09/16/17 04:09AM
Tell me about erotic dreams you've had in your life about cartoons, hypno or otherwise.
Tell me yours and maybe I'll tell you mine. ;)
09/16/17 06:47AM
Kill myself. :^)
that sounds great...and erotic.
09/16/17 06:49AM
DouDile said:
Kill myself. :^)
that sounds great...and erotic.

A riveting start.
09/16/17 06:55AM
Argonis said:
A riveting start.

I pretend to be dead to excite my wife...but she always thinks she's fucking a sex-doll. :^|
09/16/17 08:48AM
ive had a lot of them involving female comic characters
09/16/17 09:01AM
DouDile said:
Kill myself. :^)
that sounds great...and erotic.

how can one person be so fucking edgy
09/16/17 09:11AM
skullman2033 said:
how can one person be so fucking edgy

I don't know. :^)
09/16/17 10:53PM
Had a dream where my crush was secretly into hypnosis as well.
And that she posted pictures of herself here on Hypnohub hypnotizing herself while in lingerie haha.

Something similar to my profile pic.
09/17/17 02:23AM
Had a dream about others around me going under and having fun, while I was the only one being unable, and stuck watching.
09/17/17 02:57AM
Since we're also talking about the "otherwise", I might as well share some of my overall favorites, since I've nothing else better to do right now.

Recently, about two months ago, I had this dream that I was alone with a ghost girl. It's not really like how a lot of movies depict and such, it was somewhat more stereotypical and anime-ish, in it's concept, not so much "Paranormal Activity" or a "Ghost Hunters" kind of thing.

No, this was a ghost girl that turned out to be cute and friendly. She was also more or less semi-corporeal.

She seemed to have more of a free-spirited (haha, no I did not intend that pun until I saw it typed out) attitude, due to her not really knowing who she used to be, how she died, and also seemed unconcerned with it, as you'd expect from someone who is operating under the logic that she was born only a few years ago or whatever.

Now, this dream didn't go into a lot of history, this is just what I assume that my brain was going for, when I look back on it later, since the whole "she didn't seem concerned to be dead and didn't seem sad or tortured and she was friendly, and was relatively naive but intelligent" thing seems to be how it played out.

So she was a cute ghost girl that seemed to be friendly, curious and also a little love-starved, as she was VERY affectionate, grabby, sorta clingy, and kept wanting hugs while simultaneously acting like she was only concerned about the current moment, not so much the past or future.

If you are starting to think this might seem like a "certain" manga you might have read, you'd be right. I think my dream WAS inspired by this if you're thinking of what i'm thinking of. :P

Anyway, she had a pair of loose jeans, a baggy shirt, a baseball cap, all seeming more like part of her ghostly form rather than real clothes, like she was just formed by how she remembers herself. Sort of that cute tomboy look, but still kind of girly in her own way.

And I dreamed that she just wanted to pretend to hug and all kinds of things with me. I say "pretend", because she just phased through me, and while I could "feel" her touching me or hugging me, it's more like just a super-dense and incredibly heavy cloud or a fog with just the slightest hint of weight.

So she mostly "pretended" to hug and cuddle up to me, as much as she could without dissipating from pressure or falling through.

Anyway, despite all this seeming backstory, the dream wasn't that long. Just feeling of pity and feeling sorry for her, thinking she was really cute, and I had this feeling of "awwww... what could it hurt? Ok, ghost girl, let's sit around and cuddle." So it was that.

Then she generally got more excited and "pretended" to strip down and be in her underwear, and the dream slowly got more sexual from there, until I woke up.

When I woke up, I was like "Well, that was weird that I would dream that, but it was also really adorable.". Pretty sure a certain manga from a while back inspired this dream, but it was pretty adorable.

Both the weird usual strange situation of getting frisky with a cute ghost girl, but I also guess it was the slightly sad, romantic tone of it, with a girl who really was just a bit lonely and wanted attention, and I certainly would not say no to, if such an unbelievable thing really happened, with a friendly girl who is really only concerned about that moment.

Not only was it kinda sexy, but I feel like, when a girl, even a ghost girl is that lonely, it's the right thing to do. To show her some affection and love, given her obvious unfortunate circumstance.

