11/10/17 12:44AM
Hub Moderation Discussion.
I've been noticing the beginnings of some tension surrounding moderation flags as of late, so I decided to follow the advice of Argonis and try to make this discussion more open and general by moving it from the comments to the forum.

I do think that the hub needs to have this discussion, at least at some point, and I hope that we can all keep this a civil as possible. Remember, everybody is entitled to their stupid opinions. ;P

I'm going to try and lay out what I have perceived as the core of the problem, it's not going to be perfect, so please bear with me.

1. Images only seem to get taken down after somebody in the community raises a flag. This means that there are a lot of old images that slip under the radar. It also means that for the people that take the time and effort to post on the hub, getting their post flagged can feel like a personal attack. I've felt this myself, and it's only been recently that I've been able to step back and distance myself from that knee-jerk reaction. The hub has already taken an important step in this regard by making flags anonymous.

2.QCC are people too, they are not some evil organization bent on controlling the hub with an iron fist. They have an important job to do: keeping the hub from straying away from its original purpose and/or becoming a dumping ground. But because posts are handled case by case, I think there is a degree of confusion on what exactly their standards are due to the flagging system being an individual's prerogative, as stated above. If nobody flags a post, it might not even garner the attention of the QCC. Things like dulled eyes, symbols-in-eyes, or whitewashed-eyes (man a lot of eye related problems) can be confusing when two posts with the same thing end up getting treated differently.

I know that the hub has guidelines in the rules and policies portion of the website, but I think this discussion needs be had. I hope that this can start a worthwhile discussion on some kind of neutral footing, and I really do hope that this helps. If there is a problem that I didn't mention/wasn't aware of, please add it.

11/10/17 12:51AM
I didn't mean to cause a civil war...

People like Sealguy's art.
11/10/17 01:05AM
I wished to make one particular comment about this for some time now, so thank you for opening this topic.

Whenever you flag an image, you are required to give a reason. If that reason is valid or not is up to be decided by the QCC. However, I think giving a specific reason - even something as basic as "no mc" or "whitewashed eyes" - should be a must. Getting an image flagged with merely "QCC review" as a "reason" just feels wrong to me.
11/10/17 01:06AM
Kachopper9 said:
I didn't mean to cause a civil war...
11/10/17 01:13AM
One thing I noticed was definitely the hex maniac thing, which can't exactly be judged on the same lines as normal spiral eye edits, as their eyes are spirals normally. Mind break also seems to have gotten hit a little because mind break isn't mind control, so to speak. I think some of the flags (at least, that I saw) were valid, but that's not up to me to decide.
Hopefully it all gets solved without issue.

Kachopper9 said:
I didn't mean to cause a civil war...

It wasn't really you, if I had a guess, it was a much bigger problem because of the arguments in the comments.
11/10/17 01:26AM
What pissed me off is that there are currently 87 mind break pics, some of them barely show any traces of actual MC. Yet that rule ONLY happens to come in place when I upload a mind break pic, which showed heart eyes and happy trance (which is more than some mind break pics on here have)
11/10/17 01:39AM
Riley said:
What pissed me off is that there are currently 87 mind break pics, some of them barely show any traces of actual MC. Yet that rule ONLY happens to come in place when I upload a mind break pic, which showed heart eyes and happy trance (which is more than some mind break pics on here have)

I saw that pic and I have to agree that mind break in itself may not be mc, but heart eyes should've been enough..
11/10/17 01:41AM
Riley said:
What pissed me off is that there are currently 87 mind break pics, some of them barely show any traces of actual MC. Yet that rule ONLY happens to come in place when I upload a mind break pic, which showed heart eyes and happy trance (which is more than some mind break pics on here have)

If it makes you so mad why don't you message a mod and link those 87 mind break pics so the mods can look into cause odds are they missed them.
11/10/17 01:54AM
Riley said:
What pissed me off is that there are currently 87 mind break pics, some of them barely show any traces of actual MC. Yet that rule ONLY happens to come in place when I upload a mind break pic, which showed heart eyes and happy trance (which is more than some mind break pics on here have)

I think you might be exaggerating a bit with the "Only your mind breaks get flagged", but I agree that pics with just mind break that don't really have a case should be moderated as well.
11/10/17 02:14AM
Argonis said:
If it makes you so mad why don't you message a mod and link those 87 mind break pics so the mods can look into cause odds are they missed them.

Just so that we are all on the same page, could you lay out the QCC team's qualifications regarding mind break?
11/10/17 02:33AM
There is something I do want to say though. There's a whole thing of "Acting out of character".

For instance, I'll use this piece that sealguy did for a request of mine: (It was on /v/, I didn't even mean for it to be from him)

It's out of character, and the originally request I literally mentioned mental changes, but it doesn't really SHOW in the pic, the only indicator is the fact that it's very out of character. Which can be an indicator of MC.

It's sort of a suspension of disbelief kind of thing though.
One person can see it as MC, another might think that's not enough.
However, making the eyes blank or adding a caption or story is enough.

Heck, I'd love to post it here actually, whether it's by adding a caption or something else. (Princessification and MC to act all girly is so cute)
11/10/17 02:36AM
This is something that definitely needs to be discussed further.

In a lot of ways, the best MC is the more subtle stuff, and that often doesn't lend itself to easy identification. Think about something like this,

Without any context, this doesn't even seem like MC. It only makes sense if you know about the old street fighter anime.
11/10/17 02:51AM
Kachopper9 said:
There is something I do want to say though. There's a whole thing of "Acting out of character".

