11/01/17 01:13AM
Subtle Changes
This is a short story I started writing a few months ago. I upload first on my Tumblr Hypno-Eretica. I'll have more parts added later, but here's part one now.
This post contains themes of nudity, lesbians, blood, vampires, covert hypnosis, hypnotic induction, and dubious consent.
Part One: Being Taken

I met her in college.
No, I didn't know what she was. I didn't know anything about her, but I felt a kindred spirit. She was a loner, and she had an air of mystery about her. The more you looked, the more curious you got about just what went on behind those perfect blue eyes.
I majored in English Literature. Yes, I know, very fascinating. There's not much for a bookworm to do in college anyway. I read a lot. I would spend days on end wrapped up in a blanket with my nose buried in a book. Just never my textbooks. It never crossed my mind that I might find something exciting here. I always just went with the flow and tried not to get attached. And then I met her.
I remember it being about halfway through the second semester when I first spoke to her, but I remember seeing her before that. I don't remember how long, but I realized that I was captivated by her far before she approached me for the first time.
I wear blue jeans and black shirts. Sometimes I wear a scarf if I feel like being weird. I keep my brown hair short. I point my matching eyes to the ground. I fade away into the crowds of passers-by. I don't go to parties, or socialize. I eat alone in the corner of the cafeteria to avoid having to make conversation. By all clichéd standards, I was sure that I would go unnoticed. I liked it that way.
But she noticed me, I guess. And she knew from the moment that I noticed her. She was sitting in the corner of the Library, writing something in a spiral notebook. She had a book open next to her, and her headphones were in. She had long, jet-black hair that fell perfectly around her round face. Her lips were painted an artificial red-and it looked good. I don't even remember what she was wearing, I wasn't paying any attention to that. Her eyes and her lips, that was all. I thought I saw her look at me and grin.
Almost every day since then, wherever I went were ghosts of her body, following me and taunting me. I saw her eyes watch me from afar. She was there most of the time, watching me with those mysterious, gorgeous eyes. But when I followed her, when I tried to talk to her, she just suddenly disappeared. Sometimes I wondered why I was suddenly consumed with the desire to talk to someone. Was I suddenly no longer an introvert? Who was she? I had to know.
I did have one friend. Bethany was a friend of mine from since we were children. I remember one day in grade school, after the other kids chased me away from the swingset, and when I was just sitting on a big tree stump crying, Beth was there. She sat with me then. I guess she just decided to be my watcher. Maybe she was worried I would shoot up the school one day. I don't know. I don't care. As much as I love being a loner, it was nice to have Beth. She actually noticed I was acting weird before I did.
“So who is she?” Was the first thing she asked me at dinner one day.
“Nobody just suddenly gets goo-goo eyes for no reason.”
I looked down, probably blushing, and focused on my salad. Even if I didn't realize it at the time, my heart knew who she was talking about.
“Is it a girlfriend I don't know about?”
“Nothing like that, just… I dunno how to explain it.”
“Uh-huh, sure. I'm sure I'll approve of this one.”
“You're not my keeper.”
She stood up and scratched nervously behind her ear, the way she does when she's upset. “I might as well be, Loner.” She left after that. I never did understand her idiosyncrasies. I don't think I ever really will.
About a week after that was when I finally met Her. I'd seen her every day from a distance, and every time she escaped I wanted to see her more, like a cat chasing a laser pointer. I went out to lunch on a Saturday. I wanted to try something new. I don't even remember where I went, that wasn't important. I do remember that She was there.
She was sitting in the booth in the back corner. I ordered something haphazardly, not caring what it was. She was in a plain red dress that had cold shoulders. Her hair was perfect. Her eyes were just as they always were. And her lips…
“...wake up?”
It took me entirely too long to realize that I was staring. I was sitting at her booth and staring. How long was she talking? I didn't even remember seeing her lips move.
“I'm sorry, I just… it's like- I think I'm not-” I stumbled over every word. It was almost like I was asleep. I wanted to leave. I was so embarrassed, but something told me to stay. Something in the back of my mind said that I needed to talk to her. I started with an apology.
“I'm sorry. Here I am… and I never asked your name.”
“My name is Selina.” She put her hand on my cheek. I don't remember much, but I do remember that. That's where I must have told her my name. I don't remember telling her but she said it.
“Sam, you've been watching me for a while now. What caught your eye?” She winked, and she had a playful smirk, as if she'd had this conversation with others before.
Before I had a chance to consider how odd it was to tell her, I blurted out that her lips were always at the center of my mind. They even overshadowed her eyes. Those brilliant red lips were all I thought about night and day. She was just so mysterious. I needed to know everything about her. I don't remember how much of that I said aloud.
