11/27/17 10:47AM
Watersports/Urination, Scat and Gore blacklist (The hidden Tab)
Hey all

I was wondering if any of you agree with me on this but I think these would be good to add that way you can view them if you click on the side you can View/Hide them along with Loli/Shota, even as someone who loves watersports I can say that not everyone would enjoy it, I think it would also help people who want to view such things for example Diaper tag not see Urine/Scat content unless they wanted to, this is NOT censoring content as I fully support Artistic Freedom that you should be allowed to draw whatever you want aslong as nobody irl is going to be harmed, anyway yay or nay sound off below :)

- Fuyu xx
11/27/17 10:50AM
Those are already blacklisted by default.

You can add or remove anything to your backlist.

I can't really understand the wording of this to get what you are taking about.
11/27/17 10:52AM
Imasuky said:
Those are already blacklisted by default.

You can add or remove anything to your backlist.

I can't really understand the wording of this to get what you are taking about.

How do you add stuff to your blacklist? I didn't know there was such a feature
11/27/17 10:53AM
Go to the My Account Tab.

Click Settings, they gives you the Blacklist. Add anything you don't like to it or remove things you do like.
11/27/17 11:04AM
Imasuky said:
Go to the My Account Tab.

Click Settings, they gives you the Blacklist. Add anything you don't like to it or remove things you do like.

ah thanks for letting me know
11/27/17 11:08AM
FuyuGraycen said:
ah thanks for letting me know

No problem. Been trying to help with stuff like this even before I was a mod.
11/27/17 05:33PM
FuyuGraycen said:
ah thanks for letting me know

You can also click on "Hidden Posts" on the side in posts view (It's above the list of most common Group, Artist/Manipper, "Series", and Character Tags), and in the text box that shows up after clicking on "Hidden Posts", type the tag you want to blacklist, then click "Add".

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