11/27/17 12:55AM
How would I go about playing Saimin Yuugi?
I really want to be able to play Saimin Yuugi, but I'm having some issues. I got the game downloaded, and I am able to launch it using Locale Emulator. However, the game is only in Japanese and I can only read English. So, I need a way to translate the game. I have downloaded both Chiitrans Lite and Agth, but I can't figure out how to use them. I am running Windows 10, if that's useful information. Can anyone help me out?
11/27/17 06:41AM
The easy "for idiots" solution would be to use VNR:

That said I don't know how effective it is since VNR isn't really getting updated and I'm not sure how all the infrastructure works (not to mention the infrastructure is really bloated and whatnot but that's beside the point for the no-thinking-required solution). Some people complain about it lagging their computers but I don't think I've ever seen it do that and I've run it on what'd be considered a potato these days. Initial load times are atrocious (like really, REALLY bad), but I've never seen it do anything that'd interfere with another process. Short of you doing something UTTERLY stupid like trying to use a compiler on a massive project or running a AAA game in the background for some reason. (for comparison, I've seen steam do far worse)

If that doesn't work, I should note that people have reported problems with the most recent versions of Windows 10. Which is unsurprising, "process injection" and "memory scanning" are the things that you kind of don't expect to work between versions of an OS and I don't think anyone is actively developing any hookers right now. Knowing that, you could try the following:
along with

To fix the bit rot if you have problems with google translate.
11/27/17 06:46AM
Thanks, I’ll check these all out tomorrow when I’m on my computer again.
11/27/17 11:23PM
Nothing seems to be working. I think it's because of my version of windows, so is there no way to fix this?
11/29/17 07:30AM

Try the top suggestion on that. Otherwise I have no idea, ask someone that has Windows 10 cuz I specifically stayed with 7 because I know enough about computers to know this is the sort of thing that breaks between OS versions.
11/30/17 08:26AM
just try vnr, download all the needed packages inside, it should not needed to be updated for saimin yuugi, the game is ancient already. For the translator just use Google as it is the best in the market. If there is any error just printscreen and throw onto imgur or any image host then give us something to see, we are blind just like you without any info from your side.

also, win10 works just fine with vnr so if you cannot load, it is something you have not done right

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