10/15/17 09:15AM
Horror Hypnosis

So, It's October, so spoops have been on my mind.

I've always been a horror fan, though more with games, and so I thought I might make this topic.

Mind Control/Hypnosis used for horror or when it's actually kind of fucked up.

What are some times when it's legitimately disturbing!

Here's the Example that made me want to post this: Doki Doki Literature Club: [spoiler] It's a visual novel that takes the facade of a moe dating sim, but turns into psychological horror. One of Characters is Self-aware and literally changes the game and alters the characters to make them act worse and eventual get them to... off themselves. Yeah, it's fucked up. I can't really explain it in well.
10/15/17 11:17AM
Mind control in horror scenarios is a double-edged sword for me. It can either be the hottest shit ever to my twisted sense of sexuality, or as you said, really fucked up and likely to nope me out before anything else. Best/worst part about it, there's not really a well-defined "line" for me - it's all case-by-case, and there's often elements that turn me on in plots that otherwise make me want to shiver.

<<www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebTa5sTOFLA&t=1m45s|This>>, which I've shared on a few occasions before, is one of my favorite hypnosis scenes of all time when it comes to execution (RIP Sharon Tate, and your intoxicating voice...) But the end result is to goad someone into suicide, which is just... ecch.

Get Out, to name a more recent example, is a really well-done example of mind control for a horrific end - "sedating" a victim with a subliminal command in order to lobotomize them and make them into a vessel for a rich, more socially powerful bastard. Still, the idea of rendering someone totally helpless through as little as scraping a spoon against a teacup is an unambiguous turn-on...

Another recent example that comes to mind is from <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxZ6FD0ER10&t=1m45s|AHS: Coven>> - the coven's leader uses it to force policemen into drinking a concoction that brings them further under her will. They resist at first, but eventually give in, and become completely subservient after doing so. The sense of power she exudes in the scene has a strong draw to it. But the fact that she's using it to cover up one in a probable series of murders over the years is morally sickening in a similar way.

Hell, even my user handle comes from a film in which the villain uses MC to plunge a country into chaos and goad his victims into destroying themselves. Really, some of the least-intimate uses for the power one can think of. But damn if the actual <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8jzGGazHEc&t=87m10s|scenes of hypnosis>> aren't somehow mesmerizing in the way they're filmed and edited.

"You take!"
10/15/17 01:39PM
Dr_Mabuse said:
Another recent example that comes to mind is from <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxZ6FD0ER10&t=1m45s|AHS: Coven>> - the coven's leader uses it to force policemen into drinking a concoction that brings them further under her will. They resist at first, but eventually give in, and become completely subservient after doing so. The sense of power she exudes in the scene has a strong draw to it. But the fact that she's using it to cover up one in a probable series of murders over the years is morally sickening in a similar way.

Wow, that one's really good. It's such a shame it's only malesub, though. I agree with you on everything else, and if I might add an example (that admittedly was already suggested here lots), Jessica Jones is mind control used in a pretty damn horrific way. Unlike your other examples, it's very much intimate - but as a reminder of what would happen if the power fell in the hands of, essentially, a rapist.

D'you know of any others like that AHS one ? I've tried and failed to find some scenes where someone really resists before succumbing, all on-screen - the closest I've come is probably <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVySDe7VNtM|this scene>> from Mutant X.
10/15/17 02:20PM
Both of adaptations of IT when Pennywise uses his deadlights on the kids, ESPECIALLY in the new one where his :entire face unhinges and uses them on Beverly after she declares she's not afraid of him anymore. Understandably, for a creature that feeds off of fear, he's not pleased and uses them on her. As we see them, we also hear the voices of what sounds like thousands of dead children screaming in agony in his mouth. It's not pretty.

