10/31/17 08:18AM
Halloween question: What scares/used to scare you most?
Happy Halloween ;) To celebrate the time where the things that spook you and fueled your nightmares are honored, I made myself a top 13 Scariest Nostalgic Moments. Link here stepfordcrimson.deviantar...stalgic-Moments-711428582 ;)

But that got me curious about the kind of stuff that make YOU wanna hide under your blanket. So tell me, what are some of the things that scared you? It can be from a movie, game, TV show, book, or even just something from your past. So share your stories~ And don't worry none of us are judging :P
10/31/17 08:20AM
Venom from Spider-Man 3...the transformation had me crying in the theaters as a kid. But I'm over it now...took me 5 years though :P
10/31/17 08:40AM
Freddy Krueger
10/31/17 08:49AM
Anything with mirrors.

It goes back to a show where this guy kept seeing a monster in all the reflections around him. And it just stuck with me.
10/31/17 09:03AM
Now, I'm a poopy diaper baby.

So, quick rundown. Absolute silence freaks me out, fear of things in the dark but not the dark itself, this one door in resident evil 1 that had a bloody handprint on it that freaked me out so bad with the tension that i just put the damn game down, insects that arent hot in some way or form, slenderman for one period of time, the creature from this house has people in it has been fucking me up for a while, the whole zalgo thing i've never liked, and...

small holes. fucks me up man, makes me all itchy. not even kidding.
10/31/17 09:06AM
Pinkanator said:
Now, I'm a poopy diaper baby.

So, quick rundown. Absolute silence freaks me out, fear of things in the dark but not the dark itself, this one door in resident evil 1 that had a bloody handprint on it that freaked me out so bad with the tension that i just put the damn game down, insects that arent hot in some way or form, slenderman for one period of time, the creature from this house has people in it has been fucking me up for a while, the whole zalgo thing i've never liked, and...

small holes. fucks me up man, makes me all itchy. not even kidding.

I saw a Zalogo costume in a store the other day.
10/31/17 09:26AM
Imasuky said:
I saw a Zalogo costume in a store the other day.

what they said and just surprises, they dont even have to be in a horror movie lol.
10/31/17 09:32AM
Grey aliens. Their eyes freak me out.

That and spiders. >.>
10/31/17 11:28AM
I remember conspiracy theories freaked my out when I was a little squirt, but is was more of a morbid fascination than genuine fear. We've all had that phase, yeah?

Anyhow, these days, as much as I love hypnosis, thinking about its less ethical uses tends to keep me up at night. I actually have a recurring nightmare of some rapist/kidnapper/cultist/etc. taking completely complacent/dazed friends away from in front of me, and for whatever reason- usually a weight that grows until I can't move and suppresses my voice- I can't intervene. In recent years the dream tends to incorporate hypnosis whenever it rears its head, most likely in reference to a great many close calls and a few un-prevented disasters.
10/31/17 11:50AM
But if it's not Holloween does not give too much. :^|
10/31/17 01:33PM
The possibility that love is not enough.
10/31/17 03:57PM
Hmm...a fear of mine, I honestly think that'll be kind of funny, considering it's hypnohub, but here goes

Hypnosis and mind control, in general, used to scare me

As hilarious as the thought is, every time I was exposed to it through media, I at once was aroused (but didn't know that at the time) and was filled with a sense of anxiety, like "this is wrong, this is horrifying" but it intrigued me all the same.

Suffice to say, I'm over it now
10/31/17 05:54PM
blank screens. I feel like my soul is going to be sucked in if I stare at them for too long.
10/31/17 07:08PM
People. Nuff said.
10/31/17 08:29PM
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