She said something. Something along the lines of “I thought you'd say that.” I honestly don't remember much at all of that meeting. I remember her eyes and her lips. I remember the dress. I don't remember what she said. The next thing I remembered was getting in my car and heading back to my dorm.
That night I started having dreams about her. I saw her scarlet lips in everything. Every time I closed my eyes, those electric blues were staring at me. The dreams never made any sense. What little I could remember when I woke up was just a jumbled mess of non sequiturs and images of her.
I tried to find her all week, but she was nowhere to be found. No matter where or how hard I looked, even the visions of her were gone. I found her again that Friday.
She was sitting at a table in the cafeteria with a group of people I had never seen before, seven of them. They were mostly goths, wearing all black and chains. The ones that weren't goth were two girls that looked like they could be twins, with short black hair and brown eyes, and a light complexion. When I thought about it, I began to notice that all of them were fairly light. One of the goths was black, but his skin looked… faded somehow. As if the color had been leached out of him.
“Hello Sam.”
“Uh hi Selina.” Thankfully I didn't stumble over my words this time. I didn't want her to think I was some kind of loser. “What-uh… what's up?”
Damn it.
Selina didn't laugh at me though. She smirked a little, the kind of smirk people get when they know something you don't. And even then I had a feeling she did, but I didn’t care. Even then all I could focus on were her lips. I was lost in a train of thought, and I snapped back to reality before Selina started talking. At least this time I wouldn't look like a creep.
“Welcome to the party. We were just talking about you.” Selina kept up that perfect, beautiful smile.”
I was silent for just a moment before I realized she was expecting a response. “Oh, uh. What were you saying about me? Nothing embarrassing?”
She giggled, not because it was funny though. It sounded like she thought I was adorable. Or maybe not. I'd settle for cute. “Nothing embarrassing. Just that my friends were wondering if you were coming like you said you would.”
“I said I was coming?”
“You said you were coming.”
“I said I was coming.” I repeated it, just to be sure. I didn't remember saying it before, but saying that sentence felt familiar. It definitely felt like the truth. I think it was about here that I really began to take notice of the fact that there were holes in my memory. “What have you been doing to me.” That was rude. I shouldn't be rude. “I'm sorry. I meant like- what's been- I meant…”
Selina put her hand up to stop me. “Your memories right?”
So she was doing something to me. That's the only way she could have known. For whatever reason I couldn't speak. I nodded.
“They'll come back, I promise.” I felt reassured when she said that at least. “Come sit down with us, Sam.”
I sat down as far from her entourage as I could without drawing suspicion. I wondered how long the seven of them them had been Selina’s friends. She was always glowing with charm. But these others were almost exclusively dark and gloomy. Where she wore fancy shirts and casual dresses, the rest of them were in ripped jeans and Hot Topic apparel.
I wanted to blast My Chemical Romance and see how many of them would dance.
Seeing all these people trying as hard as possible to be exactly the same was disgusting. It's why I avoided people. So why was it that I didn't feel like leaving?
One of the group started talking, like she'd been telling a long story, and somehow I had interrupted. I recognized her as one of my classmates. I wasn't exactly sure which class though. She was asian, so it wasn't exactly easy to tell, but she had changed. Earlier in the year she was always so bubbly and sickeningly sweet. I remember her having a light accent, and she radiated this hyper attitude.
But now her white skin was paler, and while she had always dressed in goth clothes before, her demeanor had been replaced. She was less bubbly, and more focused, like all of a sudden she was less hyper and more social. Her accent was still there, but it wasn't thick anymore. She didn't switch her Els and Ars. It wasn't intrusive anymore, coming off as cute instead.
The biggest change though was that she was now wearing a choker. It was pitch black, and with a thicker band than typical. It was easily three fingers thick, and adorned with a silver ring on the front with two chains connected to the rest of the band, creating a sagging effect. I looked around and saw that, oddly, every other member of the group was wearing an identical choker.
It looked good. But it added to the sinking feeling that something was very wrong. I wanted to leave. This was creepy. The way that that girl had changed, the way my thoughts were changing, the matching chokers. It felt foreboding. I didn't want to be in a cult, but my legs just wouldn't move. My eyes kept staring into Selina’s. I could control my eyes enough to look down at her lips. She was saying something, but the blood pounding in my ears made it impossible to hear. My heart made a slow, steady beat while I watched those lips mouth out her words. “Open?” “Go may?” “Obey.” “Obey?” “Obey?!”
I stomped with my left foot hard onto my right, and I let the shock wake me up. I felt that I had just fallen out of a dream. I shot up and frantically thought of an excuse. “I'm sorry Selina, I- uh- I got an essay to write, it's un-it's uh…” I was too flustered. “It's due tomorrow, I'm sorry!”
I was six steps away before Selina said anything, in that calm, confident voice of hers. “See you tomorrow then Sammy?” Without thinking I said yes, and ran away, wondering what was happening to me.

