09/13/17 02:25AM
So I just recently got stop by the cops for a faulty break light, and turns out the car has no insurance. (Borrowed my sister's car since my was total in an accident.)

Now i got a fine to pay and go to court.

And on the same day i come down with the flu, making me unable to work on stuff and in bed for almost a week. (Today marks that week, feeling better but ribs hurt for too much coughing. )

Now i find out mom is trouble for something stupid my dad did while i was sick, she is in debt thanks to him, and has till the end of the week to pay.

Man this sucks!

Anyways since i like to help clear my mom's debt ill be opening commissions for this week and next week.

So feel free to commission me if you like!

09/13/17 03:03AM
Sorry to read all that, hope it works out for you and your family.

You should probably have linked to your commission sheet in your original post (though there is a sticky, you want all information in one place), so here it is:

Also, it is a good thing to say what you do not want to draw, because some people have rather extreme wishes.
09/13/17 03:12AM
I'm getting paid for a story commission soon I hope. If it's in time I'll see if I can buy something from you.
09/13/17 03:18AM
Neo-Izayoi said:
So I just recently got stop by the cops for a faulty break light, and turns out the car has no insurance. (Borrowed my sister's car since my was total in an accident.)

Now i got a fine to pay and go to court.

And on the same day i come down with the flu, making me unable to work on stuff and in bed for almost a week. (Today marks that week, feeling better but ribs hurt for too much coughing. )

Now i find out mom is trouble for something stupid my dad did while i was sick, she is in debt thanks to him, and has till the end of the week to pay.

Man this sucks!

Anyways since i like to help clear my mom's debt ill be opening commissions for this week and next week.

So feel free to commission me if you like!

Here is the new sheet (now that i have experienced with commissions and how much time they take, i have determined my official prices. )

09/13/17 03:24AM
That sucks to hear Neo I hope thing go well for you.
09/13/17 06:06AM
yeah man, that does NOT sound like a pleasant tale. I hope everything works out in your favor.
09/14/17 02:21AM
Thanks guys, really appreciate it!

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