09/09/13 12:29AM
Fanart (sketch) request thread
So... This thread will be for me and all artists that want improve a little, and practice with sketches.
Sometimes I have no idea of what to draw, but still want to, so it would be nice to hear some ideas from you guys :)

For now I'm offering fanart of Hypno-tan.
5 slots, one per person*, two are reserved for Vanndril and Mindwipe.

Oh, you can be a little specific, if you have a nice idea for pose, can tell me too!

*per person I did mean: more than one person can have a similar idea, and I can try "put all together" in a drawing :)
like: two people want Hypno-tan bimbo, one says "she can have big breasts and use a short skirt" and other says "and blonde hair", the result will be a Hypno-tan blonde with short skirt and big breasts~

I'll list here the requests already done or "yet requesting".

* Bimbo: post #9555 [request by LittleToyMaker]
* Hypno-tan with the naga post #9663 [request by Lord-Enonymous]
* Loli Hypno-tan hypnotizing another loli/shota with her cellphone. [by huxley and Mr.H]
* Hypno-tan hypnotizing the viewer with a pendant [by Fossilbrand]
* She in a mirror hypnotized by her own reflection [by Vanndril]
* She hypnotized by a ring in a foot of <<|Rias Gremory>> [by Mindwipe]

Requests closed for now <3
09/09/13 01:02AM
I almost hesitant to ask, but maybe Hypno-tan could be the one doing the hypnotising in one picture instead of on the receiving end. I know its vague, but she should be shown on both ends of the spectrum imo.
09/09/13 01:07AM
One thing that often bothers me about a lot of bimbo artwork is that most artists don't seem to know that there is a line of "too much", and they tend to cross it completely.

Personally, I think a bimbo version of a character should look more-or-less the same, but with larger breasts (and I mean like a few cup sizes bigger, not breasts that look like hot air balloons), a larger butt (and again, not THAT much bigger) and optionally, a slightly more sexy waist/hips (again... NOT THAT MUCH). Then you add sexy clothes, maybe some blonde hair (personal preference, but also not required), usually lengthened hair, and most importantly, she has to look HAPPY and DUMB!

Here's an example I made in Kisekae. Again, this is really all just my opinion, but I think that a lot of bimbo artists cross that line of "too much".
09/09/13 01:09AM
I would like to see hypno-tan and preferably something with a naga. I know it's a tough silly request so like feel free to ignore it but just...hypno-tan + naga (could even be with any old snake) doesn't matter like coiling, grinding on scales, what kind of eyes...

Though idk if I can count this as a vote or request or anything but...

I am 100% for the idea of bimbo hypno-tan with blonde hair.

Edit: agree with toymaker like I loooove me some breasts but after a certain point it's like...ngeh not as much 9 times out of 10. Though some people tend to like bimbos tan but I like them any skin color (also as long as it doesn't deviate away to the extreme) like hell make them paler I personally love pale skin. (So yeah for my request if you made hypno-tan with paler skin hnnnngh I would try to repay you somehow)
09/09/13 01:13AM
Mr.H said:
I almost hesitant to ask, but maybe Hypno-tan could be the one doing the hypnotising in one picture instead of on the receiving end. I know its vague, but she should be shown on both ends of the spectrum imo.

This is also a nice idea. That would be an interesting way to characterize her, I think - to make her switch between being the hypnotist and the subject, since she likes it either way, as long as hypnosis is involved.
09/09/13 01:17AM
LittleToyMaker said:
to make her switch between being the hypnotist and the subject, since she likes it either way, as long as hypnosis is involved.

I can relate to that.
09/09/13 01:26AM
I third the sentiments on bimbos so far, the point where a character has completely impossibly sized body parts they've lost any appeal to me. I love seeing alternate versions of characters, and it works a lit better when said alternate versions don't deviant that far from the original.
09/09/13 02:27AM
Lord-Enonymous said:
I would like to see hypno-tan and preferably something with a naga. I know it's a tough silly request so like feel free to ignore it but just...hypno-tan + naga

I do quite love nagas. They have everything I love about snakes, but they can have female upper bodies, which makes them much sexier. I'd love to see a blissfully entranced Hypno-tan in the coils of a snake lady. Something like post #33 or post #4512 or maybe post #5133.

I'd make that my personal request, but since KinkyLoli was nice enough to reserve a spot just for me, I want to make sure I don't use it for an idea someone else already had (which is why I'll probably wait to see what Vanndril asks for, so I don't ask for anything too similar).
09/09/13 04:04AM
Hooray for nagas!
Mindwipe said:
Something like post #33 or post #4512 or maybe post #5133.