I spent all night tossing and turning, trying not to sleep, because I knew that I would find Her there, and I knew she would keep doing things to me. But at the same time I needed sleep, and I knew she wasn't some kind of cultist. I mean, she couldn't be. She was just…
No. I couldn't think like that. I stepped out of my room, and tiptoed into the bathroom in the hall. I just needed to splash something onto my face. Just some cold water to keep me awake. I looked up from the refreshing sink and saw Her in the mirror.
Shocked, I spun around, but nobody was there. When I looked back again at the glass, I saw an address written in steam. It was my handwriting. I wiped it away and splashed more water onto my face.
But it didn't help. The address was back, written on every available space. “307 Corey drive” It was on every mirror, on every square inch of glass. The room was filled with foggy mist, choking me. It made me sleepy. I ran out of the bathroom and back to my door, but the address was there too, written in my handwriting, in Her red lipstick. I screamed.
My screams faded away as my voice became dulled by my surroundings. When I turned away from the door, the hallway was gone, just a blank black space occupied by a pair of red lips. When I turned away again, I could see her piercing blue eyes. To my left, an empty black dress, mostly lace and leather straps, accented by floating silver jewelry, hanging in the air as if by an invisible woman. To my right, She was there. She was slowly, agonizingly slowly stepping out of her red dress, exposing her body to the darkness.
She said nothing, but her lips moved, and I still heard her voice in my mind. She brought a finger to her lips and bit down, bleeding just a little bit. Her voice guided me, told me to follow the trail of blood. She told me everything would be okay just as long as I followed along. Her finger trailed all down her chest, swirling in spiral patterns and my eyes followed. Her fingers ran down, tracing the shaper of her perfect chest, hovering over her nipples for just long enough that I could commit them to memory.
Her voice forced my body to comply. I could feel myself getting hotter as the trail of blood dripped down her perfect chest, leading to the space between her legs. Her voice, as always, wasn't clear. She said no real words, but I understood what she was asking me to do. She was asking me if I wanted to obey, and I wanted to scream no.
But my hands had their own plans. They forced their way, fighting off every instinct I had to get away, dragging my nails down my breasts, sending a tingling, pleasurable kind of pain down my spine. I moaned against my will as my treacherous hands undid my belt and dropped my jeans into the yawning void below. I was too focused on Her, and the bloody trail, to notice that the jeans had disappeared into the darkness. My panties were gone too, but I remembered putting them on…
I shook my head. That was silly of me to forget. I wasn't wearing any panties because Selina asked me not to. Just like beneath my black silk shirt there was nothing to stop my excited nipples from poking through to say hello. I couldn't help but to do as I was told, running my hands across my own chest before tearing the shirt away entirely.
Selina walked toward me and, pressing her perfect chest against mine, enveloped me in a passionate, bloody kiss. When she released me, she had become a mirror image of me, timid and shy, and I had become someone else. My hair was long and straight, the way confident girls would wear it. My skin was flawless and silky smooth. I smirked as I stood before myself, shaking in fear.
Remembering the dress, I took my sweet time putting it on, feeling the black lace caress my body in all kinds of terrible and beautiful ways, like I was being constricted and freed all at once. I placed that ornate silver choker on my neck, and that was it. I took my own naked body into my arms, and kissed her violently, wanting to hear her screams and moans slowly die out.
I finally fought myself off, watching the long-haired girl disappear. That lace dress she wore faded away into the darkness with her, but the choker stayed behind.
“Put it on Samantha,” I heard Selina command, “Obey…”

