09/11/17 11:58AM
Does body control belong on Hypnohub?
I ask this because it was recently brought to my attention that a post made was taken down due to "lack of mind control" which normally would not be an issue, would it not be that a large segment of Hypnohub seem to enjoy the subject being controlled while their mind is intact.


This was the comic in question. And I know it seems cute, silly, humorous and not blatantly hypno themed. But on Hyphohub there are tags for humor, body control, and the like. I uploaded this with these tags and it got removed. After discussing this with others they came to the conclusion as I did that the little fella on top was using Flora's hair like a remote control over her body. But instead of undoing the removal, they instead (they being a few mods I discussed this with) dropped the idea of possibly removed any remote control themes from Hypnohub that did not exhibit explicit mind manipulation, which to me is a bit silly as body control is a form of mind manipulation despite leaving consciousness intact.

The long and short of it is I had a talk with some mods and they are contemplating (but not sure if going through with it yet) taking down or stopping ANY form of body control that does not affect the mind. This could and possibly will include (if they are going to be consistent) the following tags:

Tech Control (Ex: )
Body Control (Ex: )
Unhappy Trances (Ex: )
Voodoo Dolls (Ex: )

And others....I am not kidding when I say there are in danger of being taken down due to a "reformatting" of the rule about body control and the like.

What do you think? Should Hypnohub move to purify it's galleries of these kinds of pictures, or extend it's definition to fit them in?

09/11/17 12:08PM
Well, I personally think there was nothing wrong with it, and imo, this would probably just cause more drama, and turn even more people away from this site at a point it REALLY doesnt need that.
09/11/17 12:10PM
Pinkanator said:
Well, I personally think there was nothing wrong with it, and imo, this would probably just cause more drama, and turn even more people away from this site at a point it REALLY doesnt need that.

I fully agree. It was one simple body control comic that got attention, people liked it, and instead of let it stay they're going to change and reformat the rules. XD Seems a bit...well I can't be the only one who thinks it's a bit odd, right?
09/11/17 12:10PM
You should wait and see what decision they come up with. It's hardly the end of the world and I don't feel like exaggerating and trying to spread panic is a good way to start a discussion.

This has more the vibe of "I don't like the mods decision (even before its finalized) and help me to overthrow/change their minds (which are not made up because they are still talking about it).".
09/11/17 12:11PM
Alright, I've tried to stay off this issue as much as possible because overall I do accept body control under the category of what we have on the site. That being said the image in question is quite frankly little more than a comical representation of nerve stimulation. The character is not only fully aware of what is going on but is under no real compulsion beyond the comedic tugging of hairs.

I saw some comments asking if the allowance of this pic meant pics from Ratatouille would be accepted and I'm cutting this nonsense off here and now. Tech control/Unhappy trances/voodoo dolls/Body control are all allowed but what you posted is only in the most literal of senses "Body control". Stop trying to push this through after you've been told no by the mod team and do what any sensible person would: Put it in your personal fap folder and move on.

We are ultimately a site centered on mind control and any fetish posted here should be an extension of that. If the body control in any given pic doesn't have at least a tangential relation to hypnosis/MC then it doesn't belong.

That's the beginning and end of the discussion as far as I'm concerned.

Happy fapping
09/11/17 12:19PM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
You should wait and see what decision they come up with. It's hardly the end of the world and I don't feel like exaggerating and trying to spread panic is a good way to start a discussion.

This has more the vibe of "I don't like the mods decision (even before its finalized) and help me to overthrow/change their minds (which are not made up because they are still talking about it).".

Think of more like "Why should these things be excluded if the majority of people enjoy it and deem it worthy of this website?"

Henry-killenger said:
Alright, I've tried to stay off this issue as much as possible because overall I do accept body control under the category of what we have on the site. That being said the image in question is quite frankly little more than a comical representation of nerve stimulation. The character is not only fully aware of what is going on but is under no real compulsion beyond the comedic tugging of hairs.

I saw some comments asking if the allowance of this pic meant pics from Ratatouille would be accepted and I'm cutting this nonsense off here and now. Tech control/Unhappy trances/voodoo dolls/Body control are all allowed but what you posted is only in the most literal of senses "Body control". Stop trying to push this through after you've been told no by the mod team and do what any sensible person would: Put it in your personal fap folder and move on.

We are ultimately a site centered on mind control and any fetish posted here should be an extension of that. If the body control in any given pic doesn't have at least a tangential relation to hypnosis/MC then it doesn't belong.

That's the beginning and end of the discussion as far as I'm concerned.

Happy fapping

But what about the people who enjoy hypnosis, control, and the like, but leave the conscious mind intact? Tech control collars and the like which could be argued as mere "nerve stimulation" but then the brain is literally a cluster of nerves. To me if it has that kind of control over the body, it's mind control, not over the conscious mind, but the body itself. Not physical force, but mental force. In this comic, it's simply as if the little guy has remote control over her brain and is allowed to manipulate her body in any way he wants much to her distress.

It is a form of mind control, maybe not one you enjoy, but many of us do enjoy, and I would like to see it stay and NOT have posts like the ones I linked about under "Ex:" be taken down, which I did ask a mod, and they said some of those would most likely be taken down, thus leading me to make this whole post.
09/11/17 12:29PM
Alexander717 said:
Think of more like "Why should these things be excluded if the majority of people enjoy it and deem it worthy of this website?"

Because this is a themed board. There are plenty of general Image boards which can host these though.

Alexander717 said:
But what about the people who enjoy hypnosis, control, and the like, but leave the conscious mind intact?

