11/10/17 04:10AM
How to remove posts from pools on mobile
Guys I done goofed. I tried to post, added the post into the wrong pool, then tried to delete it to undo it. Now I can’t get it out of both my own pool and some random other pool, and can’t access the tags to remove it. Keep in mind I’m on mobile. HEEEEEELP
11/11/17 06:41AM
iFail said:
Guys I done goofed. I tried to post, added the post into the wrong pool, then tried to delete it to undo it. Now I can’t get it out of both my own pool and some random other pool, and can’t access the tags to remove it. Keep in mind I’m on mobile. HEEEEEELP

You should be able to remove posts from pools on mobile the same as normal: the “Remove” button after the “This post is #X in the Y pool.” Make sure you’re logged in and have Advanced Editing enabled in your account settings.

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