12/23/13 12:30AM
What Sort of Captions Do You Like?
A recent thread post had me thinking I know a little about what other people prefer to read when they sit down to read a manip or story. I've never done a text manip or posted a story but there are a few thing I've read that I found most convivial. So here's a thread to talk about the type of h&mc stuff that you like to read.

This thread isn't to be confused with the other manip threads that mainly discuss ways to alter the image itself in appearance. This is a discussion thread for people to share their tastes in text.
12/23/13 07:35AM
LillyTank said:
A recent thread post had me thinking I know a little about what other people prefer to read when they sit down to read a manip or story. I've never done a text manip or posted a story but there are a few thing I've read that I found most convivial. So here's a thread to talk about the type of h&mc stuff that you like to read.

This thread isn't to be confused with the other manip threads that mainly discuss ways to alter the image itself in appearance. This is a discussion thread for people to share their tastes in text.

Well I like to read something that is a little more.. Descriptive. Maybe going I to detail from either point of view. The one manip I wrote was not descriptive but it was a short text blurb that gave context to the picture, another method I like
12/23/13 07:54AM
WALLS OF TEXT, generally these ones give the most impact and immersion for me but quality over quantity is key, don't write more than needed or more than you're capable of.

And in terms of subject matter I find that I only like femdom POV, back and fourth dialogues sometimes or some kind of narrative/story. And ONLY when it is pre induction, seeing a story about someone who is already hypnotized and going about their normal hypnotized life is really bland, the induction and conditioning is where all the fun stuff is.

Ones where it is just a bunch of tech jargon mixed with hypnosis/mindcontrol related words, a sub just talking about how hypnotised she or he is or a dom narrating their thoughts about their sub and HOW he hypnotised them, oh god those are the worst for me, im here for porn not a how to hypnosis lecture =_=
12/23/13 08:29AM
Eh, I kinda hate walls of text but that's just me. About five to fifteen lines of big text per picture is pretty smooth I think. What the sub is thinking is something I like reading too :)

I also like the whole thing being explained (i.e., jargon), so I guess I'm the polar opposite of what Zko said :P

Edit: shit, I said five to fifteen paragraphs before?? No way, I meant lines of text. In big font please.
12/23/13 09:14AM
For me, walls of text aren't usually things I'll sit down for. I tend to just skim them to see if there are any word or phrases that I'll like. If there isn't then I'll typically move on. This is mostly true when reading femdom inductions (i.e. the statistically longest sort of caption). I'm not really aroused by femdom inductions so much as I am inspired and occasionally moved by them. Although seven times out of ten they're usually extremely similar to one another; save for a few that have their own particular theme or style.

I tend to like them regardless, still, as long as they don't get too cocky. I understand that confidence is a large part of the appeal in femdom works but I believe there's a line one should avoid before they just start sounding like the female version of those generic ego fueled captions with the creepy rape vibe.

As far as things that I do find sexy go, I tend to enjoy back and forth dialogue between the subject and hypnotist (it such a rarity, though) pre-trance and post-trance.
I like it when the hypnotist displays their power and influence over a subject. I've come to realize that it doesn't even matter if it's femsub or malesub I just like to see it.

I personally prefer when the subject is stubborn, oblivious, and/or resistant but a willing subject is nice too as long as the hypnotist displays some sort of influence over the subjects mind via hypnosis. I also like when the hypnotist displays a bit charisma (organically and effortlessly). When all of those things come together it can make the experience invigorating and erotic.

12/28/13 08:29AM
Speaking of conversation, I like it when the speech of the subject slurs off as their thoughts fade and/or stray into obscurity.
12/28/13 08:34AM
I generally like longer captions that focus on telling a story. Feels a bit more immersive for me.

12/28/13 08:42AM
Short and sweet. The text should compliment the pic, not the other way around. I automatically turn away from a manip if I see too much text.

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