09/17/17 07:08PM
Anybody interested in a Squid Ops RPG?
I've already sent a dmail to sleepymaid about this but since I haven't gotten a reply I figured I'd ask the forums.

To make it brief and blunt, I'm interested in working with sleepymaid to make an RPG setting book for Squid Ops. There's a clear unmet need for worldbuilding and plot in the community, and given the personal nature of hypnosis I think the best way to fill it is a good old fashioned campaign setting. Specifically, the kind that gives you a big heap of fictional history and plot ideas and trusts that you know what your group wants to play. You want slice of life? You got it. You want exploration and adventure out in the open sky? You got it. You want to be secret agents? You got it. You want to take the Tau parallels to their logical conclusion and serve Skyforce in their quest to spread the wisdom of the Masters? You got it. The whole world of our favorite lesbian space elves would be open to you; you just need to pick the parts you want to use.

So, anybody interested? I'd need sleepymaid's notes and creative input to make this a reality, but how do you feel about this idea?
09/17/17 07:11PM
I'll give it to you straight from the start. Squid Ops is cursed to eternally start and never finish.

Best of luck though!
09/17/17 07:17PM
Pinkanator said:
I'll give it to you straight from the start. Squid Ops is cursed to eternally start and never finish.

Best of luck though!

Well, the idea is that you as the GM are going to be the one "finishing" the setting.
09/17/17 07:20PM
Calypso said:
Well, the idea is that you as the GM are going to be the one "finishing" the setting.

Oh! That kind of RPG. Now I gotcha. Yeah, sure man, best of luck. Never been one to get into that kind of thing, but sounds promising to be sure.
09/17/17 08:51PM
When you say RPG, do you mean The Witcher/Final Fantasy RPG (so, video game), or tabletop RPG, much like D&D ?
09/18/17 03:40AM
Calypso said:
I've already sent a dmail to sleepymaid about this but since I haven't gotten a reply I figured I'd ask the forums.

To make it brief and blunt, I'm interested in working with sleepymaid to make an RPG setting book for Squid Ops. There's a clear unmet need for worldbuilding and plot in the community, and given the personal nature of hypnosis I think the best way to fill it is a good old fashioned campaign setting. Specifically, the kind that gives you a big heap of fictional history and plot ideas and trusts that you know what your group wants to play. You want slice of life? You got it. You want exploration and adventure out in the open sky? You got it. You want to be secret agents? You got it. You want to take the Tau parallels to their logical conclusion and serve Skyforce in their quest to spread the wisdom of the Masters? You got it. The whole world of our favorite lesbian space elves would be open to you; you just need to pick the parts you want to use.

So, anybody interested? I'd need sleepymaid's notes and creative input to make this a reality, but how do you feel about this idea?

This sounds awesome!
09/18/17 08:39AM
AnnoyinGoblin said:
When you say RPG, do you mean The Witcher/Final Fantasy RPG (so, video game), or tabletop RPG, much like D&D ?

The mention of a campaign setting would imply a setting module, like the Forgotten Realms, Eberron, or Keep on the Border modules I'd suspect.
09/18/17 09:34AM
It seems to me like the challenge is making the setting suit various types of adventure... Especially as the setting changed significantly from iteration to iteration, with the only consistent factor being lesbian space elves.

Still, could be a fun Weird Setting for Starfinder or a small custombrew system (maybe a Powered By The Apocalypse?).
09/18/17 01:40PM
Nightington said:
It seems to me like the challenge is making the setting suit various types of adventure... Especially as the setting changed significantly from iteration to iteration, with the only consistent factor being lesbian space elves.

Still, could be a fun Weird Setting for Starfinder or a small custombrew system (maybe a Powered By The Apocalypse?).

I know this is an odd thing to bring up, but can a race with a only one gender (and no notion of a second gender) truly be called lesbians?

Also, I see I'm not the only one to immediately recognize Starfinder's awesomeness! :)
09/19/17 05:24AM
Nightington said:
It seems to me like the challenge is making the setting suit various types of adventure... Especially as the setting changed significantly from iteration to iteration, with the only consistent factor being lesbian space elves.

