09/27/17 03:52PM
Starbound Adult Mods
So it was a short lived fad a while back to play Starbound multiplayer. Some people RP'd, some didn't, but everyone knew there weren't any sex mods.

Well, times have changed and now there are. I ran across this recently and figured I'd share the new stuff. While there's still no way to have sex with other players, you can now fuck basically everyone else. The mod-author's tumblr with preview videos and download links are here:

The mods:

Sexbound API: Let's you have sex, needed for everything. Doesn't directly do anything, the others below use it.

Aphrodite's Bow: Shoot any humanoid outside a protected area and you turn them into an object anyone can have sex with. The dialogue backs up that it's basically mind control.
EDIT: Contains impregnation.

Go F*** Yourself
Makes a clone of you, and you can determine the clone's gender. You can then have sex with the clone.

Maid for Sex
Gives you a maid you can have sex with.

Alluring Toys Co.
Would be useful for roleplay, as it includes wearable tail-plugs, fetishwear, ball gags, etc.

Booty Rockin' Nuru+
If you ever wanted to bang Nuru, here's your chance. There's also variations on this including a catgirl, though those weren't made by the same author.

Animated Tentacle Plant
Does exactly what you'd imagine with an NPC.

Finally, that's all dumb without a nudity mod. This is the only one not from that author.

I don't know that this will benefit anyone here, but if it enhances anyone's game that's good enough for me.

09/27/17 03:56PM
This is something I never would have even thought anyone would want. But hey cool for those who are interested.
09/27/17 07:47PM
Well, here's the obvious question... Are there some MC (or at least adult) mods for Terraria?
09/27/17 10:08PM
T323 said:
Well, here's the obvious question... Are there some MC (or at least adult) mods for Terraria?

Not anything like this, alas. Which is unfortunate because Terraria is still the better game and has a lot more interesting NPC's.
09/27/17 10:24PM
cypress_z said:
Not anything like this, alas. Which is unfortunate because Terraria is still the better game and has a lot more interesting NPC's.

Well, I bet at least half of the bosses can have some MC abilities. Not Sceletron, of course (but it'll be a sight to see... in an adult way), but Plantera or Moonlord? Or even the Wall of Flesh?
Hell yes.
And Brain of Ctulhu already has MC abilities (illusions etc), or mobs with 'Confusion' debuff, or 'Lost Girl/Nymph' mob, or...
11/24/20 03:31AM
how do u get those mods now? the link to tumbler no longer works properly

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