10/21/17 04:07AM
My Media MC Collection (in progress)
Well, I've been on an organizing binge lately, so I figured I'd update this, several years later, much wiser about both finding new scenes, and backing up my stuff, and with a completely different system.

I unfortunately lost access to the original MEGA account I used to post all this, so I can't just use that one to update (it requires a security key if a password has been forgotten, and I'm almost certain any of the potential HDDs that could have contained such a key is no longer functioning).

But enough rambling. The new collection is on Google Drive, right <<|here.>>

You can still find all of the old scenes I uploaded on the MEGA account in the spoiler below - I'm in the process of transferring a lot of them, with better quality versions. As of right now, the collection has more scenes total (edit: actually I'm not sure, maybe not - definitely higher quality in general, though), including a number of scenes I'm pretty sure no one here has mentioned (namely, from recent works).

The collection has also been streamlined. There are now three categories, "Parasites and Possession", "Brainwashing and Mind-Control", and "Others", and there's a Google spreadsheet with alphabetical clip listing, description, and sources.

Hopefully y'all enjoy! I hope to update this one more regularly this time, because the system is more modular, and especially because I organize my own personal folders better nowadays - that said, it'll be based entirely on whether I find the motivation for it, so no promises.

[spoiler=notice concerning underage characters]I would really appreciate mod input on this - basically, the collection I'm sharing has some underage victims in certain clips ; obviously no CP, and no explicit sexual connotations either, no minor that's undressed or in sensitive positions, nada. Underaged subs (and sometimes doms), though, yes, some of those.
I would therefore like to know if this breaks the rules, and if I should remove these clips. The actual site rules mention "real-life depictions of persons under 18", but it's unclear if it's only regarding CP, since loli is still on the site. Hopefully I don't have to delete the entire collection just for a few clips, but I'll bow down to whatever is decided. Whenever I get an answer to this, I'll delete or spoiler this little notice.
Current Edit: I never did get an answer to this, so I assume it's okay to have these up.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Old description]Hey there !
As promised in the "Horror Hypnosis" thread, here is (part of) the folder containing all the film/TV/anime hypno I've accumulated over the years. Now, as I was impatient to share it, I didn't finish uploading all the clips I have, so this will be updated as often as I can over the next few weeks. The folder works like this :

There are six subfolders :
-Brainwashing : Mostly old-school MC, with a machine and rigorous induction and everything ;
-Fun Filled Series : This folder will contain the series of videos/TV shows that have a ton of MC in them, such as Smallville or, as is the case now, some of the old Hypnovideo vids ;
-Mind Control and Hypnosis : This is the most "miscellaneous" of the folders, containing MC that ranges from hypno-eyes to hypno-trinkets ;
-Other : This folder contains stuff that is pretty unclassifiable, or isn't direct hypnosis, such as "love hypnosis" and emotional control - not exactly mind control, but not exactly natural attraction either ;
-Parasites and Infection : A sub-category of "Possession" (as seen below) that is sufficiently specific to warrant its own folder, with generally some type of insect/virus infection, either placing the victim under the control of a superior consciousness, or possessing her with the will of said insect. Mostly aliens, a good amount of orifice invasion, a loads of squick ;
-Possession : The category of MC wherein the victim's mind is taken over by the consciousness of something else, controlling her body at the same time. This can be considered body control WITH mind control. Generally contains body-jumping/surfing. Note that non-MC body control isn't something I'm interested in, and thus isn't present here.

In each folder (not right now, but as this is updated, this will become true) except the "Series" one, there is also an "Unknown" subfolder, that contains scenes that a) I have no clue where they're from, or b) I know which series/franchise they're from, but not the exact episode, etc., or c) I haven't confirmed where they're from. It was too much of a pain to track down each and every one, but feel free to point out their source in the comments if you believe you know it.

As a side-note, almost all of my clips are femsub. If you're into malesub, I'm sorry, but you won't find much here.

Below, you will also find some spoilered text. Contained within is a description of each scene (that I know the source of).

Here is the link to the folder :!0nhVGLCB!v8RQt-yiIjVez0tuShTprw

Description of scenes (to be updated) :

-Charlie's Angels - Attack Angels : This well-known scene features one of the Angels, Julie (played by Tanya Roberts) getting recruited by an agency she's sent to spy on, and turning into a double agent. The clip I have doesn't show the effects, but she remains under for pretty much its full duration, iirc.
- Our Man Flint : Another well-known scene, from a classic film, in which a scantily-clad spy is brainwashed by a "Pleasure Unit". Not even kidding, you should really check it out if you haven't.
-Two other scenes are included in this folder, one from an unknown alien flick where a married woman gets some sort of mind probe (I'm not even sure it's exactly mind-control, but I thought I'd include it anyway), and the other from "The Girl from Tomorrow". Since there's a series as well as a movie, and I'm not sure where this one comes from, it's in the unknown folder. Good scene, though ; I like the way the woman resists.

