09/18/17 08:58AM
Comic or Prose for my story?
For the first time probably ever, I've dreamt up a porn story. Now of course, I want to share this story! But I'm not entirely sure which medium to use for it.

[spoiler=A teaser.]The setting is Black Rook Hold, World of Warcraft. The Burning Legion is taking over, and the Lord of Black Rook Hold has allied himself with the Demons. Enter a party of four brave adventurers to take up the grim task of becoming a strike party and take him out.

The party consists of Senpai (m), Ranger (m), Rogue (f) and Priestess (f). The last is our protagonist, young, pretty, you know the type. Adorable and fuckable.

They head inside and soon the young protagonist runs out of mana, but as they're on a time-sensitive mission the party decides to run ahead while she searches for a mana potion. She chugs it and is alerted by a scream. She runs to help, only to find them all naked...[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Continuation of the teaser here.]Ranger is holding Senpai down while Rogue sucks him off. In the background is a very naked Dreadlord smirking, obviously the puppeteer of this little scene. Senpai yells for the priestess to run, but as she turns to do so the Dreadlord is behind her and in the way, touches her forehead and in that very distracting WHY DID YOU PUT THAT IN THERE BLIZZARD I CAN'T HEAL THIS WAY voice says "Sleep, now." and she sleeps.

She wakes up, ofc without panties but still in her clothes. Senpai, obviously hypnotised, starts teasing her, trying to get her to come over to the dark side of the Legion because it has so many "perks" (and he pulls her robe aside so her perky boobs are showing, yes it has to be a pun :p). She tries to resist but who can resist Senpai, really.

There should be some kind of influence from the Dreadlord here, too, subtle though because his commands/voice are invading her thoughts. Then she spots Ranger and Rogue fucking each other across the room and she's suddenly very conscious about being naked, but enter ye Dreadlord again standing behind her and telling her she likes the idea of being caught. Which now, of course, is utter truth.

They double-team her, and they all fucked happily ever after.[/spoiler]

Now, I dreamt this up as a comic and I'd love to draw it myself. Sadly, I have zero experience with making comics and though by using the wiki-how I've got a pretty good outline, I'm not sure with my low-ass sex-drive I could stay interested in it for the now whopping 7 pages it'd take to tell this story. And that's without properly working out the panels of the sex scene... I'm okay with trying it if enough people say they'd really, really love the coloured version, but I'm counting on you to poke me about it every week or so in that case :P

I could keep the comic in black and white with maybe only accents of blushing here and there, which would of course pull down the time necessary to tell my story. Instead of 3-4 weeks of working on it every night, I'd be looking at half that time probably or allow myself some breathing room.

Either that, or I could pour it into prose instead. That could mean perhaps five days at max of work, writing, editing, proofreading, ... because I write really quickly, and the story is fresh in my mind. But, it would mean missing out on the comic opportunity.

09/18/17 09:06AM
I sort of like the idea of a comic, but if you think that writing it would be easier than go for that.

Do whatever you think will make it easier for you to tell the story you want to.
05/03/20 06:30AM

you can choose something simpler like a fotonovela, you can create comics with it without knowing much about illustration since in if the images are photographs not drawings, this type of <<|xxx comics>> are really easy to do if you just need some basic knowledge of photoshop and clear a good story

05/03/20 06:38AM
If you'll go with the comix idea don't wilihow that. Better try to read about comic composition, I learn a lot about how the panel works and how to build a page, I'm still a newbie, but my pages are imrpooved a lot thanks to that.
05/05/20 06:57PM
If it helps, to draw erotic stuff, I do my best to make the basis of the whole thing when I'm at least kind of horny (so I usually try to get a lot less exposure to porn, of really just for observation and learning purposes). After that it's not quite as essential.
I mean, horny or not, making colours is making colours. So the later steps can be done without the initial, uh, horniness I'd say ?

Also having jokes in there (like the pun) and characters you like regardless of that setting is a huge help to stay interested in the story. I'm working on one that's been in progress for months, but I can come back to it anyday because I really love the characters and story, horny or not.

If you like, I can also talk about other stuff that I applie to any comics ? I don't know exactly what's your experience here or if that's what you were asking for.

I would recomend trying it, because worse case scenario you learn a lot about comics, drawing, and your workflow so you'd make better comics in the future ! : D
Even just starting it is a least good practice.
But in the end it's all about weither or not you feel like it : D

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