10/03/17 03:48AM
Blacklist suggestion
Can the Hidden Posts thing be edited to automatically show what images are being hidden because of their tag? In other words, can it be made so you don't need to click on it to see how many posts are hidden?
10/03/17 05:32AM
I was very confused for a minute when I saw this post with that name. I thought some old thread got dig up or something.

As for the question, probably not. We basically use the simplest Booru format and don’t really have the capability to change things around much, I don’t know the specifics myself but it’s something like that.

I don’t think there’s much need for such a small change. I find it more convenient to have blacklisted tags collapsed until you want to tweak them, though that’s mainly because I have a lot of blacklists.

Could you expand upon what exactly you want and why you want it so I may better understand?
10/03/17 06:26AM
Apologies for not being clearer. You know how on Danbooru spoilers is autoblacklisted? It shows up on the side beneath the word Blacklisted. I'd imagine other tags would appear the same way beneath it. Basically I think it would make it more convenient rather than clicking on something every page.

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