09/12/17 07:03AM
Thanks Hypnohub
So, I'm not sure how allowed this post is and if it's breaking any rules, then I'm sure the mods will delete it but here it goes.

I've been lurking on the site for a few years now and I just wanted to say thanks to the community and all of it's content creators. Obviously, I have a hypnosis fetish as do at least most of the people on the site. But before I found the site, I thought I was alone in my love of most things hypnosis. I felt isolated from everyone around me and I felt like a freak (and not in the good way). It took me down a very dark path. I was too afraid to tell anyone about how I felt. It was shameful to me.
But when I found Hypnohub, I discovered something I had never felt in my life. A sense of community. I knew that I wasn't alone anymore. That all those thoughts that I was a freak or a creep didn't mean anything. I'm glad to be part of this community, even as a lurker and just thought that some people on the site would appreciate knowing that just their presence has helped someone accept who they are and encouraged them to grow as a person.
09/12/17 07:07AM
I'm flattered
glad to see that you found a community you like and that you show a shared interest in.
09/12/17 07:17AM
Enjoy the site, is a kind community.
Jus follow the rules and use the personal blacklist when something in particular you don't like, to avoid seeing that type of pictures.
09/12/17 07:59AM
G't'hear mate.
09/12/17 09:45AM
I've only been registered for a week or so now or a little bit longer, but I can relate to what you wrote. I really am relieved there's a place like this; especially since we can talk about it here openly, too, instead of just hiding our interest our whole life and feeling weird or like a freak. I know I could never talk about my interests to someone IRL right now, but this place gave me an opportunity to finally accept it and talk about it kinda openly. I dunno how to describe it further, but I'm very thankful for HH to exist, as well :)
09/12/17 02:19PM
I'll chime in and say that since joining the hub I've opened up a lot more and have made some good friends here.
09/12/17 02:25PM
I am also very glad that the hub exists, I've met wonderful people on here and being able to openly share things about my kink is an amazing feeling.

So welcome Hypnocake ^^

Make yourself at home!

If you feel you have stuff you wanna share with people maybe hit the discord chat!

Hope to see you there sometime~
09/13/17 12:15AM
I was talking to a friend about our different kinks and she said it took her a long time to realise that her kinks weren't something to be ashamed of. Her words were something along the lines "I spent a long time thinking if anyone found out I'd carted off by men in white coats". Which. Yeah. I could relate to. So I understand the idea of feeling free to not hide a part of yourself

And yes like others I've made some good friends here (Even been on holiday with some of them) and learnt a lot about writing and drawing


Welcome! Good to see a lurker converted ^^

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