Also just rewatched Event Horizon last night and the way the titular ship messes with people's heads is fucking terrifying. A couple examples that standout include Justin's state of mind after being sucked into the core of the ship ("If you could see the things I've seen, you wouldn't try to stop me.") or how Peters gets vaguely hypnotized by the core to see her son running around, only to fall to her death in the most graphic way possible. And then there's what happens to Dr. Weir......
10/15/17 02:35PM
[spoiler]in the evil within 2 one of your allies liam is brainwashed by a cult leader, you have to put him down[/url]
10/15/17 07:48PM
Probably more along the lines of goofy than horror, but I love watching MST3K riff on the movie Devil Doll, which features a truly skeevy stage hypnotist wreaking all kinds of immoral hypnotic shenanigans on people, including hypnotizing a young woman into falling in love with him. The scene where he's got her hypnotized and he's taking her clothes off to possibly have sex with her is SO cringe-inducing; it helps to have Mike and the Bots there hilariously expressing their disgust and dismay at the whole thing.

Not from a movie (well, technically it WAS made into a segment for Creepshow 2, but they didn't really expand on the hypnosis part of it), but the flesh-eating lake blob from Stephen King's story The Raft had hypnotic colors that would swirl over its surface to try to attract humans to it. That story scared me so bad the first time I read it, but I found myself re-reading the hypnosis parts because I love the way they're described.
10/16/17 03:09AM
TheMadPrince said:
Wow, that one's really good. It's such a shame it's only malesub, though.

D'you know of any others like that AHS one ? I've tried and failed to find some scenes where someone really resists before succumbing, all on-screen - the closest I've come is probably <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVySDe7VNtM|this scene>> from Mutant X.

I'll admit, that scene would probably turn me on way too much to be nearly as disturbed by it if it were femsub... A man can always dream, huh? T_T

Sadly, such scenes have proven to be rare gems for me as well. Out of the few I can bring to mind for the moment, they're either malesub, animated, or both. I will say, that one you've posted is choice, so thanks for introducing me!
10/16/17 05:33AM
Dr_Mabuse said:
I'll admit, that scene would probably turn me on way too much to be nearly as disturbed by it if it were femsub... A man can always dream, huh? T_T

Sadly, such scenes have proven to be rare gems for me as well. Out of the few I can bring to mind for the moment, they're either malesub, animated, or both. I will say, that one you've posted is choice, so thanks for introducing me!

I still like these conceptually really hot scenes, because I can personally imagine/create stories out of them. But, for a femsub aficionado like me, it always feels like such a waste when the hottest scenes are of the gender I'm not attracted to. Oh well, more content for the people interested in that, I suppose.

I'm glad you like the Mutant X one. There's a few more of that type I know of, either straight-up hypno or parasite possession (which I know doesn't turn on everyone here) :
-<<www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihVDn1hfzTU|This one>> from Relic Hunter (S3E11 if anyone's curious) was one of the first scenes, along with that other one, I discovered.
-<<www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCTuYOfjmZ8|This one>> I already shared with a user here, but it's a surprisingly good scene from an otherwise awful movie (parasite warning).

There's a whole damn folder of clips I have, some horror, some not, but most of which I find hot and know where they come from - hell, if anyone's interested, I could share a list/Mediafire folder.

Still, I'm always looking for good scenes. <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoFTetknMMw&t=0m50s|This one>> is topical, when compared to your AHS scene.
10/16/17 02:52PM
Slave District: 23 Slaves and Me is a whole manga about turning people into slaves. Two people wear gadgets on their teeth and play a game, and if one person loses, they become the winner's slave. The manga is supposedly a psychological horror, but your mileage may vary.
10/16/17 06:34PM
10/16/17 11:48PM
Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak Academy

Do I NEED to say anything else?
10/16/17 11:50PM
StepfordCrimson said:
Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak Academy

Do I NEED to say anything else?

No but I'm sure some people will ask.
10/16/17 11:55PM
StepfordCrimson said:
Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak Academy

Do I NEED to say anything else?

Please don't *Shudder*

Despair Side was well named
10/17/17 03:32AM
There is a move called Little Witches (I think, I may be confusing the title for another, very similar, movie). I was a about a catholic school where a group of girls uncover a book of spells. AT first they have fun with it but the one girl starts being concerned that they are breaking the Wiccan principle of the Threefold Return. Basically, all this misuse of magic is building up to a big backlash. Meanwhile the gothy member of the group is delving deeper into the dark side is search of more power. Even to the point of putting the other girls of the cover under mind control to keep them in line as she amasses more power.
10/17/17 04:23AM
Resident evil 4 and its Las plagas... the scariest part is that those things are inside you for 98% of the game.
1 234>>>

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