11/02/17 10:17AM
Posts keep getting flagged
Why are all my posts getting flagged for "qcc?"
11/02/17 10:37AM
Waqqed said:
Why are all my posts getting flagged for "qcc?"

QCC means Quality Control Center.

Basically your pictures may not be at the kind of quality that this site expects and allows. But don't take that as "You and your art suck" I'm sure someone around here will be willing to help you make more higher quality art
11/02/17 10:49AM
Thanks for the reply. Strange, I put these and several other pics up on a related forum and people seem to love them. Higher standards here maybe.
11/02/17 03:35PM
Waqqed said:
Thanks for the reply. Strange, I put these and several other pics up on a related forum and people seem to love them. Higher standards here maybe.

QCC also handles the "Is it hypnosis enough?", and sometimes people might be flagging posts as QCC when they think it doesn't depict hypnosis adequately enough. But most of the time individual mods handle the cases like that, because people tend to put it as "not hypnosis" when they think hypnosis isn't actually depicted (like some people and heart eyes.)
11/02/17 06:24PM
Anon_3.141 said:
QCC also handles the "Is it hypnosis enough?", and sometimes people might be flagging posts as QCC when they think it doesn't depict hypnosis adequately enough. But most of the time individual mods handle the cases like that, because people tend to put it as "not hypnosis" when they think hypnosis isn't actually depicted (like some people and heart eyes.)

Makes sense.
11/04/17 04:42AM
Waqqed said:
Thanks for the reply. Strange, I put these and several other pics up on a related forum and people seem to love them. Higher standards here maybe.
Care to mention the URL of that "related forum"?
I'm curious which way it is related to HypnoHub.
11/04/17 04:44AM
MaDrow said:
Care to mention the URL of that "related forum"?
I'm curious which way it is related to HypnoHub.

I am also curious.
11/05/17 12:34PM
MaDrow said:
Care to mention the URL of that "related forum"?
I'm curious which way it is related to HypnoHub.

Might be KaaRoleplayX. I've seen his stuff on there before.

I mean no offense but the quality standards for pictures on KaaRoleplayX are "if it has Kaa in it, or even just the eye effect, it's fantastic".
07/23/19 07:41PM
I just uploaded and got flagged how long before its deleted ?
07/23/19 07:44PM
Gardexfil89 said:
I just uploaded and got flagged how long before its deleted ?

it'll be put through QCC so there is no guarantee it will be deleted.

If it's removed or allowed to stay depends on what they vote.
07/23/19 09:20PM
Imasuky said:
it'll be put through QCC so there is no guarantee it will be deleted.

If it's removed or allowed to stay depends on what they vote.
The flags of user #41196 posts are "serious issues with just about everything" and " where to even start".

If I was QCC, I'd keep the posts. Because the flags are far from helpful nor mention why the post should be deleted. The flagger has to do his job better.

07/23/19 09:20PM



07/23/19 09:46PM
MaDrow said:
If I was QCC, I'd keep the posts. Because the flags are far from helpful nor mention why the post should be deleted. The flagger has to do his job better.

If you were and you did, you'd be making that decision based on considerations that are completely unrelated to what you're supposed to judge (the image's own quality).

For the record, the problems with the specified pictures include (but are probably not limited to):
bad line quality
bad composition
bad anatomy
questionable posing
sloppy coloring
sloppy clean-up
questionable choice in background (in one image. that other has none)
Unclear narrative flow (in one image, where I still have no idea what's supposed to be going on)

Also for the record, trying to fit all that into the 'reason for flagging' field is impractical.
07/24/19 12:25AM
Rotem_Dishon said:
Also for the record, trying to fit all that into the 'reason for flagging' field is impractical.

So it's better to not make an attempt at all? Insulting the artist is better than helping? Hell, half the comments on the first picture can be summed up with "you're not an artist".
I agree the images in question should be taken down, but that doesn't give anyone the right to directly insult somebody who genuinely tried.
07/24/19 03:14AM
Hypnosis-guy said:
So it's better to not make an attempt at all? Insulting the artist is better than helping?

In this case? for this prospective artist? with this skill level? what they need isn't feedback. it's tutoring, and this site is a terrible platform for them to get it through.

Hypnosis-guy said:
Hell, half the comments on the first picture can be summed up with "you're not an artist".
I agree the images in question should be taken down, but that doesn't give anyone the right to directly insult somebody who genuinely tried.

Yes, that was actually quite rude of them.
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