09/28/17 04:12AM
What do you do for Halloween?
Just figured since that time is coming around again and since it's my favorite holiday, I'd see what everyone else does for Halloween.

For example I spend Halloween wearing a ghillie suit, in a wooden area, full of bushes and tall grass. So I basically become a screaming bush that leaps up when people walk by, because a few neighbors have rows of bushes that always have one random bush in the line missing.
09/28/17 08:16AM
Halloween is my favourite holiday in my favourite season. It's always been that with me, when I was little to the me of the present. I was actually disappointed about my previous 2 Halloweens, as it seemed that my college didn't do much with it. Just a few trick-or-treating things and maybe a dorm contest for best decorations. My family likes put a lot of effort in to Halloween, with the decorations and the neighbourhood party. I'm always trying to find more things to improve my Halloween spirit. This year, I'm going to try to watch some horror movies. I never actually watched a lot of them including; the Thing, Nightmare on Elm series, Friday the 13th series, classic Universal monster movies, etc. The most Halloween movie I've seen around this time was probably when I went to see Rocky Horror Picture Show at midnight 2 years ago. I mostly watch those travel channel "best halloween" or "best haunted house" shows, or even the food network for fall and Halloween treats! I'm trying to improve on my laziness, so I might try to cook some spooky treats for myself, though I'm still waiting for October to hit. I still need to hit the apple orchard though for some in season apples, before there all gone. Also, does it seem weird to anyone else how late the leaves are changing colour? Was it because of the fairly consistent amount of rain this year? We were even supposed to have a major gypsy moth epidemic, but the rain supposedly killed off a lot of the population.
09/28/17 08:27AM
We had to stop trick or treating in my house cause we'd get 200+ kids.

But also most of them wouldn't say thanks or anything, and the families were driving from house to house so there were tons of cars.

But rather it's become a new family tradition to dress up and eat at our favorite Mexican restaurant.

But few things I did love is a few years ago I dressed up in such a way that I looked like a statue and stood by as my mother handed out candy. Everyone though I was a prop.

A group of kids came by and they were talking about how spooky I looked I didn't move or say anything, then one of them pushed on of the other kids in the group toward me and when reached out it freaked all of them out, though the best of that night was a 3 year old who while not scared exactly did trust me.

I took of my mask to show her it was just a costume and her dad told her the same, but that kid wouldn't take her eyes off me for a second. She just 'knew' I was going to do something and she would no get caught off guard
09/28/17 09:54AM
Blitz_Habanera said:
Just figured since that time is coming around again and since it's my favorite holiday, I'd see what everyone else does for Halloween.

It's that most wonderful tiiiiiiiime of the yeeeeaaaaar.

Blitz_Habanera said:
For example I spend Halloween wearing a ghillie suit, in a wooden area, full of bushes and tall grass. So I basically become a screaming bush that leaps up when people walk by, because a few neighbors have rows of bushes that always have one random bush in the line missing.

This is actually a normal tuesday night for me.

Anyway to actually answer the question I have a few things that I want to do/am planning to do. I want to look into any upcoming rocky horror showings and try and go to one of those. I'm also going to aim for one or two horror movie marathons over the weekend and a haunted house or hayride.

As for Halloween itself I might see if any of my friends are going to hand out candy. If not then I'll hand out some myself at my apartment. Maybe if I decide to actually follow through I'll go with an idea that I came up with last year and essentially reverse trick or treat. So just go in a costume around the neighborhood and pass out candy that way.

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays so I feel bad that I never really did much with it when I was in college. Before that I trick or treated all the way until the end of high school.
09/28/17 10:25AM
I'll likely be working on Halloween so a full costume is out, but I'm considering getting some colored contacts anyway. I've found some neat patterns, so now the question is whether I want to go with snake eyes, spirals, or just an usual color like red or pink.
09/28/17 10:55AM
Dress up, go trick or treating, turn on Ghostbusters and other horror movies and chow down on mah loot.

But this year I'll be playing Mario Odyssey and mooching Twix and Butterfingers from the bowl :P
09/28/17 12:09PM
Weall, 'round these here parts we sit out on the front porch with 'ol Bubba and hand out whiskey. If one 'the little chitlins gets riled up, I just tell Bubba to grab his huntin' rifle and that usually gets 'em runnin' back the way they came.

But for serious, I've wanted to put together a good cosplay for Halloween lately, but due to time restraints, distractions, and/or a lack of inspiration and passion, it's mostly resulted to "Grab the eyepatch off the drawer from god-knows how many Halloweens back, grab a period appropriate sword, go toss candy at kids," for the past several years.
09/28/17 03:03PM
Dress the kids up in their cute little costumes and send them on their way with Grandma, who takes them to a Halloween party hosted by the town's church and then IHOP for dinner.

While they're gone, I throw on my special Halloween-themed knee socks and me and my SO fuck until we're exhausted. XD No kids trick-or-treat around here, so there's no worry of being disturbed.
09/28/17 03:32PM
Halloween is my berfday, so I usually have some family and friends over and have a little party.
09/28/17 07:36PM
Nothing usually

England SUCKS at Halloween. I remember when I lived in america the amazing decorations and the hordes of trick or treaters. In England I've had 3 at most
09/29/17 12:27AM
Stay home, think about dressing up sexy for my wife, panic and spend the night hiding in bed.
09/29/17 03:13AM
I can't stand the holiday TBH. So I invite over some of my friends that happen to be like-minded about it, and we all just have a LAN party or watch shitty movies. Then they go home and my GF dresses up and we do sexy stuffs. Ironic, I know!
09/29/17 03:19AM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Nothing usually

England SUCKS at Halloween. I remember when I lived in america the amazing decorations and the hordes of trick or treaters. In England I've had 3 at most

Amma be selfish a minute and say I'm really glad that Halloween isn't a big thing in Europe :P I get scared really easily, and thus even with no trick-or-treaters I usually spend the day at home, hiding with the internet turned off.

Some teenagers and college kids (I think even elementary schools these days? idk) do dress up for the day and have costume parties.

We do have kids singing at our doors twice in january though: New Years Day because who doesn't like to open the door to off-key singing repetitive songs of children and "Epiphany" or as we call it, "Three Kings Day" on the sixth of january.

Different songs, and this time the kids are dressed up. It's called Three Kings Day because of the Three Wizards of the East that went to visit Baby Jesus and brought gifts. (Heck, we're a really christian country. It's fine :p)
09/29/17 04:32AM
09/29/17 05:34AM
Yumberduddle said:

Thank you for your ever-so-eloquent contribution!
1 2>>>

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