09/17/17 04:17PM
[POLL] Drawing by Committee, Fusion Edition FINAL ROUND
Who even remembers that I was working on this? X)
For those who need a refresher (and I do not blame you): I combined some of the Hub's favorite girls into <<|four new beings>>, and proceeded to poll you all on what their fate would be. You've now made it clear that you want all four of them as mindless, obedient playthings for your amusement, and so now this final poll will decide just what shape that takes! This is the last round before I actually start working on the drawing, so please, <<|vote with your hearts! =D>>
Sorry for the delay, but you all overwhelmingly voted to hypnotize all four fusion girls (seen here: Hopefully that reflects well on their likability. =D
Now it's time to decide what sort of shape this eventual drawing will take. Click the link to vote on how many hypnotists and how many subjects we'll see!
I'm at it again with another poll that lets you decide what I draw!
Check here for the subject candidates:
And here for the poll:

Text from the previous DbC is in the spoiler tag.
One brain-drained cheerleader, coming up! Now for location, location, location...:

Congratulations to our soon-to-be-enthralled cheerleader! Go here to vote on how she'll be hypnotized:

Round 1 is closed, and it's... too close to call! X)
Time for a runoff between the top three! Go here to vote:
This mini-round closes in just 24 hours, so the winner at 6:30 PM Eastern tomorrow will take home the trance trophy!

This is a project where I conduct three rounds of polling to shape a drawing that I'll do in the future. Check out the first poll here to decide who gets hypnotized!

I've done this once before, but the poll was only on DA. People voted for 1. a goth chick, 2. hypnotized by a pet collar, 3. in a pet store. The result was this:
This time, I'd like to extend polling to Hub folks as well. So, the five runners-up from the previous poll are back, as well as five new options. I haven't decided how long to run the poll yet, it will depend on the volume of the response. Hope you're almost as excited for this as I am. =D
09/17/17 04:22PM
Definite vote for F. Bodysuit/jumpsuit stripping is always fun.
09/17/17 04:56PM
Grumpy bunny Samus all the way
09/18/17 07:47AM
I appreciate the input. =D I'll leave this open for a few more days~.
10/08/17 07:58AM
Plenty of votes to go on at this point, but I'm going to leave this up until the weekend's over. It's very close, so make sure you go vote for your favorite!

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