11/02/17 02:43AM
An Apology, and a Promise to Improve
(this a copy of what I posted on my DA profile, so apologies for doubling up)

Hello everyone! I don’t quite know where to begin with this, so I’ll just start by saying that I am deeply sorry for my long absence and silence.

I suppose it was the result of a combination of things. While my confidence levels have come a long way in the past couple years, I still have plenty of insecurities about my art skills; most notably whether or not I can produce works efficiently enough to make a career from this. I also let myself get overwhelmed with correspondence; not the first time this has happened, but definitely the worst. Having dozens of people interested in your work is certainly a good problem to have! But it occurred to me that even as recently as two years ago, I was used to trading emails with two, three people tops a week. I suppose I wasn’t prepared to deal with the kind of attention I’d craved ever since I started posting works publicly. It also occurred to me that I hadn’t worked on any personal projects or even simply drawn something for myself for over a year, something I’m trying to remedy.

But please don’t take this explanation as an excuse; I am still very responsible for my insecurities, chronic procrastination, and - I won’t lie - crippling addiction to certain open-world video games that may or may not have gotten that coveted console mod support in the past year or so. We all have our deadly sins that drag us down, and regrettably, mine is sloth. But now more than ever, it’s time to get my act together. I can’t promise I’ll change overnight, but I am going to work very hard going forward towards winning back everyone’s trust and interest.

If you’ve been waiting an obscene amount of time for your commission, your wait is almost over. If you were waiting to talk about a possible commission or even just wanted to chat, I will do my best over the next few weeks to respond to your messages and resume proper communication. I will most likely have to tone down on my lengthy replies, though. Part of the reason I got overwhelmed was that I would let conversations get too in-depth. It’s in my nature to be long-winded, but I quickly found myself unable to keep up; too often I was spending more time talking about an artwork than actually working on it. So I’ll try to make brevity the name of the game going forward, and if something feels unclear or I’m not explaining things properly, don’t hesitate to ask. And if you’re totally fed up with me, I certainly can’t blame you and won’t hold a grudge; if you ever change your mind and want to give me another chance, I’d be happy for the opportunity.

The most important thing I can stress is that if I’ve neglected you or not responded to a note, email or message, PLEASE don’t take it personally. I have failed everyone equally and without prejudice ^^;

As fair warning, you will likely see an increase in my future prices. I apologize in advance for this. But like I alluded to earlier, I felt I was letting myself down for not charging an appropriate amount for the time and energy I was putting into most pieces. That’s not meant to be a dig at my customers by any stretch of the imagination - it’s no one’s job but mine to charge a fair price, give customers exactly what they paid for, and not let myself get bogged down time-wise by minutiae and over-corrections. But if I’m actually going to make a career out of this, I have to find that balance where I’m being fair to both my customers and myself. On the other hand, I will be trying out a much simpler, quicker style that will hopefully remain very affordable. And don’t worry if you’ve already paid for a commission; I’m certainly not going to be hounding you for any more money :-).

I will also be finally working towards starting a Patreon, so that I can start telling some of my personal stories and projects. I will be sure to keep everyone updated on any developments with that.

I thank you all for your time, support, and infinite patience. I don’t deserve the warmth and enthusiasm the community has given me over the past couple years, and I will do my best to once again earn it. Here’s hoping we can make lots and lots of pretty, kinky shit together :D
11/02/17 03:41AM
Oh, good. Nothing happened to you, which was what I was starting to worry about.
I can wait for the kinky shit, don't worry.
11/02/17 05:03AM
Mezzberry said:
As fair warning, you will likely see an increase in my future prices. I apologize in advance for this.

Your stuff is top quality. No need to be apologizing for raising prices, the world of art commissions is largely about getting better and more well known, and raising prices to keep demand at a manageable level and provide for yourself better. I've had more than a few friends go through what you've detailed regarding pricing, and the ones that didn't raise their prices got super burnt out and just stopped for good. You're making the right call here.

In any case, happy to hear you'll be doing more things for yourself, and stuff you want to do
I'll look forward to them, but take your time.

JoanieSappho said:
I can wait for the kinky shit, don't worry

Pretty much that ^
No rush, okay?
11/02/17 05:32AM
I'm just glad that you sound like whatever happened, it's at least a bit better now, and that's really nice to hear from anyone.
11/02/17 07:18AM
Welcome back^^
Glad to hear you're back and nothing really bad happened to you c:
11/02/17 07:20AM
Good to hear from you again.
11/02/17 10:52AM
Glad to see you're alright, mezz ^w^

Best of luck in the lewding ^w^
11/02/17 11:16AM
Good to have you back ^^
11/02/17 08:16PM
Get well soon Mezzberry!

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