-The first subfolder contains some (not all) of the old 3D videos, which I'm not sure if you can still find on Youtube (<<|this channel has most of the remaining ones>>). Most of them are okay if you're into 3D-software hypno.
-The second subfolder has a bunch of clips featuring hypnotized "superheroines" that were all the rage on Youtube for awhile. They're the edited versions, with glowing eyes and no porn ; for the explicit versions, you'd have to track down the original website.

-Code Geass Mind-Control Compilation : This is a half-hour long video I made a while ago in Movie Maker, with pretty much all of the female MC scenes in Code Geass. For those that prefer subtitles, be warned that this is English dubbed.
-Killer Eye : This low-budget and low-quality movie was barely about horror, and more about women getting zapped with an eye-ray. Pretty good scene, if you don't mind the camp ; I believe there's a second scene in the movie, as would seem to be indicated by <<|this website>>, but I couldn't be bothered to find it.
-Killer Eye: Halloween Haunt : This 2011 emake/reboot/parody of the original takes the excuse of horror to hypnotize semi-naked women up to hilarious extremes ; indeed, on IMDb, the original has a 2.7/10, whereas this one reaches an impressive 3.5/10 !
-Leprechaun in the Hood : This one is arguably possession instead of straight-up MC, but nonetheless features three bodacious waitresses getting MCed and subsequently becoming a part of the titular Leprechaun's posse. Arguably, the most important part of the scene is a rapping Warwick Davis, which isn't something you see (or hear) every day.
-Lexx - Vlad : This series was pretty well-known for its risqué approach to SF, and this episode that concerns a vampire is no exception ; the scene, as a result, is one of the best MC scenes in recent years, but unfortunately, is faked by the victim, as we find out later. Still hot imo.
-Mutant X - A Breed Apart : Cool scene from an otherwise pretty bland TV series, where heroine Shalimar is forcibly converted by the arc's villain. One of the first scenes I personally discovered, and still one of my favorites years later. Mutant X has other scenes I will post later on.
-Powerpuff Girls Z Episode 10 : This anime version of the classic American cartoon was known for several things, the least of which was that it is infinitely inferior to the original. Still, this episode features a hypnotic hairdresser. Who doesn't like that ?
-Psi Factor - Chocolate Soldier : This double episode (it was broadcast as "Second Sight/Chocolate Soldier" originally) features, in its second half, a disturbed cult leader who can mesmerize any woman. It's actually pretty astounding this scene isn't more well-known, but there you have it. In these two clips, he hypnotizes the mother of a girl he kidnapped, as well as the main heroine. I would say "Jessica Jones before Jessica Jones" if it was even half as disturbing as that.
-Relic Hunter - All Choked Up : At the beginning of this episode, a woman gets a mind-control necklace put on her. It's okay, not my favorite.
-Relic Hunter - Warlock of Nu Theta Phi : This scene, in my opinion, is much better. A young woman, working as a secretary for the main crew, is "persuaded" by the villain to hand over an object they acquired. She resists slightly, and the vacant stare on her face is, for me at least, really hot.
-Star Trek Enterprise - Rajiin : In this episode, an alien slave places several of the ship's members into a trance-like state through powers of seduction. The scene features her using those on hot Vulcan T'pol, as well as Hoshi Sato. This might have been better placed in "Other", but it was close enough to actual MC that, I thought, why not.
-The "Unknown" folder contains a bunch of scenes from diverse sources, some labelled with the correct series name, but not the episode name, others straight-up from an unknown source. Most of these, as with all of the unknown clips, come from various sources on Youtube (Antjack, Radlen Wotan, etc.) There's also, unusually, a subfolder containing a lot of the scenes from Legend of the Seeker, a TV series which makes extensive use of mind-control through the eyes.

4) OTHER :
-Chick Magnet : First, two scenes from this 2011 weirdish film, about three guys who discover a jacket that, while being almost unbelievably ugly, grants them extreme powers of attraction over the fair sex. These scenes are okay, although quite strange.
-Supernatural S6E19 : Two other scenes from the Supernatural episode dealing with Eve, the so-called "Mother of All". Her possession/corruption is shown, and then she goes to a diner and transforms a bunch of people into killers through touch. It's not exactly mind-control, more like corruption, if you read the wiki. A notable scene in her story arc has her infecting a truck driver with a parasitic brain worm, if you're into that. The driver's male, though.

