12/27/13 08:16AM
Trances in Bed (AzureDemon)
Hey guys. This is my first serious attempt to write a longer erotic story, made especially for HypnoHub. I have no idea what the final length will be, but I'm going to post it over time in short chapters as that's probably the most that's feasible on here. Anyway, without further ado, I present this first one. It's sort of... a tease, for things to come.



I kiss her quickly before she responds, “Yeah?”

“I, um…” I lick my lips. It’s not like me to get nervous, but ever since I decided Shella could be ‘the one,’ I’ve been a little more careful with her. Doesn’t help that the sight in front of me makes me short of breath--her light brown eyes, black with makeup, gazing keenly up at me; her long brown hair scattered across my pillow; her whole curvy body naked beneath me, drawing all my attention.

But this isn’t about my desire. It’s about hers. Getting so strong that she’s all over me. That’s what I want more than anything else: this tame but otherwise perfect girl to just… go wild.

“I want to try something,” I finally say softly, low, looking her dead in the left eye. It’s a little trick I learned to pass things right by a person’s logic centers in the brain. I always talk to her this way. As I slide a finger along her inner thigh I continue. “I think it would be fun to see if I could hypnotize you. Then I could try to, say, make your orgasms more intense.”

Without saying a word she tells me with her eyes that she’d love that.

I lean in even closer, smiling subtly. “And you can trust me.”

“I do.”

“Good. Then why don’t you close your eyes for me, baby, and just relax…”

Once I get started, my mind begins to drift back to the first time I ever did this. Not terribly long ago, with another beautiful girl. The wrong girl. But beautiful nonetheless.


It wasn’t often—back then—that I woke up with a girl in my bed. That’s why when I emerged from my wonderfully erotic dream to discover that I was holding a real girl, my brain whirled. I could barely make sense of the other pelvis pressed up on my erection, the thick breasts squishing against my chest.

Vaguely I remembered her name, Eloise. The one I’d met at the fair the night before, half-drunk. She and her friends had come back to my party back home and we’d slammed enough vodka to obliterate almost all of the rest of the night. To this day all I can remember is arguing with her on the couch until all I could do to shut her up was give her a sloppy, drunken kiss, leaning over her bare skirted legs. It’s not hard to imagine how we ended up naked in my bed.

Still, big score for me, seeing as I hadn’t managed to get laid in over a year.

Pushing her strawberry blonde hair back from her face, I softly kissed her lips. She stirred and opened her dark eyes, though she never seemed to focus. “Hi.”

“Morning,” I breathed. This was the first time I’d seen her through sober eyes. I lifted the covers a tad and looked her over. She was a fairly short girl, possibly what some might call a little chubby. All I knew was, she had some very generous assets, perfect for grabbing onto.

She quickly covered herself up, which surprised me. “Sorry,” I said. “Didn’t think you were the shy type.”

“Only sometimes. Just about looking, really.”

I took a leap: “Round 2?”

“Only if you have a condom. I’m out.”

I didn’t, though. We kissed again in each other’s arms, lips pressing together violently. We almost got worked up enough to do it without one… but not quite. In order to stop myself from just fucking her again right then and there I quickly got out of bed and tracked down all my clothes.

“Well,” she said, “it was fun being your little bitch while it lasted.”

I turned and stared at her. “Say what?”

She laughed. “You don’t remember? You kept talking the whole time about how you own me. I thought it was pretty hot, really.”

Did I say that? Must be a few drinks pumps up the confidence I don’t normally have. I made sure I’d remember that for the future.

“So are you going to ask me out, or is this just like… a one-time thing?”

I hesitated. Here was a girl I knew absolutely nothing about. Except that she was willing to randomly go home with guys she didn’t know, get drunk and have sex the same night. Then again, that was my fault. And for the first time in ages, I was getting some—and with a little hottie, too. One who wanted me to take control of her in a way I’d never gotten a chance to before.

Turning back around, I gave her my best smirk. “Well, I guess I can upgrade you from ‘bitch’ status.”

She smiled and reached for her phone. “Alright then. I better call my boyfriend and dump him then. He’s a douchebag anyway.”

12/28/13 08:25PM
keep going 8)
12/28/13 08:45PM
I like so far more please
12/29/13 09:07PM
Hmm, very interesting: I like the mystery and past narrative that you're using, that last 'oh' was also very well done; impactful one liners are my favorite ways to end chapters.

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