I woke up screaming, by alarm clock blaring, hands soaking in a puddle between my legs. I was frightened and confused. What was Selina doing to me? I knew that if she had this kind of power, she couldn't be human. And if it was all in my head, I needed serious help.
But if she wasn't human…
It all made sense. The pale goths? Obviously the best disguise for a Vampire, or her thralls. I allowed myself a laugh at the concept, a humorous conversation came unbidden into my mind.
“I drink the blood of the living to feed my immortal, damned soul.”
“Sure ya do, Fred.”
But Vampires aren't real. Sure they were fun to read about, and every basic bitch in America had seen Twilight. But the idea was… just wrong. Vampires: Supernature’s perfect rapist. Just… it couldn't really be real.
But it was kinda hot.
But it's terrifying. I knew I shouldn't be thinking about Her. Her perfect breasts, Her scarlet lips, Her piercing eyes…
The pointed fangs.
Her commanding voice…
I was dressed in my pajamas, just a white tank-top and a pair of fuzzy red pants. I knew I shouldn't walk around in a shirt that could barely contain me, especially since I still smelled like… that dream. Since I was still aroused. It was obvious, I'm sure. I knew I looked slutty, but I couldn't go back to my room to change it. There wasn't time. I drove my little Subaru for twenty minutes on a cold morning without breakfast. I didn't need my GPS, I didn't even know the address I was going to. But I knew when to stop, outside the gates of a victorian mansion: “307 Corey Dr.” said the sign.
I felt Selina's horrible voice inside me, making me wet and uneasy, as I fumbled my way up to the front door, and in seconds found the key that I somehow knew would be under the welcome mat. I remembered thinking in the back of my own mind “even for a hypnotist she has to show off”. When I opened the door, I heard her say “yes I do.”
She stood there in all her vile glory, wearing a revealing purple dress with a deep v-neckline exposing her ample cleavage, in exactly the way I remembered from last night. She was holding a glass, some sparking white liquid I assumed was champagne. I felt my knees give out as the sight of her scarlet lips excited me. My hands were glued to the floor, fearing what they would do if they could come back up and reach below my soaking clothes.
I didn't know what to say, to do. I hated her. She was making me into some kind of slut, playing with my thoughts like they were hers to change. She was making me someone else, a slave to my sex. I hated her so much in that moment that I almost forgot how much I wanted-how much I needed her body, and her lips, to take me right then and there.
She told me to stand. I stood. She told me to follow her into the foyer. I followed. She told me that everything was going to be ok, that I couldn't hate her. She told me that all that was happening was her spell bringing out my own repressed desires. I understood her. I didn't hate her, I loved her. She was so beautiful and radiant. The more I felt her voice inside of me the more I understood how much I needed her control. Thinking was too difficult. Trying to be something I wasn't was too distracting and tiresome.
It was easier to serve when my mind was clear. So I let it all go. I let go of my loner status, I stood up straight as my timidity melted. I became what I had always wanted to become. That was what Mistress Selina wanted. I remembered the way my mother always told me that I was broken, that girls were never meant to love other girls.
I said I wouldn't love another girl, but boys were boys, so immature. And I retreated into myself. I told Selina all of this, my path. And she used her voice to bring my inner desires out. So what if I was gay? All I wanted was to be myself, and the only payment was that I would serve Mistress.
As I told Selina all of this, she smiled. I loved her smile. I loved how it made me weak. She brought me up out of the sleepy state I was in. I was no longer compelled to obey, but I wasn't that shy girl anymore either. I was finally myself. And I finally understood my attraction to Selina. “Will you come with me Samantha?”
I nodded, not wanting to seem too excited, just in case what she wanted to show me wasn't her naked, waiting to be served.
I didn't have long to wait, as she led me from the living room upstairs into the bedroom. “My parents aren't here right now, so there's nobody to interrupt.” I felt my heartbeat race. This was it. I wanted it so bad. I could feel my blood boiling. “Be patient Samantha… I want to savor this…” she dragged her hand across my cheek, and I instinctively closed my eyes, feeling her skin against mind, knowing that she found me attractive. I was content.
“I…” I began, slowly working up the courage to be forward. “I want you Selina.”
She chuckled. She led me to a Queen-size bed with crimson sheets and gently forced me down. She played with me for what felt like hours, tracing little patterns around my chest, and lightly brushing her hand between my legs just to feel my body squirm. I was trapped in a cage of desire, forced to endure pleasure without climax as Selina enjoyed herself torturing me.
“You're a smart girl. You must know what I want… why do I want you?” I didn't answer, I was so wet, so hot, I couldn't speak except in moans and grunts. She didn't want an answer, instead climbing into the bed with me, having already removed her dress, and helped me free my breasts from my shirt. She brushed her erect nipples against mine to feel my body respond, and moved to suck on my neck, brushing those sharp fangs against my skin, feeling my heart pump blood through my body. My heart was pumping for her, my blood was hers alone. “Please…” I moaned too softly for human ears.
She obliged, and sunk her impressive teeth deep into my neck. At first I felt pain, unimaginably sharp as my skin split apart. But it soon subsided. My right hand shot up to my chest to play, while me left went below. As she sucked away my blood, I could feel the most intense pleasure I had ever felt. Lightning ran through my legs and my hips bucked as I came, screaming for more until Selina stopped. I laid there for an eternity, bathing in the afterglow of my first love. I moved my hands up to touch my neck, finding two nearly healed scabs where those perfect teeth entered me. I was so happy. I saw blood dripping from Selina’ mouth, covering her naked body as she rubbed it into her perfect chest, savoring her own orgasm. I was thankful that she had first removed my shirt. Otherwise it would have been ruined.

