09/13/17 01:20AM
What is the DNP list?
Well I tried to see a pic attached to a pool and it was shown that the artist belongs to that list.
09/13/17 01:23AM
arcolel123 said:
Well I tried to see a pic attached to a pool and it was shown that the artist belongs to that list.

Do Not Post.

Some artist don't want to be on the site. It's a list of all of them, find it in the rules tab.
09/13/17 01:23AM
The DNP list is in the rules it is a list of artists that have requested that their work not be on this site.
edit lol ninja'ed
09/13/17 03:07AM
You can find it in the Rules and Policies section. Here's the direct link to the list (scroll down).
09/13/17 03:45AM
Thank you all.
09/13/17 06:29AM
I haven't checked the DNP in a while, and I'm surprised by some of the names on it. I remember a few of them being a part of the community. I was wondering where a few posts went, now I know.
09/13/17 06:45AM
You are not the only one that was surprised. I guess, some people want to remove as much of their work from the net as possible. Some stuff is rather extreme, or they fear people will find out about this or they simply chose to end their involvement with Hypnohub for whatever reason.
09/13/17 06:46AM
averageguy17 said:
I haven't checked the DNP in a while, and I'm surprised by some of the names on it. I remember a few of them being a part of the community. I was wondering where a few posts went, now I know.

Same here. Kinda wish the DNP list contained when/why they got put on the list, some of the artists I didn't even realize had the tiniest problem with their work being on here. But maybe I'm just nosy.
09/13/17 09:53PM
FallenMeteor said:
Same here. Kinda wish the DNP list contained when/why they got put on the list, some of the artists I didn't even realize had the tiniest problem with their work being on here. But maybe I'm just nosy.

HypnoMangaEditor partly answers it.
But I think it's good to not mention the reason. Because then some people are going to test the validness of the reason. And since morality and stuff differs per person, it's good to prevent that DNPed artists get a crowd of beggars and "mediators" behind their ass.
09/15/17 06:57AM
Well I am Verenpunainen Kuningatar and I am on the list because tbh I am not really a fan of the community or attitudes I have seen widely expressed and prevalent in the hypno fetish community for years.

Essentially, I am on the list to avoid drama. Plus I feel the website does not give artists adequate control over their own creations, which is a point of specific contention for me.
09/15/17 09:11AM
VK said:
Well I am Verenpunainen Kuningatar and I am on the list because tbh I am not really a fan of the community or attitudes I have seen widely expressed and prevalent in the hypno fetish community for years.

Essentially, I am on the list to avoid drama. Plus I feel the website does not give artists adequate control over their own creations, which is a point of specific contention for me.

You are aware by saying that you're baiting drama right?

Like...I literally see no point of you to say more than "I don't want my stuff posted without my permission" unless it's to bait drama. You are literally inciting the drama you claim you want to avoid, and at the same time insulting the entire community of not only this website, but this fetish as a whole. Which, judging by your presence on the DNP list, and the art on your tumblr, you at the very least contribute to, if you don't outright belong to it.
09/15/17 09:20AM
EoD said:
You are aware by saying that you're baiting drama right?

Like...I literally see no point of you to say more than "I don't want my stuff posted without my permission" unless it's to bait drama. You are literally inciting the drama you claim you want to avoid, and at the same time insulting the entire community of not only this website, but this fetish as a whole. Which, judging by your presence on the DNP list, and the art on your tumblr, you at the very least contribute to, if you don't outright belong to it.

Or perhaps maybe he's just detailing the exact specific reasons why he doesn't wish to be here, as requested and asked for why some are on the DNP list. I for one am curious as to why certain artists DNP'd themselves, for some I clearly remember having a great presence here once upon a time, and appreciate one of them coming to a site they don't want to be on to answer the question as to why.

I don't see how the guy's asking for drama.
09/15/17 09:43AM
Blitz_Habanera said:
Or perhaps maybe he's just detailing the exact specific reasons why he doesn't wish to be here, as requested and asked for why some are on the DNP list. I for one am curious as to why certain artists DNP'd themselves, for some I clearly remember having a great presence here once upon a time, and appreciate one of them coming to a site they don't want to be on to answer the question as to why.

I don't see how the guy's asking for drama.

Inflammatory word choice
09/15/17 10:30AM
EoD said:
Inflammatory word choice

Is it the "Plus I feel the website does not give artists adequate control over their own creations, which is a point of specific contention for me."?

Cause, as I'm not an artist, I don't really know what he means by giving artists "control"?
09/15/17 12:53PM
EoD said:
You are aware by saying that you're baiting drama right?

You can see that both ways. Yes it can create drama if you go for it, but people asked and I feel that if you want to avoid drama by not talking about it, it can sometimes get worse. We did have suicide cases on this board after all. It's not like you expect drama out of every answer like this, but the community of this board tends to steer it towards that very direction.

As for the adequate control over own creations, this could mean a lot of things.
- not being able to remove a single image that someone manipped by request
- the board software not supporting more advanced media types

In any case:

MaDrow said:
But I think it's good to not mention the reason. Because then some people are going to test the validness of the reason.

And thats happening right now, so maybe we should stop.

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