I actually didn't know about those last 2 <3

Mindwipe said:
I'd make that my personal request, but since KinkyLoli was nice enough to reserve a spot just for me, I want to make sure I don't use it for an idea someone else already had (which is why I'll probably wait to see what Vanndril asks for, so I don't ask for anything too similar).

Aww, this is why this whole community is aweome. I wish I had joined sooner (sorry if I post in threads or babble too much I just love finally being a part of this comminity past a lurker and getting involved)
09/09/13 04:17AM
@Mr.H Is a good idea, what you think about she be a scientist working on a tech control? (And who will be the victim?)

@LittleToyMaker Ok, a Hypno-tan bimbo very sexy, but without exaggeration :)
Lord-Enonymous want she with blonde hair, I want too, so, yes yes!

@Lord-Enonymous Is a interesting idea, Hypno-tan will be fun with a naga! And who will be the naga? Can be some popular character or not, I'm accepting ideas.
I think that will be very sexy, the image that I created in my mind looks like that~
(nothing about the pose, just about a naga holding tight our dear Hypno-tan)

@Mindwipe You're smart ;D enjoy thinking about what you want!

Now, a note for everyone:
Don't be afraid to request something, I'm open to new ideas... I LOVE new ideas!
And if I don't like, I just will reply "I can't do it", nothing bad, huh? ^^
09/09/13 05:54AM
KinkyLoli said:
And who will be the naga? Can be some popular character or not, I'm accepting ideas.

Oh! If I may contribute to this idea: while I don't know of very many well-known naga characters (most that I can think of are more monster than woman), there are a few non-generic lamias that could work well.

One is Shirohebihime, {{kimohiko}}'s character (all but the last 3 pics have Shirohebihime in them). Her method of control is rather...unorthodox for nagas, however. She uses a super-addictive, pleasure-inducing venom to enslave her victims, rather than the usual hypnotic eyes that snakes and snake-like characters have. So, she may not be everyone's thing.

Another is the lamia from Final Fantasy IV ({{lamia_(final_fantasy)}}). She has a rather unique design and a couple of pics featuring her already here. However, it may seem strange placing her with a character who isn't from Final Fantasy.

Getting away from the lamias on this site, another naga that is at least somewhat popular is <<|Lamia Hygieia>> from the H-game "Mamonomusume to no Seikatsu". She has a very unique design, though I doubt she has any hypnotic powers in the game (but this is fanart, so anything goes).

Those are just some possibilities (or you could just make up your own character). Since this was Lord-Enonymous' request, I think he should weigh in on what he'd most like to see. :)
09/09/13 06:32AM
LittleToyMaker said:
but I think that a lot of bimbo artists cross that line of "too much".

Mindwipe said:
I'd love to see a blissfully entranced Hypno-tan in the coils of a snake lady.

My first two request ideas that come to mind and it's already done. Not only THAT but I see the "too much" issue has been touched upon. I just, I've got nothin'. I mean come on.

This place gets me.
09/09/13 06:35AM
Ok I actually LOVE Shirohebihime, the addictive venom is so hot to me I just...yes. All of my yes to her and that method. Though that doesn't mean you have to do it like Mindwipe said it's not everybody's cup of tea. I'd just like anything Naga. Also no naga in particular (I mean I have a naga OC but bad character design + no refference so that's out) but pick from the one's Mindwipe said, or maybe just a random Naga, or let someone else suggest some. I don't feel like I can even ask for much really it makes me feel greedy lol. (though female is prefered I think most of us assumed it would be a female from the start)
09/09/13 07:16AM
One idea(or suggestion I guess) to the bimbo version of hypno-tan which came to mind after reading everyone's wants is that(this is presuming there is goin to be some sort of text along with it,if not don't bother with this) maybe she had accidentally drank a love potion she meant to give to *insert person* and instead of just simply falling in love with that person she ends up trying to change herself into what she believes said person likes in a woman. Sorry if anything I've said didnt make sense.
09/09/13 08:52AM
Shirohebihime really looks so sexy and attractive to me! Really liked the character
(but also Lamia Hygieia, just because I love cute characters, she looks cute...)

@huxley, I was waiting for a request like that! hehehe Lolis lolis <3
So, I don't know if I understood: a Loli Hypno-tan corrupting another loli? hnng~~~ yes!

@Xaltion, sorry, but I've finished the sketch of Hypno-bimbo-tan. So, this request is "closed".

post #9555

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