11/14/17 03:58AM
EA's Battlefront bullshit
Copied from my DA journal: stepfordcrimson.deviantar...T-EA-S-Bullsh-t-714983422

This is an important special message to all my fellow gamers and Star Wars fans out there.

As you probably know, EA's Star Wars Battlefront II has attracted a lot of attention and hatred due to its loot box system and unfair character progression system. For those of you who don't know EA has incorporated a Loot Box system, but unlike a game like Overwatch, these boxes are not easy to get and they include various things that make your characters stronger essentially making the game pay to win. Not only that, but they also locked essential playble Star Wars characters like Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader behind paywalls, being completely locked out until you spend hours upon hours upon hours of gameplay conserving in game credits just to unlock one character.

And after the amount of backlash they got, they attempted to "explain" the reason for such practices, but only succeeded in proving they don't care about their fans or customers, leading to even MORE backlash, with people disliking the post by the THOUSANDS at an alarming rate. You can read the reddit post here

However, now EA has dug their grave even DEEPER. For now they DID promise to lower the cost of unlocking hero characters, but they also LOWERED THE NUMBER CREDITS EARNED BY 75% meaning only 25% of the stuff will be available instead of everything.

EA is showing that they are being SO DESPERATE to make sure that they take away all your money, customer satisfaction be damned. And considering the MANY fiascos like the Dungeon Keeper Mobile incident, it’s become abundantly clear that EA is completely incapable of learning a single solitary thing from past mistakes and actually manage to make even WORSE mistakes later.

I'm making this journal to spread the word loud and clear:


We need to make sure that all of us make sure the word gets through EA's thick greedy ass heads that we will not stand for such practices, and no matter how much the game looks fun, this kind of disregard for fans and gamers should not be tolerated, and that this game should not be bought under ANY circumstances. I know that the name of the game for companies is to make as much money as possible, but you gotta do it fairly, and treating the consumer, THE PEOPLE YOU'RE TRYING TO SELL THE GAME TO, like this.

Spread the word and share this with everyone you know or at least tell everyone to stay away from this game at all costs. We need to make sure that EA doesn't earn a single solitary penny if they're gonna treat innocent gamers who just wanna have a good time with such greed and disrespect
11/14/17 04:01AM
Agreed, but 80% of those who know about this will get the game anyways because they cant resist the curiosity and/or peer pressure.. So all they're ruining is their reputation, but I don't think it'll make an impact, but it'll lower the amount of money they cash in.
11/14/17 04:02AM
Is EA we all pretty much knew they would just go out of there way to defend such practices
not only that but many people already new the game would be pay to win the moment loot boxes were announced.
11/14/17 04:03AM
11/14/17 04:10AM
Wow I knew it was bad but...fuck man that's even worse than I had any idea.
11/14/17 04:45AM
While I am not really a star wars fan (so I don't care much about Battlefront in particular), this is pretty scummy and raises alarms toward any other games they may be involved in. Pretty glad I clicked on this tbh, definitely making note of it.
11/14/17 04:48AM
Unfortunately this seems to be where we're going...

Remember back in the day when video games were about either telling an awesome story or enjoying a nice shoot-em-up with your friends?

11/14/17 04:49AM
Can I get a source of some sort on EA doing this? I had heard vaguely about this, but all I heard was that they cut the price of the characters by 75%, nothing about them cutting the contents of lootboxes by the same amount. And I can't exactly cite this forum as an argument with non-kinky friends, soooo.....
11/14/17 05:06AM
11/14/17 05:30AM
Regulations need to be made. Don't care who it's from.
11/14/17 05:57AM
One step forward (in terms of Battlefront II being much more content rich than Battlefront), two steps back.
11/14/17 06:01AM
So, I'd prefer if the thread topic were something a little less uppercase and clickbaity and offensive. Mods will see the topic and close it just because of that (note to mods, change the topic title instead of closing the whole topic - thank you).

Contorted said:
Regulations need to be made. Don't care who it's from.

No one seems to see themselves responsible. Basically everyone is refering to country or state laws, which could result in even more of a mess if they decide to handle things differently. Then we may not see releases in certain countries because they forbid it, equally to what happened in germany (though the market there is so big that they get a different version in most cases, but not in all of them).

What I find so absolutely baffling is that they still make games which do not respect your time. Yes, it may be that certain heroes now cost 75% less - meaning they take only 10h to unlock instead of 40. 10 hours is way too much. You should be able to unlock everything after around 150-200h. Even hardcore JRPGs that require multiple playthroughs give you 95% of achievements in that time with the last 5% locked behind another 50-200h.

So let's say we go the hardcore way and 400 hours. Taking into account that most people with a job and even students have a reasonable amount of 2-4 hours to play (without going too overboard on it) on average. Then we have around 20h on average per week we are looking at. That would be 20 weeks or around 4-5 months of playtime for the average player. Of course there are some people that would play a lot more, but even these players would need 3-4 weeks of extreme hardcore playing until they got that sorted out.

So how long does it really take to get everything right now? Someone on reddit calculated it.

4500 Hours.

So how much is that? That's for the above average gamer (20h a week) 225 weeks or 4.5 years. For someone playing 14h a day, every day, it would still take almost a year. For someone with a family, having only 5h time to play each week, we are looking at almost 20 years.

They already said more content is coming in december. That is 3-5 weeks counted from this weeks release. How do they expect people to unlock that? Do we need to all play on one account 24/7 using some kind of time sharing theme so it gets played 24/7? Even then it would still take 27 weeks of doing that to get everything. I mean, did anybody ever do the math on that?

Oh yeah ... this dude did:
11/14/17 06:25AM
Imasuky said:

This is pretty helpful

Yeah... to answer Gus at the end there of "Could this have been avoided?"

The answer is no. It's EA. There was no avoiding it. It was inevitable. This is just the beginning, and I guarantee we have yet to see the worst of lootboxes.
11/14/17 06:27AM
HypnoMangaEditor said:

Oh yeah ... this dude did:

11/14/17 06:28AM
While, I was never a supporter of EA's Battlefront series to begin with, what pisses me off the most is that they misled the public by giving reviewers copies that allowed them to unlock stuff faster that the average consumer;.
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