For instance, I'll use this piece that sealguy did for a request of mine: (It was on /v/, I didn't even mean for it to be from him)

It's out of character, and the originally request I literally mentioned mental changes, but it doesn't really SHOW in the pic, the only indicator is the fact that it's very out of character. Which can be an indicator of MC.

It's sort of a suspension of disbelief kind of thing though.
One person can see it as MC, another might think that's not enough.
However, making the eyes blank or adding a caption or story is enough.

Heck, I'd love to post it here actually, whether it's by adding a caption or something else. (Princessification and MC to act all girly is so cute)

I agree with this too, but sometimes it really is incredibly subjective.
In an example: the Hex Maidiac, one could say that dressing in a maid outfit and cleaning things would be out of character, but who's to say that hex maniacs (or certain ones, maybe) don't like to dress like maids when doing everyday chores?
11/10/17 03:39AM
Grima180 said:
Just so that we are all on the same page, could you lay out the QCC team's qualifications regarding mind break?

Oh jeez being put on the spot
well lets see
the way i see it it all comes down to "does it have hypnosis in it?"
mind break is not mind control/hypnosis

on the hex maniac situation i know someone else brought it up in another post somewhere but the thing here is we have a character who under normal circumstances would be ok on the hub but because her design literally incorporates aspects of what would be ok under that logic every piece of hex maniac on the internet would fit on the hub and that just can't fly so under these cases we have to be more strict.

i hope this helps atleast.
11/10/17 04:12AM
This isn't the most ideal post to bring this up, but I do think that I should be a bit more transparent in regards to my activity here. I ask for users to try and avoid discussing the part I wrote in spoilers, and to keep focusing on the topic at hand amongst one another.

While I am still a mod, I've been working separately from the mod team, and have ultimately been distancing myself a bit from the site. This is due to personal reasons both on and off the site. While I'll still be around to keep checking in, I won't be able to comment as much as I used to. I will try to help out when I can in regards to moderating the site + touch base with the staff, though I again will not be as active as I used to be. So for whatever I say here, please keep in mind that I DO NOT SPEAK ON BEHALF OF THE ENTIRE MOD TEAM + ESTABLISHED RULES OF THE SITE.

Anyway, here's what I can say thus far:

Morgoth said:
I wished to make one particular comment about this for some time now, so thank you for opening this topic.

Whenever you flag an image, you are required to give a reason. If that reason is valid or not is up to be decided by the QCC. However, I think giving a specific reason - even something as basic as "no mc" or "whitewashed eyes" - should be a must. Getting an image flagged with merely "QCC review" as a "reason" just feels wrong to me.

Sometimes this would be done by mods like myself, in regards to having posts be up for review with the rest of the QCC. Despite no specific reason being given on some of these posts, most of them with "QCC Review" would be discussed more in-depth amongst the QCC in regards as to why it was flagged in the first place. For any uploaders, artists, manippers, etc. asking for the reason why it said "QCC Review," myself or any other mods would explain why.

I do agree that it would be best to clarify why certain posts are flagged as such, but in the case of independent users not being clear, we can't exactly do much there.

Kachopper9 said:
There is something I do want to say though. There's a whole thing of "Acting out of character".

For instance, I'll use this piece that sealguy did for a request of mine: (It was on /v/, I didn't even mean for it to be from him)

It's out of character, and the originally request I literally mentioned mental changes, but it doesn't really SHOW in the pic, the only indicator is the fact that it's very out of character. Which can be an indicator of MC.

It's sort of a suspension of disbelief kind of thing though.
One person can see it as MC, another might think that's not enough.
However, making the eyes blank or adding a caption or story is enough.

Heck, I'd love to post it here actually, whether it's by adding a caption or something else. (Princessification and MC to act all girly is so cute)

It's best to play it safe when characters are depicted as acting "out-of-character" as to have a clear sign of MC present, be it a pendulum, hypnotic/magic/tech accessory, specific eye effects (not just something pasted-over via a manip), etc. This argument has been brought up time and time again, and if it were to be honored, it would allow for WAY TOO MANY POSTS TO BE CONSIDERED AS MC:

Examples of Characters Acting "Out-of-Character"
>Porn parodies of animated kids shows where the characters are all fucking.
>Fan fictions of characters being paired/shipped together, despite having no chemistry or no prior relationship ever established.
>Characters appearing in alternate outfits that don't fit them at all. Beyond the Hex-Maniac in a maid outfit pic, <<|this character would not normally wear this outfit,>> nor <<|would these characters even be able to swap outfits easily.>>
>Characters partaking in [insert random non-MC fetish here].
>Alternate realities or reimagining character's backstories, where they may have become a completely different person had the reality/timeline changed.

This down here is one example of depicting Samus as a princess (beyond the Rosalina comic, which is definitely a solid example):
While obviously it's more about the several pics of transformation/bimbofication instead of just one pic, the overall idea is made unquestionably apparent.

I would ask the artist if he could help you out with adding a minor detail to make it MC, be it dialogue, eye-effects, glowing accessory, etc. It may seem small and unnecessary, but it does make it work out in the end, and it especially looks better for the original artist to do it than that of a manip.

TalahDarkfang said:
[spoiler]I agree with this too, but sometimes it really is incredibly subjective.
In an example: the Hex Maidiac, one could say that dressing in a maid outfit and cleaning things would be out of character, but who's to say that hex maniacs (or certain ones, maybe) don't like to dress like maids when doing everyday chores?

Pretty much any fictional character can be speculated to be a certain way or act a certain way by the fanbase if it's never something that's canonically established. As I said above, it's best to have some form of MC present as to properly justify the character's portrayal, and for us to not have to give that "benefit of the doubt" for every post that may not fit...
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