Oh and it was hot. That too.


Aside from that, i've had dreams about things that you all would expect from me.

Going outside to find that in the late night, girls are everywhere outside in their underwear, wobbiling and wandering around like mindless hypnotized, sleepwalk-ish zombies and going out among them and deciding to make the best of this bizarre situation.

I've also had dreams where people I know are suddenly going into a trance and appearing naked.

Though i've also had other weirder dreams where just I see someone losing their mind and it's a weird turn on until I wake up from it.

In one dream, I watched a restaurant waitress come up and ask for my order, and then it started gradually... her seeming confused and getting stuck on a few words over and over.

Then her eyes went glassy, she started speaking nonsense, and her voice dropped down into more of a hushed, soft-spoken almost-whisper.

She just started talking in strange, rambling, incoherent sentences that sounded like her just picking random words and threading them together, occasionally repeating them, and making gestures like gentle hand movements and tilting her head, while staring off into nothing.

And yes, I know in real life this is probably very worrying, and should be treated as a seizure and you should try to help this person, but pretty sure I knew this was a dream, so I just was engaging her to get the gist of this odd situation, was kind of carefully amused and a little aroused, and was soon trying to get her to repeat words with me.

Found that she would just start cueing into what I was saying and start applying things I said to her into her strange, word-salad speech, so I started trying to have her say things that I know I would like to hear like, "yes master", and "you command, I obey" and other stuff like asking her about panties and underwear, and other embarrassing things, just to heart her randomly chatter on about panties and underwear. The fact that she had no idea what she was actually talking about made it sexier. I dunno why.

It was then, that I realized we weren't in a restaurant anymore, but were in a foggy dark-blue void, and at this point, I mostly just started teaching her how to take her clothes off and how to take mine off.

But as usual with dreams that sound too good to be true, I ended up waking up before it got better.
09/17/17 03:16AM
I once had a dream that I was getting a titjob from C. Viper from Street Fighter under my covers and had to hide it from my stepmother as she was doing laundry stuff outside of my room while my door was open.
09/17/17 04:51PM
I've ever only had one vivid sex dream, and it was with the mom from the Cleveland Show.

It was pretty nice tbh.
09/19/17 07:10AM
Freshman year of college, I had a dream where I was in the middle of a hot and heavy makeout session...and then I realize I'm doing it Kagome. Not only do I instantly wake up, I have zero desire to go back to sleep. I hate Inuyasha.

(I got partial revenge for this several years later running an RPG session with the girl who exposed me to that show.)
09/21/17 04:27AM
Both related to the fan characters I requested Changer to draw a while ago.

1. Genie girl comes into my life, makes me into a model person with her hypnotic dancing, then leaves to go help others. Felt heart-broken, I missed her.

2. Watching TV. Chubby, tan fox girl with swirly eyes comes on, comes out of the tv and proceeds to do hypno bondage-y things with me. Hawt.

Non-hypno dream that I remember from when I was like...2:
Me getting chased through ancient mayan shopping mall by the ninja turtles. Dream ends when the ancient mayan elevator I was hiding in fell when the pulley vine snapped. lol.
09/23/17 06:49AM
There's this one that I can remember so vividly to this day, it happened about a year, maybe 2 years ago.

It involved me and my friend hanging out in my room when all of a sudden, we started hearing this weird vibrating noise. Sounded like a constant low bass vibration or something. It was really feint, but we both heard it. After a little bit, my muscles began growing weaker and weaker. I couldn't stand up and had to sit down. I look over and my friend, and he's completely passed out.

I'm feeling very strange and this point, and know something wrong is going on. Then I look up, and this beautiful girl walks in my room, a smile on her face, having this sort of evil laugh. "Don't fight it... relax" she tells me. At this point I have this conflicting though in my mind... but by the time I can think again, she's sitting on top of me and whispers faintly into my ear. My whole body shivers, I can't move at all....

Then the rest (if there is any) is a blur. I wake up hard as hell obviously, and wanted to go back to see where it was going to lead. Honestly, I think that was and still is the most vivid hypno based dream I've ever had.

.... In fact I think it was one of the only ones I've ever had that I can still remember.

1 2>>>

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