10/05/17 04:00PM
Why do we love being put to sleep so much?
Tell me my fellow hypno lovers. What's so erotic for us about this? I know other fetishes like feet have a scientific explanation, what about us? I wanna know. Help.
10/05/17 06:05PM
It makes me feel all warm, comfy and loved <3
10/05/17 09:00PM
Drowsy eyed yawny people are the cutest thing ever. I think it's just a matter of being in such a vulnerable state with a significant other.
10/05/17 09:29PM
Pinkanator said:
It makes me feel all warm, comfy and loved <3

I like making people feel warm comfy and loved <3
10/05/17 09:33PM
Sophia said:
I like making people feel warm comfy and loved <3

*snuggle* love you <3
10/06/17 02:04AM
All subs should be shot. The only good MC fetish art/literature is when the subject is unwilling.
10/06/17 02:16AM
Personally, it's to cheat myself into "letting go". I'm very much a control freak (it's forever a steep learning curve) so much so that going to sleep, even exhausted, is an arduous task. Sleeping requires me to trust that nothing bad will happen to me until morning, so I'll be able to face tomorrow in a proper way. If I can trick myself into not being a control freak so much, shut my mind up and let someone else take the reins for a while so I'm not liable to fuck up or at least it won't be my fault if I do...? Heaven, right there.

On another note I find the power absolutely intoxicating to have someone dance to my tune with an empty-minded smile. Yes, I do know best. ... Absolute power corrupts absolutely I guess. I just like having people squirm in delight for me *shrug* to have them experience bliss because of me ... a different kind of heaven I guess.
10/06/17 04:03AM
eldomtom2 said:
All subs should be shot. The only good MC fetish art/literature is when the subject is unwilling.

OW the Edge
10/06/17 08:03AM
AFAIK the science on foot fetishes is speculative and far from settled.

I don't quite understand the appeal of hypnosis, either. I like it, I just don't know why. But I think many of us like different things about it, like taking over someone else's impulses (or surrendering your own will to another...) Maybe we're attracted to the idea that society is just a spiral away from being re-written. Or we find it erotic that with the proper training and a slightly magical pocketwatch, we could have whoever we wanted, conceivably. Maybe some of us are more logic-driven than emotion-driven and there's an appeal to seducing someone the way you might solve a puzzle. Maybe it's satisfying to be sure that the other party won't reject you. Maybe it's a gateway to another fetish, like free use.

Some people get off watching a sub humiliate themselves in front of an audience, which doesn't make any sense to me. How can somebody jerk off to another person howling like a dog or clucking like a chicken? But then I get off watching someone being tricked into falling under someone else's control. How does it make sense that I can be turned on by a person counting backwards from five? It really doesn't. We're all weird.

But that's okay.

Since I came to this scene, I've probably spent more time downloading materials and thinking about why I like them than actually pleasuring myself to them. I'm learning that I like very specific things, and I'm sure I'm not alone. We're all here for slightly different reasons, and I'm hesitant to paint the fetish's "why" with anything but a broad stroke: because ultimately, control (one way or another) is sexy.

If there's a simple scientific explanation I'd love to hear it, but I doubt the simple answer is satisfying.
10/06/17 06:12PM
The simple of it a kid I saw chibi moon turn into the dark queen and was like, she got hot, and as I watched more anime the trope of good characters being controlled by villains, like again in G Gundam with the dg cells, I developed a fetish for mind control and corruption. Most fetishes are born from our childhoods, is the long and short of it.
10/06/17 06:23PM
For me it's mostly consensual MC that pushes all of my buttons.

I like the idea of giving up control of my mind to a loved one. It's kind of the ultimate expression of trust, that you'd let someone else control and own you so completely.

That said, non-con MC can still be insanely hot sometimes, and in that case I actually don't know why I find it hot. I just kinda do.
10/07/17 01:48AM
JTT said:
Maybe some of us are more logic-driven than emotion-driven and there's an appeal to seducing someone the way you might solve a puzzle.

This! Yes! It makes so much sense!
10/08/17 04:33AM
Codknight said:
The simple of it a kid I saw chibi moon turn into the dark queen and was like, she got hot, and as I watched more anime the trope of good characters being controlled by villains, like again in G Gundam with the dg cells, I developed a fetish for mind control and corruption. Most fetishes are born from our childhoods, is the long and short of it.

I don't know that I believe this.

Lots of people saw The Jungle Book, or that infamous Daphne ballerina scene from Scooby Doo. They didn't all develop a hypnosis fetish. Maybe it already appealed to some of us in some way, and that's why those scenes stood out to us, even as children.

I'm not saying you must be wrong, I'm just proposing a chicken-and-egg scenario. Which came first? By the time we're watching and understanding cartoons, if we see something that makes us feel funny... is that particular media causing us to develop those tastes, or were we already prone to have those feelings and that particular media is just speaking to that part of our brains?

Just something I've wondered. Most of us (if the forums are true) remember a pivotal scene from our youths where we saw hypnosis at play and it made a big impression, but many more people saw those same scenes and didn't develop the same proclivities that we did.

NamesAreForTheWeak said:
That said, non-con MC can still be insanely hot sometimes, and in that case I actually don't know why I find it hot. I just kinda do.

Non-consent as a fantasy is pretty common in the BDSM community. There's just something animalistic about it. I don't think there's a good detailed explanation for it, precisely because it's so primitive.
10/08/17 08:22AM
The reason we love sleep so much is we don't get enough of it.

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