11/12/17 03:42PM
Free Request and Commissioning Event: Invisible Hypno-Friend
Hello everyone! We're at November the 12th already, and christmas is right around the corner. And while we wait for all the joy and happiness it brings to us, what better thing to do to show my Christmas Spirit that giving away some free hypno-requests? From today and until December the 15th, I'll be doing some free request for some lucky people!

How this will work is, normally I'd send you guys to my DA, but I dont know if all you have an account there, so you will leave your request on this forum, and on November the 15th, I'll randomly choose 5 between here and DA, and do them.

"But DH, you said from November the 12th to December the 15th, why choosing those 5 on November the 15th?"

Good question! You see, Christmas is the time for sharing and caring, its all about everyone else, not yourself. And thats why from November the 15th, after choosing 5 request randomly, and until December the 15th, every other request will be chosen by someone else, an invisible friend!

And who might that invisible friend be? You might ask. From today, and until the end of this 'event', whoever commissions me, will earn the right to be an invisible friend. I'll let them have a look at the list of comments with the requests, and I'll let them choose what request they want me to do, whether it is because they like the idea, or because they like the person who requested it and want to make them happy, will be completely up to them, your own invisible friend!

So, if want some fine quality commissions, now you can also make someone happy as a bonus! What are you waiting for?! Here are my prices for anyone interested in making someone else smile:

This is an idea I've been thinking for some days now, let me know what you think guys. And remember to post your Request down before leaving, but only after giving a read to these rules:

- There must be some kind of hypnosis involved.
- Despite this being sort of a Christmas Event, there is NO need for the request for being Christmas themed.
- Avoid posting ideas revolving NSFW content such as completely nude characters or sex. Your Request will be ignored.
- Maximum 2 characters.
- You must provide references of your characters.
- All subs must be female, doms can be either male or female.
- Only 1 request allowed, so think what you want carefully.
- All kind of characters are allowed, included OCs.
- Remember that some request will be chosen by invisible friends, so make sure they are fun and original ideas if you want to maximize your chances.
- The 5 winners of the random selection will be anounced on this forum via editing, so check it up on the 15th to see if you've been chosen.

Thats it everybody, good luck!


These were the 5 winners chosen on November the 15th:
3 users from DA:
SwankyPajamas, Robocopp33 and hamn8r.
And 2 Hypnohub users:
Frostbyte and Foffyoul5

Picked by an invisible friend:
Airmanexe (Hypnohub)

Remember you can still commission your idea in case it didnt get picked.
11/12/17 05:32PM
Well might as well put my OC in for a request she's a domm as for the sub I'd like Awake-san.

The idea would actually be Christmas theme.

Imasuky sitting back with a smile reading a book as Awake-san is tranced out looking at her half unwrapped gift which is another book.

11/12/17 08:19PM
How about...

Aqua from Kingdom Hearts being Hypnotized into a Submissive girly, slightly Dizty princess?

Reference: vignette2.wikia.nocookie..../latest?cb=20160924113116
11/12/17 08:23PM
Kachopper9 said:
How about...

Aqua from Kingdom Hearts being Hypnotized into a Submissive girly, slightly Dizty princess?

I also want aqua, but she's all milfy and hypnotizing the viewer
11/12/17 08:56PM
For my request I'd like to see something with Viridi and Palutena from Kid Icarus Uprising. The idea i have for the scenario would be Viridi using a hypnotic gas from a flower to put Palutena into a happy and relaxed trance. Preferably give Palutena a nice big silly grin.

Virdi reference: vignette2.wikia.nocookie..../latest?cb=20160414034404

Palutena reference: vignette2.wikia.nocookie....023151&path-prefix=en

11/12/17 11:34PM
How about kefla from dragon ball super hypnotized?
11/12/17 11:47PM
foffyoul5 said:
How about kefla from dragon ball super hypnotized?

I second this!
11/13/17 01:25AM
Eh, what the heck, I'll toss in a request.

Tatsumaki and Viridi hypnotized and drooling while in bikinis on a beach. Because I have no imagination.

Tatsumaki Ref: vignette4.wikia.nocookie..../latest?cb=20150902232740

Viridi Ref: vignette.wikia.nocookie.n.../latest?cb=20160414034404
11/13/17 03:19AM
Let's do a crossovery thingy: a Disgaea Succubus hugging Estellise Sidos Heurassein from Tales of Vesperia from behind. Estelle has heart eyes and a dazed expression implying she's under the succubus' spell.

Succubus reference:

Estelle references:
11/13/17 04:46AM
The Female Lone Survivor giving Piper who have a dazed smile some "Water" and the Survivor has a devilish smirk on her face


Female Sole Survivor
11/13/17 07:54AM
I suppose I'll request <<www.metroid-database.com/...epts/19of35_variasuit.png|Samus>> <<www.metroid-database.com/...roMission/art/MZMZSSE.png|Aran>> and her first experience with <<www.metroid-database.com/...on/art/ChozoHerbPouch.png|Chozo Battle Drugs.>> Specific effects up to anyone that might pick this up: perhaps mindless bloodrage, or a serene combat trance. Let her do some Martial Meditation.
11/13/17 12:35PM
Alright, I know it's not very original, but here's mine.

Lorelei and Shauntal from Pokemon being hypnotized by a hypnotic object (pendulum, magic crystal, anything is fine), with dazed expressions whilst wearing harem outfits. Also, make sure to keep their glasses on.


11/14/17 04:03AM
This is so generous! Thank you so much, even if I don't win anything

My request is this OC person, Anna hypnotizing Samus with ghostly magic or something. I'd like it with Samus in her zero suit, and Anna wearing what she does in the reference, but you can just have her a wear a black skirt rather than pants. And of course, make sure to give them large assets ;)

Anna - hypnohub.net/post/show/52...s-female_only-happy_tranc

Samus - hypnohub.net/post/show/49...le_only-femsub-frostbyte_
11/14/17 07:00AM
Yay, generosity!

So, my request. My OC who is totally not just me <.< (hypnohub.net/post/show/40...lue_eyes-cat_pose-collar-) in a wedding dress while a woman offscreen uses a wedding ring on a string as a pendulum to hypnotise her into being her happy, submissive and slutty housewife.
11/15/17 01:09AM
May as well throw my hat in. My request is of Velvet Scarlatina from RWBY being hypnotised to think that -while wearing some bonage gear and the like -she is just going to beacon normally
(rwby.wikia.com/wiki/Velvet_Scarlatina )

Side note: for your commissions, do you accept freedom dollars/ what do you charge in them?
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