremely exciting.

“Kiss me.” You order, best to start out with something simple after all.

Stepping forward Satomi wraps her arms around you, her large chest pressing into you and squashing. She leans in more letting you smell her shampoo, subtle and pleasant. A second later she presses her lips against yours, they are so soft and warm.

Acting on instinct you reach back and grab her ass with both hands and start to kiss her back, moving your lips and slipping tongue into her mouth. As you start making out with her your cock rubs against the fabric of her skirt, smearing it with leftover cum.

Breaking away after a few seconds you can’t help but smirk as you look at her face, just as blank and unthinking as before. Just like in the fantasies you’ve had so often.

“Strip.” You order, doing so feels so natural and on some level, you know that the fact that it is is unnatural but you can’t bring yourself to care in the slightest. Not as you watch her start to remove her shirt, she has one a light lavender bra that is clearly stretched to its limits.

As she unhooks it her ample breast sway free, they are a bit larger than you had realized. And you notice something else that you would never have guessed.

“Inverted nipples.” You say with a grin as you stare at Satomi’s breasts, her nipples puckered inward slightly rather than sticking out like normal. You lick your lips in anticipation, you’ll be able to have some fun with that. But for now, you want her to finish.

As she removes her skirt you see a pair of matching lavender panties, there’s a very noticeable wet spot right over her crotch. Though you don’t have long to enjoy that sight before she pulls them off baring her pussy covered in thick black hair, seems she doesn't shave, going to debate making her shave later.

But for now, you want to get some relief from just how horny you are.
You decide to start off with a titty fuck, it’d be a waste not to put those tits of hers to use.

Stripping down all the way yourself you sit in your usual seat and beckon Satomi over. Somehow you know how to guide her without words, the strings on your fingertips are linked to her in a way that you can control her with the most subtle movements.

Making her get down on her knees you have her slide your cock between her tits. The soft warm flesh of her massive chest fully envelopes your cock, it’s even better than her hand.

Looking down at her empty glassy eyes you almost wonder if you will be able to return her to normal. But that thought soon disappears as you make her drool into the valley of her cleavage helping to lubricate her titjob.

You groan as she squeezes tighter, you can feel her titflesh mold itself to the shape of your cock. Reaching down you grab hold of her breasts roughly loving the feeling of your finger sink into the soft flesh. You move your hands down to her nipples and press your fingers into them, the small pucker of her inverted nipples almost sucks your fingers in a little, you can feel the nubs of her nipples buried in there. It makes her whimper and moan as you tease them.

Getting close to the edge you make her release your cock from her tits and wrap her lips around it. She moves her tongue in quick circles around the head of your prick, flicking the tip of her tongue against the underside.

The hot wet inside of her mouth and the rapid flicks and strokes of her tongue soon bring you over the edge and you cum. A thick spurt of cum hits the back of her throat making her gag hard, you let go and she falls back coughing up all of your cum, spit and jizz splatter across her chest and the floor.

“That’s quite the lovely sight.” A high-pitched voice says with a chuckle. A surge of panic hits as you look toward whoever just spoke, getting caught like this could be pretty bad.

Standing in the middle of the circle is a girl….but she’s not human. She hardly comes up to your waist, she has comparatively large breasts and hips for her size giving her an exaggerated sexual look. Her skin is bright red, she has black hair parted by a set of small horns. Sprouting from her back are two small wings and from her butt a short tail ending in a sharp spade shape.

Her clothing, if it can be called, that is just a few strategically placed belts, covering just enough to make her look more perverted than if she was just naked.

“Are you...a demon?” You ask feeling a new kind of panic setting in.

“No, I’m a magical girl.” She said, “Yeah I’m a demon, and my name is Lamya.” She says “And you are the jackass human who stole my power!” she shouts stomping her foot setting her ample tits and ass to jiggling like a thing of gelation.

“Anyways you seem to be taking to my powers pretty well,” Lamya says walking over to Satomi, she looks into her eyes for a few seconds. “Drained her dry of all her Willpower in one go...not that she had much to start with.”

She turns to look at you, in particular, your cock.

“Now I’m just going explain a few things to you.” She says not giving you a chance to speak. “First of all whoever this girl was before is gone. Her soul is fine, but her mind is blank.” She says in a very matter of fact tone.

“And she’ll be that way for the rest of her life, you can make her act like she used to but it’ll just be an act.”

As she speaks you feel a small twinge of guilt but it’s soon overwritten by lust. In some way, you will miss Satomi’s old personality but the fact that she’s now just a blank toy for you is too arousing not to love.

Layma chuckles “Seems like you are the kind of human who’s into that, to begin with, the power you stole would corrupt anyone but to take to it this fast...You are a real pervert.” She says.

“But back to what matters, that ritual you did...It fucked up, not sure how. But because of it, you took 99% of my power. And I want it back!” She says.