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?
11/03/17 12:58AM
I'll be honest, I didn't read 100% of it. The forum's font and formatting just doesn't lend very well for long texts unless the paragraphs are easily divided with double returns or so.

From what I read (up to learning Selina's name), I absolutely love how subtle the hypnosis is!! Like, you can tell it's happening, but at the same time it's so subtle you could shake it off as just some strange intrigue or love or something growing. Love it.

Try to work on repeating words and the lengths of your sentences. "I remember" happened a lot for instance. It's strange, you write sort-of in train-of-thought style without seeming rambly, peculiar! As for lengths, perhaps it's because each noun seems to only get one, at most two adverbs. This makes it feel like "nouns should have adverbs" and makes it drone on a little.

Feel free to be more lyrical than "my hair is brown". For instance, "I never bothered dying my hair any crazy colours. Plain old mousy brown, my whole life. I don't like standing out, and this boring colour suits me just fine. The craziest I'll ever get with colours would be that terrible orange scarf - the one Beth got me for my birthday which I'm pretty sure was a joke, now."

It shows us a lot more about the protagonist's character and immediately drags Beth into the narrative as the funnier, more outgoing friend. This at the same time is an example of "show, don't tell", the most sacred and most difficult of writing rules.

Perhaps you could re-write it with these things in mind? If not, I'll return to this sometime I'm not on mobile and copy-paste it into a word document so I can enjoy the story in a proper font and format :)

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