There are ways to do this so they fit on this board. That image wasn't done in that way.

Alexander717 said:
It is a form of mind control,

That's your perception, be careful not to project your perception or believes as fact or think most other people believe the same.

In short - chill. You are getting to agitated over this. I think everyone understands that you like these kind of posts, but if the mods do not want it here you have to let go. I have not seen Henry post like that in quite some time, so this is pretty much over.
09/11/17 12:39PM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
Because this is a themed board. There are plenty of general Image boards which can host these though.

The theme existed on hypnohub before I posted it, and even so, my entire argument is not so much over the one image, but the rest of the images threatened by what I was told. Remote Controls specifically was a kink I was told which would over all be pretty much taken down as it only controlled the body and not the mind (in a good deal of pictures). I enjoy those pics as do many others, and count it as part of the theme of hypnohub. I feel we don't need to be so picky about it. If we can allow poorly photoshopped photos of non mind controlled people, who now have glowy eyes and are deemed mind controlled, then we can allow these other kinks as well. (Tech control, body control, voodoo dolls, etc.)

HypnoMangaEditor said:
There are ways to do this so they fit on this board. That image wasn't done in that way.

Being blunt, you're wrong. I tagged it under humor and body control which is exactly what this picture entailed.

HypnoMangaEditor said:
In short - chill. You are getting to agitated over this. I think everyone understands that you like these kind of posts, but if the mods do not want it here you have to let go. I have not seen Henry post like that in quite some time, so this is pretty much over.

I feel it's not over, and just because we have had changes in mods does not mean the whole place has to change and be redone and kinks and themes that so many of us relate to mind control be taken away. Think of this as my attempt to "get a thousand signatures to appeal to the mods to not take away body control" post. I simply want more than my voice to be heard on this subject. It is not about the one post, but all the posts, past and future that seem to be in jeopardy of being removed as I was told by a mod. I will not just go "oh well, so much for that" because it's frankly important to me, fun, and I enjoy those themes. I bet others will enough to simply say they enjoy it as well and hopefully inspire the mods to be more lenient about such posts.

In short (in return) that is my goal in the end, to save these themes and kinks and such and not see them removed and blocked from being posted here by voicing my own and others concerns.
09/11/17 12:42PM
Well, good luck then. I feel like you'll need it.
09/11/17 12:49PM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
Well, good luck then. I feel like you'll need it.

I appreciate your support in the matter, thank you for it. And frankly, yes, I do. XD You're right.
09/11/17 10:42PM
The way I see it, they're right in removing the post you linked (as much as I like Twokinds).

- Tech control is the use of technology to control somebody's body and/or mind. Tech control on the body only is still a form of mind control even if (or maybe especially if) it's done to such precision that the mind it's manipulating to control the body is otherwise left intact.
- I'm not as sure on body control, but from what I'm seeing on your example post, this is more than simple body control, their conscious mind has been carefully left intact behind an otherwise fully controlled individual. Still mind control.
- Unhappy trances are...umm...not sure how to say this, but they're...kinda...trances. Still MC.
- Voodoo is magic, which typically has been counted as MC, but I could be convinced otherwise.

- The image you're complaining about is none of these. No hypnosis, magic, technology, etc. has been used to manipulate Flora, the squirrel simply tweaked her hair and her body responded. It's part of her normal body's normal responses, played for a bit of humor...and that just isn't any kind of CONTROL. Which is the big argument here.
09/11/17 11:12PM
IMHO, I feel it doesn't count. And we don't need another Ladybug fiasco if you know what I'm saying.
09/12/17 02:14AM
Blitz_Habanera said:
IMHO, I feel it doesn't count. And we don't need another Ladybug fiasco if you know what I'm saying.

I don't, but if you're referring to the whole thing where any post that involved the show in any way people counted as mind control well, that's a whole different and completely separate topic.

And just to be clear since people don't seem to understand my concerns. It's not over the one post, it's the others, people being udner remote control, tech control, voodoo dolls, or the like I've been told will not be counted as mind control and not allowed. That to me is a bit...extreme, an extreme reaction to a minor problem. If they had just told me me "We decided it wasn't enough to warrant being on hypnohub" that's fine. But instead they said they were going to redefine all aspects of body control and many posts like the ones linked above would be in jeopardy of being taken down, or if not, they would be blocked from being posted in the future.

Again I just felt that was an extreme to go to just to tell me "This comic wasn't good enough." instead they said "We've decided to reformat the rules"
09/12/17 02:35AM
Alexander717 said:
I don't, but if you're referring to the whole thing where any post that involved the show in any way people counted as mind control well, that's a whole different and completely separate topic.

And just to be clear since people don't seem to understand my concerns. It's not over the one post, it's the others, people being udner remote control, tech control, voodoo dolls, or the like I've been told will not be counted as mind control and not allowed. That to me is a bit...extreme, an extreme reaction to a minor problem. If they had just told me me "We decided it wasn't enough to warrant being on hypnohub" that's fine. But instead they said they were going to redefine all aspects of body control and many posts like the ones linked above would be in jeopardy of being taken down, or if not, they would be blocked from being posted in the future.

Again I just felt that was an extreme to go to just to tell me "This comic wasn't good enough." instead they said "We've decided to reformat the rules"

I don't know who told you any of this, but regardless of these assertions, Henry said it himself:
Tech control/Unhappy trances/voodoo dolls/Body control are all allowed but what you posted is only in the most literal of senses "Body control"

We will not be removing other posts on the site like you claim, nor will we be completely changing rules around. We've said that this image is to not be posted on the site, and to move on.

One last time, this is the end of the discussion.

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