“I’m feeling...nice so if you give them back right now I’ll erase your memories of what happened and make her close to normal as I can. You’ll both wake up thinking that you did this and it failed and I’ll go home and we’ll all be happy.”

You look at her for a second before looking at Satomi sitting there perfectly still, cum staining her body.

“And if I don’t give them back?” You ask.

Layma frowns.

“You’ll die.” she says bluntly. “In 108 days…unless...” she adds before you have the chance to fully react.

“Unless what?” Even if you were a bit skeptical of most magical stuff before finding out that demons are in fact real, you have been a member of the club for a while have learned quite a bit including just about everything has a loophole.

“Unless you accrue enough mana, the quintessence of willpower. It’s what makes you humans so...special.” She says “Your kind are overflowing with it, and we drain it from you. Since you have my powers you can drain it from others.”

“Humans aren’t meant to have this kind of power so it’ll slowly deteriorate your body and soul. But if you drain enough from others it’ll enhance you enough so that you can survive.” She explains.

“Why are you telling me this?” You ask curious as to why she’s telling you anything.

“It’s the rules from the Boss.” She says pointing down “If you use that power enough you’ll become a demon yourself, and of course, it’ll mean you’ll also taint the souls of anyone you use them on.”

“So it’s a good deal for the Boss, but I don’t care I want my power back!” She says.

09/22/17 09:30AM
Imasuky said:
Hey wold you look at that...

Well, you’ve always wanted to do this so why not. Besides if you do have some kind of magical powers Satomi would probably be pretty happy to be on the receiving end of it.

“Alright, you’ll do whatever I want right.” You ask.

Satomi nods “Yes Master, I am yours to do with as you please.” She says blankly. It’s odd how...blank she seems like the bubbly and ditzy senpai you’ve always known is gone. And as bad as that also find the idea of it extremely exciting.

“Kiss me.” You order, best to start out with something simple after all.

Stepping forward Satomi wraps her arms around you, her large chest pressing into you and squashing. She leans in more letting you smell her shampoo, subtle and pleasant. A second later she presses her lips against yours, they are so soft and warm.

Acting on instinct you reach back and grab her ass with both hands and start to kiss her back, moving your lips and slipping tongue into her mouth. As you start making out with her your cock rubs against the fabric of her skirt, smearing it with leftover cum.

Breaking away after a few seconds you can’t help but smirk as you look at her face, just as blank and unthinking as before. Just like in the fantasies you’ve had so often.

“Strip.” You order, doing so feels so natural and on some level, you know that the fact that it is is unnatural but you can’t bring yourself to care in the slightest. Not as you watch her start to remove her shirt, she has one a light lavender bra that is clearly stretched to its limits.

As she unhooks it her ample breast sway free, they are a bit larger than you had realized. And you notice something else that you would never have guessed.

“Inverted nipples.” You say with a grin as you stare at Satomi’s breasts, her nipples puckered inward slightly rather than sticking out like normal. You lick your lips in anticipation, you’ll be able to have some fun with that. But for now, you want her to finish.

As she removes her skirt you see a pair of matching lavender panties, there’s a very noticeable wet spot right over her crotch. Though you don’t have long to enjoy that sight before she pulls them off baring her pussy covered in thick black hair, seems she doesn't shave, going to debate making her shave later.

But for now, you want to get some relief from just how horny you are.
You decide to start off with a titty fuck, it’d be a waste not to put those tits of hers to use.

Stripping down all the way yourself you sit in your usual seat and beckon Satomi over. Somehow you know how to guide her without words, the strings on your fingertips are linked to her in a way that you can control her with the most subtle movements.

Making her get down on her knees you have her slide your cock between her tits. The soft warm flesh of her massive chest fully envelopes your cock, it’s even better than her hand.

Looking down at her empty glassy eyes you almost wonder if you will be able to return her to normal. But that thought soon disappears as you make her drool into the valley of her cleavage helping to lubricate her titjob.

You groan as she squeezes tighter, you can feel her titflesh mold itself to the shape of your cock. Reaching down you grab hold of her breasts roughly loving the feeling of your finger sink into the soft flesh. You move your hands down to her nipples and press your fingers into them, the small pucker of her inverted nipples almost sucks your fingers in a little, you can feel the nubs of her nipples buried in there. It makes her whimper and moan as you tease them.

Getting close to the edge you make her release your cock from her tits and wrap her lips around it. She moves her tongue in quick circles around the head of your prick, flicking the tip of her tongue against the underside.

The hot wet inside of her mouth and the rapid flicks and strokes of her tongue soon bring you over the edge and you cum. A thick spurt of cum hits the back of her throat making her gag hard, you let go and she falls back coughing up all of your cum, spit and jizz splatter across her chest and the floor.

