10/03/17 01:27AM
Huge Japanese list of anime MC scenes. Anyone remember ?
So, a while back, I'm pretty sure it was somewhere in this forum (perhaps in the Japanese/Western animation hypno thread [EDIT : strike that, I just finished carefully reading it and there isn't the link I'm looking for]), someone posted a link to a page that contained a HUGE list of anime MC scenes. I'm not talking about <<|this thing>>, or about <<|this helpful blog>> (both of which I do however recommend for anime/manga scenes, respectively). This was perhaps an archived website like the first one I mentioned, or perhaps a sub-section of some Japanese website. All I remember is it was pretty much plain text format (which would indicate it was indeed an archived page of some sort), with a bunch of half-translated anime titles, along with episode number and short description.

Being the messy slob I am, I cannot for the life of me remember where, or indeed if, I wrote down this page, and I'm a bit too lazy to search the entire forum, so I would be grateful to anyone that could help.

(As a side-note, I hesitated to post this in the "Hunting thread", but I figured since it wasn't a single piece of work, it didn't belong there. I also browsed the "Obligatory Links", but it doesn't seem to be there. Speaking of obligatory links, it would be cool to add these resources to the list, though)
10/03/17 10:34AM
Was it something that looked like it got upped on Google Drive or in an online Google document at all? If yes, I know exactly what you mean, but sadly can't find where I saved it.

I found something else again, though, that should be similar:

If you click on "work list" there, this nice list comes up and should be exactly something like the google thing:


Aside from that, that's all I can offer at the moment.
10/03/17 07:40PM
_Chizuru94_ said:
Was it something that looked like it got upped on Google Drive or in an online Google document at all? If yes, I know exactly what you mean, but sadly can't find where I saved it.

I found something else again, though, that should be similar:

If you click on "work list" there, this nice list comes up and should be exactly something like the google thing:


Aside from that, that's all I can offer at the moment.

Unfortunately, this isn't it, though thanks for your answer ! The translated website you posted is the one I linked to in this quote :
TheMadPrince said:
I'm not talking about <<|this thing>>

The other thing you're referring to, I believe, is from this topic :

These aren't the one I'm looking for, though. The list I found (and I believe it was on this site) was just a giant list of show names with the episode number (and maybe a description, but I don't believe so on second thought). It was all-white background, as in Plain Text background (not confident, but reasonably sure about this), and it might have been a subsection of a larger website.

EDIT : Also, I realized after writing this that maybe the text wasn't, in fact, translated. It might just have been a bunch of Japanese text which someone said was a massive list of MC anime.
10/04/17 11:09AM
Hm, aside from those I posted and the google doc thing I once saw (but can't find again), that's sadly all I know. The google doc things was also the biggest list I saw til now, but I can't find it anymore. Maybe someone else on this forum still got the link or list saved somewhere, hopefully :)
10/04/17 04:59PM
Well, that makes two of us hoping for the Holy Grail of MC lists, then, even if it's not the same Grail :)
Thanks for dropping by, though, I'll keep searching on my end.

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