-Amanda and the Alien : A woman in this flick about a clueless alien arrived on Earth is taken over by the (non-villainous) lifeform. It's more like assimilation, I guess, because the alien had previously done the same to a male soldier, and as you can see he transforms into it. Still nice, though.
-Candy Stripers : This awful little movie has nurses getting possessed by alien slugs through a blind woman arrived at the hospital. This first scene is cool, but unfortunately we don't see too much of the aftermath. The other scene, which I will post later, is much better.
-Angel of Darkness 3/2 : I believe these two scenes are from the live-action adaptations of the classic Japanese hentai. The original anime already had some pretty good scenes concerning parasites (which I might post if I have the inclination), but the live-action is even better because of less tentacles (sorry, tentacle fans). Side-note : it's a more demonic type of parasite.
-Odyssey 5 - Skin : In this episode, a being that can take over people/take on their form (it isn't made very clear) by passing through their skin goes into a cop, and then (in the clip I've posted) his wife/girlfriend. Excellent scene. There's other scenes in it, notably concerning one of the heroes' mother, but I haven't edited the full episode down yet.
-Proteus : Pretty standard parasitic alien fare from the nineties. An unfortunately unconscious victim in this scene, though it's still a nice orifice invasion. I'm not sure if there's more to this movie, as I haven't been able to watch it in its entirety yet. I'll have to see.
-Scourge : If you're into navel invasion, which you probably are if you're checking out parasite clips, this scene's for you. A hot college student gets a parasite through her belly button. The only grief I have with this scene is that her attitude is still remarkably normal. If you didn't have the invasion scene, you wouldn't know she was possessed here. As a side-note, a potentially really hot scene at the end of the movie involves another girl. Unfortunately, the alien doesn't manage to completely go inside.
-The Faculty : This is a classic of underground B-movie horror, with a (at the time not that known) cast comprising, among others, Elijah Wood and John Stewart (!) playing a mad physics teacher. It's a standard but self-aware spin on the alien invasion tale, all taking place within a campus. Unfortunately, there's only one actual on-screen female possession scene in the film... fortunately, it involves Salma Hayek, so everything is redeemed.
-The Hidden : I believe this is the only off-screen possession clip I have, but it's so good (and classic !) I had to include it. This is an actually okay alien invasion flick, and a stripper gets possessed here. The direct-to-video sequel, that's much less okay, does feature an on-screen one, though.
-A few other scenes are included in the "Unknown" folder. I knew the names of some of them a long time ago, but I've since forgotten them. If you do, though, feel free to contribute !

-Belphegor: Phantom of the Louvre : A woman, played by Sophie Marceau, is possessed during sex. A great scene, reminiscent of a certain "Outer Limits" episode which I'll post sometime.
-Guardian of the Realm : I'm not certain this scene comes from that movie, but it's what I heard. This, again, is one of the first control scenes I saw, and it had a good impact on me. I love the effects, the victim, the... everything in this one.
-Housewives from Another World : This softcore porno from 2010 has three different scenes, because the three main actresses all get possessed by alien rocks. It's okay, though really low-budget.
-The Last Leprechaun : I don't know if you'll believe me when I tell you this was actually a children's adventure movie. With an evil dark magician who summons an evil dark spirit and lets it possess his wife, in an altogether rather disturbing scene, you'd expect something like this out of Supernatural... if the acting and effects were any good. The scene itself is okay, though. Contains transformation.
-The Minion : I'm still in the process of trying to figure out if there's more hot scenes in this movie, 'cuz this one is really cool. A body-jumping demon takes over a blonde police woman, and hunts the heroes. I've added in the whole aftermath and interactions, because why not ? Again, a pretty early scene for me. I've also heard of a similar film, from the same year, called "The Fallen", which I'm trying to find.
-The Outer Limits - Caught in the Act : Rather well-known possession scene from the modern remake of the series, about a sex-addicted alien taking over an innocent girl's body. Good scene.
-The Outer Limits - Ripper : This little gem is slightly less known than the previous one, but it's really good. From what I've heard, it's about an alien Jack the Ripper taking control of prostitutes (and then exiting their body, explaining his body count). Yeah, the Outer Limits can be weird.
-Finally, this folder, in its "unknown" variety, has quite a number of scenes. Of note are the two "Immortal" episodes, which I at least really love.[/spoiler]
10/23/17 12:17AM
"Attack Angels" -- the actress is Tanya Roberts.

There is "The Seance" another episode where Jacklyn Smith's character is hypnotized.
10/23/17 04:37AM
SaiminNeko said:
"Attack Angels" -- the actress is Tanya Roberts.

There is "The Seance" another episode where Jacklyn Smith's character is hypnotized.

Nice. I'll update the info.
02/10/21 02:55AM
My God... it's a necro!

Yeah, basically decided to revive this. Hope no one minds.
Wrote a new description.
02/10/21 03:13AM
This is quite the treasure trove for people who like [[real]] stuff, especially since there's not much of that here.
02/15/21 04:48PM
Thank you for posting this. I've been looking for those HypnoVideo files. Too bad the old site is gone.
02/15/21 06:03PM
sandis said:
Thank you for posting this. I've been looking for those HypnoVideo files. Too bad the old site is gone.

A lot of them are still on Youtube. See "chkarz.avi" and the users <<|kc2keo>> and <<|Mesmero007>>
06/28/21 01:09AM
Yeap, necroing this again 'cuz I updated the collection with about 60 MC clips, including a bunch of Power Rangers stuff

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