“That’s quite the lovely sight.” A high-pitched voice says with a chuckle. A surge of panic hits as you look toward whoever just spoke, getting caught like this could be pretty bad.

Standing in the middle of the circle is a girl….but she’s not human. She hardly comes up to your waist, she has comparatively large breasts and hips for her size giving her an exaggerated sexual look. Her skin is bright red, she has black hair parted by a set of small horns. Sprouting from her back are two small wings and from her butt a short tail ending in a sharp spade shape.

Her clothing, if it can be called, that is just a few strategically placed belts, covering just enough to make her look more perverted than if she was just naked.

“Are you...a demon?” You ask feeling a new kind of panic setting in.

“No, I’m a magical girl.” She said, “Yeah I’m a demon, and my name is Lamya.” She says “And you are the jackass human who stole my power!” she shouts stomping her foot setting her ample tits and ass to jiggling like a thing of gelation.

“Anyways you seem to be taking to my powers pretty well,” Lamya says walking over to Satomi, she looks into her eyes for a few seconds. “Drained her dry of all her Willpower in one go...not that she had much to start with.”

She turns to look at you, in particular, your cock.

“Now I’m just going explain a few things to you.” She says not giving you a chance to speak. “First of all whoever this girl was before is gone. Her soul is fine, but her mind is blank.” She says in a very matter of fact tone.

“And she’ll be that way for the rest of her life, you can make her act like she used to but it’ll just be an act.”

As she speaks you feel a small twinge of guilt but it’s soon overwritten by lust. In some way, you will miss Satomi’s old personality but the fact that she’s now just a blank toy for you is too arousing not to love.

Layma chuckles “Seems like you are the kind of human who’s into that, to begin with, the power you stole would corrupt anyone but to take to it this fast...You are a real pervert.” She says.

“But back to what matters, that ritual you did...It fucked up, not sure how. But because of it, you took 99% of my power. And I want it back!” She says.

“I’m feeling...nice so if you give them back right now I’ll erase your memories of what happened and make her close to normal as I can. You’ll both wake up thinking that you did this and it failed and I’ll go home and we’ll all be happy.”

You look at her for a second before looking at Satomi sitting there perfectly still, cum staining her body.

“And if I don’t give them back?” You ask.

Layma frowns.

“You’ll die.” she says bluntly. “In 108 days…unless...” she adds before you have the chance to fully react.

“Unless what?” Even if you were a bit skeptical of most magical stuff before finding out that demons are in fact real, you have been a member of the club for a while have learned quite a bit including just about everything has a loophole.

“Unless you accrue enough mana, the quintessence of willpower. It’s what makes you humans so...special.” She says “Your kind are overflowing with it, and we drain it from you. Since you have my powers you can drain it from others.”

“Humans aren’t meant to have this kind of power so it’ll slowly deteriorate your body and soul. But if you drain enough from others it’ll enhance you enough so that you can survive.” She explains.

“Why are you telling me this?” You ask curious as to why she’s telling you anything.

“It’s the rules from the Boss.” She says pointing down “If you use that power enough you’ll become a demon yourself, and of course, it’ll mean you’ll also taint the souls of anyone you use them on.”

“So it’s a good deal for the Boss, but I don’t care I want my power back!” She says.


Okay, I don't really know how these go, as this is the first time, I'm participating in one, but is it possible to suggest our own choices or not?

Also, I somehow got Strawpoll to work, so yay!
09/22/17 09:35AM
averageguy17 said:
Okay, I don't really know how these go, as this is the first time, I'm participating in one, but is it possible to suggest our own choices or not?

Also, I somehow got Strawpoll to work, so yay!

Well you can suggest an idea of you own and I could add it to a new poll to see if it beats the others
09/22/17 11:06AM
Imasuky said:
Well you can suggest an idea of you own and I could add it to a new poll to see if it beats the others

Alright, if that's ok with you.

Maybe give a choice of co-operation with the powers of the demon. You each have 50% of the power, giving you less power, but you no longer have the time limit. However, with each having 50% of the same problem comes with unexpected circumstances such as you cannot control each other with power, and that those who fall victim to the power obey both masters, as the power controlling them comes from the same source. Will she be a helpful ally or a deceitful opponent?

As you're the one conducting the story, you obviously have the final say but I do want to say that I'm enjoying it a lot!
09/22/17 11:08AM
averageguy17 said:
Alright, if that's ok with you.

Maybe give a choice of co-operation with the powers of the demon. You each have 50% of the power, giving you less power, but you no longer have the time limit. However, with each having 50% of the same problem comes with unexpected circumstances such as you cannot control each other with power, and that those who fall victim to the power obey both masters, as the power controlling them comes from the same source. Will she be a helpful ally or a deceitful opponent?

As you're the one conducting the story, you obviously have the final say but I do want to say that I'm enjoying it a lot!

Neat idea but a bit too much more work
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