Still, could be a fun Weird Setting for Starfinder or a small custombrew system (maybe a Powered By The Apocalypse?).

The thing is that each version of Squid Ops (with the possible exception of the last one) is significantly removed from the others in terms of space. Just change the names and they could all be happening at the same time in different places. That kind of approach gives GMs a lot of leeway, and is a big part of the reason why kitchen-sink settings like Golarion or to a lesser extent the Forgotten Realms are popular. As for adventure fodder, I already have an idea about that. I plan on dividing the book into two sections; the Blue Book will cover the common denominator details of the setting that give the world life and more or less correspond with the comics we've already seen, while the Red Book is a whole mess of setting hacks and adventure hooks to give the PCs something exciting to do and alter the setting to fit your personal canon. Like by introducing a rebel element that threatens to upend the natural order (with mind control, of course) while at the same time providing a venue for punk adventures for those who are into that. Check it:

"To the followers of the slave-queens, the betrayers. To those who swim through the skies without care for what they have wrought. To those who sup on the milk of submission, I introduce myself to you. I am will incarnate, bringing the power of dissension to those ignorant of its light. I am the wind that will cast down the cloak of chains, and the rain that will wash it away. I am rebellion. I am resistance. I am the roiling Tempest, and from this moment... so are you."

As for system, I think the best thing is to be pure fluff and at most suggest mechanics for the GM to implement. For one thing, mechanics are a pretty big deal and a great place for a project to stall, which is what I want to avoid at all costs. For another, Squid Ops is the kind of setting that really cries out for a more tailored system than the usual technically-not-freeform generic systems can offer, but there are a lot of different ways you could run a game and each would require a different kind of tailoring. I suppose a set of different GURPS hacks would be an option, but something tells me that Squid Ops and simulationist gaming would go together like cotton candy and liverwurst.

I know this is an odd thing to bring up, but can a race with a only one gender (and no notion of a second gender) truly be called lesbians?

That's a really good question, actually, because it shows how the RPG format works to Squid Ops' advantage. We don't actually know if the space elves are all female. There could actually be only one sex to their species, they could be parthenogenic and there's a cloned race of gay space elves out there somewhere, there could be (and are, in one comic) two sexes that don't impact culture much because they're just "woman" and "woman with a dick," or they could have dudes who we just don't see for some undisclosed (but probably fetish-related) reason. I also plan on spending a lot of time exploring just what the culture of a species like this would look like, which is part of why I need sleepymaid's cooperation to get started.
09/20/17 04:01AM
Oh no! I thought you were suggesting running one. I got really excited.

Anyway, please keep me in mind for playtesting if this moves forward. I've got some experience with the subject - pun not intended. And I've played RPGs over internet chat before. And I love sleepymaid's work. And I won't run screaming away from futa.
09/29/17 05:45AM
Might as well give this a bump.

Does anyone know of a way I can contact sleepymaid directly? I still haven't gotten a response to my dmail so I suspect she just doesn't check it. The SleepyDiscord unfortunately isn't an option, because I'd rather not have my real name, fetishes and CC/PayPal show up as blackmail material the next time Patreon gets hacked. (Or when Discord gets hacked, for that matter. My background is in information security, you see.)
11/21/17 04:14AM
Calypso here (admins still haven't reset my password). In the absence of any kind of response from sleepymaid (not that I can check since I can't access my main account's dmail box) I've started working on a concept map slash outline for what I want to cover with this setting book. I figured that I might as well give this baby another bump and see if people are still interested. Do you want to get a sneak peek at the map as it is? And does anyone have a way to get in contact with sleepymaid that isn't Discord?
11/21/17 04:26AM
She has her own site can't you contact her on there?
11/22/17 04:18AM
Argonis said:
She has her own site can't you contact her on there?

There's no contact information there. Even checking the WHOIS database (which is supposed to show information on the person who registered the domain) doesn't show anything.
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