10/13/17 09:37AM
Trippy needs AN artist. [Taken] thank you <3
Trippy: Trippys been planing a large picture of ten people for Halloween and all the artists trippy knows are to busy or still haven't sent a reply to trippy about it, so trippys asking here if there are any artists that are interested in filling their pockets with lots of trippy coins, while providing super sexy material for people to fap too~

OH yeah send trippy a DM if anyone is intrested doesnt have to be much just say that your available

and it doesnt need to be before halloween just close to it

OK the commission has been taken and confirmed thank you to all the people who applyed sorry trippy can't accept everyone Trippy just can't afford it
10/14/17 02:09AM
*an artist.

Just wanted to correct that in the title.

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